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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2972227 No.2972227 [Reply] [Original]


Is he finally, unequivocally, /our guy/?

>"He ended it a week ago. He’d heard certain things about her behaviour that didn’t sit well with him.

>> No.2972249

I wouldn't be surprised if his investors told him to cut the bitch or lose support

>> No.2972271

he pumped her then dumped her. that was his goal all along

>> No.2972273

Is this how a sucubus look like?

>> No.2972288

This is what happens when you pump and dump at the highest level.

On to a hotter, younger blonde.

>> No.2972301

lol she looks like a huge whore
good on him

>> No.2972304

Not even that attractive. At his pay grade he could easily get a big tittied 'girl next door' who actually loves him not for his money. He's gotta stop flaunting his rocket ships though when he meets people, he seems like a loser which is why he gets gold diggers.

>> No.2972334

please she's hot as fuck, you wouldn't even be able to be within 10 meters of her without getting an erection you fucking neet

>> No.2972348

I'd say she's a 6/10 i might give it to her after 9 or 10 beers

>> No.2972352

>his investors
you mean nasa and the US government?

>> No.2972442

He probably had the us gvt keep tabs on her and they told him she fucked Aquaman.

>> No.2972451

She's a pump and dump

>> No.2972508

>he seems like a loser which is why he gets gold diggers.
Elon is a gigantic autist, and he got a whole year of fucking this whore.

>> No.2972522

She's got an okay face and is done up, but she's not that attractive to me. I like the cuter/younger looking girls, and she's got one of those hard/older faces. Plus her tits can't be more than B cups, maybe C if she isn't emphasizing them there, but it doesn't look like it.

Her face reminds me of every bitchy girl I've ever met

>> No.2972532
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>i like the younger looking girls

i bet you do

>> No.2972552

god forbid someone likes a girl who looks youthful in his early 20s

>> No.2972562

Nice sold 100k

>> No.2972565

Why are you not investing in this man?

>> No.2972584

>Her face reminds me of every bitchy girl I've ever met
Well, considering what she did to Depp...

>> No.2972610

Tesla has never had a profitable quarter

>> No.2972618

Nice just sold 100k roasties

>> No.2972796

She's already lipsticking the next target - look at the guy's arm.. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXYFaUqgZw6/?hl=en&taken-by=amberheard

>> No.2972817
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>> No.2972834

based elon

you can't tusk the musk

>> No.2973169

Pumped and dumped in front of the whole world. It's what she deserved for what she did to Depp.

>> No.2973197

how will roasties ever recover?

>> No.2973251


I had some really really filthy rich friends when I was growing up, I watched how their fathers were. I think when you get to that level of rich you just accept that any "love" from a woman is inextricable from her lust for your $$. It's part of the territory and they just go with it.

>> No.2973364

>At his pay grade he could easily get a big tittied 'girl next door' who actually loves him not for his money

>he needs money to get a girl that doesnt want his money

>> No.2973445

Normies will never understand
These famous hot bitches have an attitude like no other chick you'll meet
Just being near them you fall in love, every little thing they do is fucking sexy.

Literal succubus

>> No.2974584


>> No.2974631

If by attitude you mean they can suck a golfball through a garden hose and are cool with threesomes so long as you keep pulling out the black card every shopping spree...

>> No.2974974

>when she acts like an entitled bitch itz so sexy bro

>> No.2975045


"elon musk allegedly dumped amber heard but just liked her new instagram photo which is psychotic pic.twitter.com/GBKRUPTDEv"

"From the same guy who said this:

Some of the future episodes of Westworld feature my ex. Talulah does a great job of playing a deadly sexbot :)"

Musk is gay as fuck. These bitches are beards.

>> No.2975062


Jewish as fuck too, oy vey

>> No.2975076



and yes Elon is a pimp. Wolf of Wall Street wishes he was Elon Musk.

>> No.2975092
File: 108 KB, 950x1330, 1261786-miley-cyrus-performs-on-the-nbc-today-950x0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay sex (anal and oral cock sucking and cum eating) is the epitome of hedonistic indulgence.
why would a wordly man of his financial stature deprive himself
but they probably think the public isn't really ready to buy cars and batteries and shit from a gay manwhore.

>> No.2975143

He realized he wanted to fuck men all along

>> No.2975542


Trump personally told him to cut the bitch loose. Pence then followed up with "or she'll get Monroed".

>> No.2975569

God shes so hot.

/ourguy/ is too much of a beta male to handle that alpha sloot.

>> No.2975646

Redpill is spreading. 10 years ago our guy would have lost half his $ and his kids to this slut.

>> No.2975883

Is this what normies' thought process actually looks like? What the fuck? Do you not realize you contradicted yourself?
You're an idiot.

>> No.2976143

musk is a balding loser cuck who got a hair transplant

>> No.2976151

he also remarried a woman he divorced, then divorced her again. he's a cuck

>> No.2976652

yeah that's pretty beta.. that's actually very fucking beta

>> No.2976671
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>sour grapes

>> No.2976691

herp derp some fucking loser on 4chan says he wouldn't bang amber heard "nah bro I can get so much better than that"

whatever you say chief

>> No.2976730

>balding loser cuck
>net worth: 12 billion
>owns a space exploration company
>owns a self driving car electric car company
>cofounded paypal
>owns a tunnel boring company

I could go on...

What the fuck have you done with your life? Lmao

>> No.2976770
File: 11 KB, 165x306, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that because they actually use the profits and inject them back into the company? cause that's what their stock value suggests

stay pleb

>> No.2976920
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Sounds like a bad investment if you ask me...
>tfw all the "good" girls are 6/10 or less
>tfw she cleans your house and does your laundry, but the sex is lame
>tfw ANY woman will run to a nigger for some "forbidden dick"

I've had all kinds of girlfriends and almost got married once, but I decided to go the sex doll route and ditch society completely.

Save yourselves some money anons, buy a waifu pillow and enjoy your financial freedom!
>inb4 jews don't want babby to borned
Deposit your seed if you must, but never inside one of these Famous Thotties - fatty can produce healthier kids anyways and is less likely to fuck up the fetus with drugs and alcohol

>> No.2977535

So she was a lesbian all along?