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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29697659 No.29697659 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Solid paying job
>Decent amount of savings across stocks and crypto
>Max out loans with as many banks as I can even loanshark companies, credit cards etc.
>Scramble as much cash as humanly possible
>Deposit everything into crypto
>Leave country
>Buy cheap estate on the coast of Spain

At first this was always my last resort suicide play, but its seeming like a better and better idea by the day. I can literally always fly back home to family etc. because you cant get locked up for not paying debts.

>> No.29698233

better make that a non-extradition country bro. What you're planning to do is felony fraud in most of the western world.

It's one thing to fail to pay back a loan - it's a different deal when you intentionally max out your creditworthiness to fuck over the lender(s). That, plus your decision to post here about it, would be all the evidence they need to fuck you up pretty good.

>> No.29698475

>because you cant get locked up for not paying debts.
Lol what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.29699308

Pay denebts

>> No.29699424

Imagine dying of a heart attack in your 30s

Stay /fit/ bros

>> No.29699597

>doing this when the powers that be are moments away from creating a one government system and the same payment system for everyone in the western world
good luck lol

>> No.29699601

That's retarded, you're retarded, you're extra super retarded for having posted about it, and also why the fuck would you even plan to do that?

What you're really saying is you want to be short the dollar. And that would probably be a good bet since we're heading into hyperinflation anyway.

Do all your maxing, take a holiday, come back and pay them off with 0.1% of your new net worth.

>> No.29699737
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Pro tip: APU coin

>> No.29699741

Ah jeeeez