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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29697515 No.29697515 [Reply] [Original]

This is really not good. I don't know how they will fix this but 1/3th of validation power!!!

I sold half of my stack just to take profits. This is really bad news :(

>> No.29697637

switching to $dag

>> No.29697876

Baseless FUD by those who want to get a better entry on FTM

>> No.29697892
File: 84 KB, 338x417, 1585756741491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29697953

"The FUD is coming from inside the house"

>> No.29698011

this is my worry, this is delusional, this is a serious problem for fantom and these comments mislead total noobs.

Fantom right now is fucking rekt whether i like to think it or not

>> No.29698035

ok... if they only have 1/3 of the voting power then how come there haven't been any blocks in 7 fucking hours?
this is more serious that they're admitting it is

>> No.29698080

desperate cope by delusional ftm bag holder

>> No.29698209

where did the validators go and how is Fantom Foundation supposed to bring them back online? don't think for a second that those nodes didn't just run off with all of your FTM. I guarantee you they're going to make mysterious $8million deposits to Andre Cronje.

>> No.29698239

Im not risking it after the token went from 2c to 75c in a few months. The floor is gonna be weak as fuck. Lets hope it goes back to 0.02 and we can all buy back in as whales

>> No.29698248

>literally just a statement from the Fantom Foundation
what does this say about the state of the Fantom project?

>> No.29698255

I concur this very bad for fantom. selled half my stack dont believe i bought this crapcoin again

>> No.29698377

they claim that it's by design, that the whole network is supposed to freeze if 1/3 of it goes belly up. probably to give themselves enough time to buy plane tickets to Venezuela or some shit.

>> No.29698442
File: 260 KB, 563x542, WlQz057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed your tune since yesterday lads

>> No.29698464

Because their aBFT consensus doesn't tolerate 33% voting share between two nodes. It's literally built into the logic of the consensus, idiot. Fud something you understand, otherwise you just look like a cretin.

>> No.29698553

Fuck, this is going to dump hard.
Game over.

>> No.29698614

so the whole network freezes if the two biggest nodes go down?
i don't even think bitcoin would go down if the two biggest mining pools froze. the two biggest BTC ming pools have 1/3 of the hashrate and if they both went offline then blocks would get mined every 15 minutes on average instead of 10.

>> No.29698674
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THX OP JUST MARKET SOLD every project has a dip from ATH even link, ill just buy lower and double my FTM holdings.

>> No.29698688

see, this is bullshit because the real answer is that the nodes went offline and stole everyone's FTM.

>> No.29698722

>t. can't even cash out because txns arent being processed

>> No.29698776

sounds like shitty and broken design tbqh desu famalamadingdong esquire

>> No.29698867

sure faggot, fud some more
see y'all at $2 next week

>> No.29698876
File: 50 KB, 645x973, cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baseless FUD by those who want to get a better entry on FTM


>0 blocks in 7 hours

>> No.29699221

I got in at 4c and half staked. Not selling. I get it. Biztards like you with lesser shitcoins ruthlessly fud what they're intimidated by and missing gains on. No one is shitting on what you hold cause no one cares.

>> No.29699270

this is why proof of work >>> proof of stake

>> No.29699338

lol im a fantom holder but come on man. COME ON

>> No.29699876

until they fucking shut it down because theres fucking 800 million different shit coins being mined by the chinese and other jerkoffs and its destroying the planet

it just needs time hopefully

>> No.29700296

Piece of shit revealed for what it really is

>> No.29700648

>something shits the bed
>its immediately trash
projecting much are we?

>> No.29700922

The nodes can't run off with FTM delegated to them lol.

>> No.29701235
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Based retard.