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29714883 No.29714883 [Reply] [Original]

Round 2:
- Anonymously hosted website
- Accept payment only in crypto.

Anons tell me why this wouldn't work? Another anon brought up a good point in the last thread, are these guys that big of a simp that they'd choose to pay more directly to their favorite e-thot vs paying less and getting access to more?

>> No.29714984


>> No.29714993

There probably already is something like this out there which has all the content for free, i'm just not coomer enough to find it.

>> No.29714999

W-who is that?

>> No.29715007

>are these guys that big of a simp that they'd choose to pay more directly to their favorite e-thot vs paying less a


>> No.29715039

People have hosted it but it was shut down

>> No.29715086

I wonder what it feels like to have your face in-between her thighs while she is squeezing as hard as possible

>> No.29715132

A big part of people buying onlyfans is chatting with the girl

>> No.29715180

Norwegian Lifting Goddess on instagram.

I think I have a solution for that anon.

>> No.29715243

doesn't work because a lot of the big onlyfans get leaked for free anyways. look up belle delphine for example

>> No.29715272

Fuck I'll chat with em. We can talk about sports or some shit. How bout them yanks??

>> No.29715294


hes not even hot faggot

>> No.29715352
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Unironically there are guys that pimp girls on only fans and pretend to be the girl on chat. Its good momey

>> No.29715417

i could focus on a smaller lesser known niche broads. make up for it in volume.

>> No.29715427

there's some black market on discord servers

>> No.29715494

Difficult to do. The only fully decentralised way to do it is a stack of IPFS, Ethereum and iExec.

But none of the projects are far enough yet. IPFS and Ethereum just recently started on improving interoperability.

Also, this architecture hasn't been done before, I'm working on a prototype to try this stack but it's quite difficult.

>> No.29715537

look up coval

already being adopted by black market for stuff exactly like this

>> No.29715598

Also, I was just thinking about this use case today with the amount of booba-posting.

>> No.29715606

perfect. 1/2 a LINK per month for access. it could work anon bros.

how does one get into the pimpin' game??

>> No.29715721

simps are all about giving money to the girl, whether she shows her tits or not is irrelevant.
for the porn value, well, there's free porn.
but prove me wrong, anon.

>> No.29716156


My head in between her thighs.

She slowly applies pressure.

>>Lick my clit you little bastard.
>>Make me cum otherwise I’ll squeeze harder.

Yes.. mistress..

>> No.29716353

fuuucck this girl has a twin, exactly the same face and muscular body type but with some big boobaa on her chest, 10/10 if you are into big girls

>> No.29716397 [DELETED] 
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.29716477

my friend manages multiple onlyfans and has to put out DMCA every week, get a new idea nigger, plus theyre all free

>> No.29716550

Nigga. You gosta beiya pimp nigga. Yo nowahm sain?

>> No.29716566

yeah it is good money, my friend pimps out his gf, and 3 other girls. He makes 70k alone off his gf which is 50-50 split

>> No.29716626

70k USD monthly after 50-50 split and tax*

>> No.29716635

Who exactly are you going to serve a DMCA to on a completely decentralised site with tumbled payments?

>> No.29716698

Jesus christ the amount of loneliness one must have to engage in onlyfans just to chat. Just get a therapist and dog or cat. Jesus christ.

>> No.29716880

I want her to punch me when I thrust my dick in her

>> No.29716967

im just saying, there's people who already fucking upload it to free sites why the fuck does anyone want to pay?

>> No.29717089

my mate shows me the chats, more than half of it are horny faggots asking for dick ratings and dirty talk and asking for custom pics/vids, there was a guy he showed me that was like 35 or so and lived with his mum and talked about her in the chats LMAO

>> No.29717095

Fair enough, it's a good point. Might be worth doing it for high-value nudes or like early access although you're right, they will eventually leak.

I'm unironically in it for the tech.

>> No.29717145

>how does one get into the pimpin' game??
It ain't easy

>> No.29717194
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You gotta be on gear to get this big as a female.

She has higher test than you.

Her clit is the size of your thumb.

Her musk is more pungent than yours.

Her hands are more muscular, vein-ier, and have more grip strength than yours.

>mfw I'm ok with this.

>> No.29717284

are you retarded? people have been reselling this shit for years now.

I know 2 people personally that do this. it's an easy 100-300 dollar a month for little effort.

>> No.29717323


>> No.29717337

you're better off marketing and managing onlyfans rather than trying to steal content, there's big money if you can amass a following or pay 3k for a worldstar ad or some shit, ik for a fact that worldstar makes you the money back 10 fold if you got a hot girl sponsored on it

>> No.29717643

Most high-demand content already gets reposted to subreddits for free.

It's a decent idea, you might make some decent coin if you indexed it all in an intelligent and easy to navigate way, but only if you went with tips (rather than a paywall).

The truth is, the majority of the audience is just simps looking for a parasocial connection. The smile and message read they get when they donate, the feeling of connection they get when they buy something specific of her wishlist. Most of the actual content is lower quality than easily accessible porn.

>> No.29717872

Addendum - if you did something more creative, like a sort of secure account-sharing portal, that could make you the big bucks.

>> No.29718310

Why would I pay some random pleb when I could directly support the content?

>> No.29718318

there's an idea. Some kind of in-browser vnc session off the top of my head. I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but it'd require more technical savvy from the target audience. The obvious drawback would be someone spilling the beans to the girls/onlyfans themselves.

>> No.29718357

that site doesn't even work in my country (UK)

>> No.29718432

anon what if you like more than one girl? what if you want to see several of these broads shove stuff up their pooper? You gonna pay all of them $17.99 a pop? It adds up anon.

>> No.29718553

You should end it David Carradine style.

>> No.29718748

The appeal of onlyfans isn't the porn, it's the fact you can message the girls and your coomer monkey brain thinks it's developing a relationship with a woman

>> No.29718810
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That’s a fucking MAN. That’s a chick with a stick

>> No.29720463


>> No.29720612

Ya, I'm thinking I'd give her a nice cumshot

>> No.29721594

>Accept payment only in crypto
Because none of the onlyfans coomers use crypto

>> No.29721662

>are these guys that big of a simp that they'd choose to pay more directly to their favorite e-thot vs paying less and getting access to more?
also eWhoring has been a thing since forever. why are you all zoomers here

>> No.29721800

you cant really see it but that's my tongue on her legs

>> No.29721865


>> No.29721925

>Anonymously hosted website
and there it is. there is the normie's attempt at understanding how technology works. fascinating

>> No.29723474

anon see >>29715494

Much can be accomplished these days anon. Here's an entire LA Times article hosted entirely within the link itself. No servers involved:
tinyurl.com(forward slash)ed4n5shn

>> No.29724332


he's lying to you and you believe it, lol. there isn't that much money in porn, not even close.

>> No.29724367

I wanna sniff that dilfs armpit