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29718980 No.29718980 [Reply] [Original]

I sent 0.01 BTC from my wallet to a friends wallet about 36 hours ago, and in my wallet it looks like the sats left but my friend hasn't received them and the there is nothing on blockchair, it doesn't show a transfer has been made there, yet it does show 0.01 BTC are missing at my address and my friends address doesn't show anything incoming either.

>> No.29719142

you sent them to the wrong address

>> No.29719267

Thank you for your sacrifice, the less BTC there is, the more mine is worth.

>> No.29719447

That's called retard tax, son. Sweet deflation, into the void.

>> No.29719776

This was a theoretical problem that wasn't supposed to happen for centuries but it's happening now it seems

Illumeral Phagosomal Deterioration basically the blocks are eating themselves but showing as whole

>> No.29720601

As I said on blockchair.com there is nothing. It would show where it was sent but there is no transfer there.

>> No.29720744

Maybe the coins got stuck in the Segwit loop?

>> No.29720804

It looks like you got yourself a case of the gargantual parpantual dartantualas, also known as Illumeral Phagosomal Deterioration.

>> No.29721073

... it's blockchain, not blockchair

>> No.29721176

Are you 100% certain that you sent it to the correct adress?

>> No.29721496

>Illumeral Phagosomal Deterioration
biology fag?

>> No.29721668
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>> No.29721692

He's talking about https://blockchair.com you banana-brained mongoloid nigger.

>> No.29721804

I got scammed someone on here for 2 ETH u can check my wallet I’m a tucking dumbass

>> No.29721850

I clicked that link and all my LINK disappeared

>> No.29721904


>> No.29721969

wtf my stinkies are gone

>> No.29722027

BTC is a Replace by Scam broken network.

>> No.29722074

did you look specifically for the transaction hash?

>> No.29722095

This is dumb, fuck crypto

>> No.29722096


>> No.29722225

Hm.. Post your mnemonic seed so we can view your private transactions, anon

>> No.29722321

Yeah send me your private key and I’ll check to see if your wallet got stuck

>> No.29722386
File: 75 KB, 659x399, 1 8xraf6eyaXh-myNXOXkqLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is going on with BTC?
>when you're at the top
>there's only one way to go
live it, learn it.

>> No.29722833

you are fucked OP
you should have sold your BTC before the 24th
too late now, now you risking losing them whenever you try sending them

>> No.29723637

What is that?

Yes. And if the address was incorrectly typed then it wouldn't send anyway, the wallet would show an error.

There is none.

What do you mean????

>> No.29724551
File: 62 KB, 450x304, 1584663790248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>29718980 >>29723637

YOU WERE WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see: >>29594637
YOU WERE WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see: >>29596818
YOU WERE WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see: >>29634852
YOU WERE WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see: >>29636521

YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.29724924

see I can do it too

>> No.29725341

I think they called the Illumeral Phagosomal Deterioration, its a problem derived from the segwit loop

>> No.29725749

This. OP is the first /biz/ victim of the SegWit coin-stuckening. His BTC is frozen in one of the endless chaintip forks. He will never get it back. Ever.

Sorry to hear about your loss, OP.

>> No.29725785

Anon they have to go somewhere. Post a link to the transaction, maybe some anons less midwitted than myself can tell you what happened to them.

>> No.29725947 [DELETED] 

Just try it again a couple of times. It should work

>> No.29726016

Just use your seed with a different wallet and see what happens

>> No.29726376
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, 1611818708183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like your client has lost track of one of the coin inputs. Your wallet should have some kind of rescan feature for recovering missing funds.

>> No.29726485

Just sent some sats to another wallet and arrived in a few minutes
Used segwit for the transfer

>> No.29726570

u chimped out on the fee, didn't you. Pay the miners or they take your coin.

>> No.29726997

This is not a genuine Anon: >>29726485 <-- that is paid agent, and he glows.