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File: 1.25 MB, 3024x4032, 1600132285752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29692948 No.29692948 [Reply] [Original]

>don't even want to try and get a girlfriend because I know it's just going to be an infinite money and time pit
anyone else?

>> No.29693046
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How do you people even find good escorts?

>> No.29693093

I still take the occasional shot here or there but yeah, not going to settle, not going to deal with just any old roastie since they're all either a time or money pit. Last ex burned me out bad.

>> No.29693199

unironically be rich
then you hang out at exclusive spots and a ton of hot girls (basically escorts) just come your way

>> No.29693279

I had a girlfriend who bought everything for me. She basically just said "listen, I like getting takeaways and spend a lot of money on it. I know you don't but I want us to eat together so I'm going to pay for it", and then she made her money by doing rich Chinese students' coursework for them. Honestly, it was cool.

>> No.29693363

lol is this skinny chick standing in front of a Weight Watchers just to dunk on the fatties?

>> No.29693574

Yeah haha me too! Definitely why i've been single for like a decade haha.

>> No.29693587

It's cold outside and raining, you have spent the evening drinking lager and sweating over BTC charts, you have finally decided to make a move in to to the latest biz shitcoin hoping for another 4x, but you're tired..it's time to retire to bed.

You step in to the bedroom, the TV still on. You fumble for the remote lost amongst the sheet to turn it off. You open up the curtains just a little to let the breeze in from the open windown.

You finally climb in to bed to feel a warm body next to you, your girl makes a little moan as she finally feels your presence in the bed, you turn over only to have her move her log next to yours so you are touching as she drifts off...

Yeah faggot, it's worth it if you find a decent one

>> No.29693711

>anyone else?
No. I don't have a girlfriend because I don't know how to meet and talk to people without coming off as a socially awkward creepy weirdo.

>> No.29693743

I just fapped dude, I need a break

>> No.29693821
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>banging random women and not creating life
>not joining a strong church, getting married, having children, and serving God


>> No.29693827

Mobile - fucking fat fingers...

>> No.29693943
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>where can I find a strong church, most are cucked

>> No.29694052

here comes the 300 reply thread full of kicking and screaming incels

>> No.29694349

I've checked around on eros, you probably have to pay for a review site so you know what to expect going in and don't get ripped off though.

>> No.29694716

it's nice to have someone who cares about you.
When I had some problems my gf would deep dive online and shill me vitamins and exercises she found helpfull and change her cooking to make it better. I used to get annoyed by her info dump when I voiced any health issue but now I understand that it's her way of caring and I love her more for it

>> No.29694810
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make your own church

>> No.29695188
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>> No.29695356

you can have children without following some gay dogma created by a hippie kike

>> No.29695371

I also have 2 furballs...but a girl who gives a fuck is much better

>> No.29695429

dont get gf unless you want kids, there is literally no other reason to date someone and not just fuck random sluts when you get horny

>> No.29695514

No the rest of us all love pussy here.

>> No.29695599


I just want to feel the warmth of an attractive girl. And be the envy of other guys. I think I may be too shallow.

>> No.29695700

Looks like someone sharted all over her neck and chest

>> No.29695717

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.29695796
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>touching your girl's log
you fucking faggot

>> No.29695851

I'm 18 and never had sex, I want to taste a pussy so bad or else I'm become a faggot

>> No.29695861

>good things in life are money and time pits
>might as well just not have anything that makes you happy
>meanwhile on 4chan

>> No.29696000

bro, she will choose the more popular guy over her soulmate every time. a female is a harem girl, nothing more.

>> No.29696067

thats because u havent really been trying

>> No.29696165

I tried a lot and I am still trying

>> No.29696322

Yes, but I checked my free testosterone and it's 36ug/dL which would be low range for a 70yo, I'm 26

>> No.29696382

The only thing a woman can do that a man can't do better is give birth and modern western women aren't interested in doing that anymore.

Thanks jews.

>> No.29696619
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im gettiing divorced. i learned a hard lesson about female nature too late in life. thankfuly i live in a country that still respects marriage so looks like my wife will be paying me 20k in damages for being a whore.
seriously bros, dont get married unless you really have your shit together or you will end up divorced. women are always looking to upgrade on you because they are fucking whores incapable of unconditional love outside theur own children.

>> No.29696840

you literally couldnt get a girlfriend if you tried you ugly troglodytical cockroach of a man

>> No.29696885

you not only fuck but actually date trannies, you're in no position to be giving out life advice

>> No.29696909

Even with their own children. They only love because they see a future insurance policy to take care of them at old age.

Went my own way, by myself without family. Doing fine now

>> No.29696912

she is physically perfect

>> No.29697007
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women are a waste of oxygen

>> No.29697009
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Got a date to get fish & chips with a fit bird tomorrow night, wish me luck lads

>> No.29697061


>> No.29697117

It is but not if you find one that's actually about equality. My gf is in med school so I pay for most shit but she said she's going to spoil me once she's out of residency and practicing making 300k a year. Play the long game and take the gold digger pill anon

>> No.29697119


>> No.29697129

>dont get married unless you really have your shit together
um that's more reason not to get married. a rich guy is an obvious target to be taken advantage of. unless he is rich and has a perfect body. but a regular ol' rich guy will be shamelessly used for his money while she goes and cheats.

>> No.29697154
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>looks like my wife will be paying me 20k in damages for being a whore.

>> No.29697239

lmao she's going to dump you when she graduates and has already been cheating on you the entire time. she used you like the sucker you are.

>> No.29697274

Lol that relationship will end as soon as she starts making 300k

>> No.29697282
File: 9 KB, 250x225, 65240F6E-36C6-427F-A50B-EBCC4AA09C31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you and your children can experience eternal life, but not if you continue to be Satan's bitch.

>Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
1 John 2:22

>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
John 3:16

>> No.29697288

wtf is that from lmao

>> No.29697326

why are eastern euro skulls so fucking weird lmao

>> No.29697361
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this nigga dating a bird

>> No.29697363

Me too but I made a mistake of dating a trad girl. Once she introduced me to her family, my family got involved and I can't just dump her.

>> No.29697364

This made me hard. I can't coom unless someone is being hurt or killed. Bless your heart, anon, you did well.

>> No.29697393

Then you don't understand their nature. They always date up and upgrade (monkey branch).

>> No.29697451

hun, mongol, tatar invasion

>> No.29697557

lmao. you watched 5 mgtow videos and think you know more than me.

>> No.29697611
File: 30 KB, 266x180, EF9C445B-B115-4712-A4AA-630508188AEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, it's my honor. 100% better to be a goy than a denier of Jesus Christ and part of the synagogue of satan

> I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9

>> No.29697703

>they always date up and upgrade
she will use a rich guy for his money and make him raise the bad boy from the gym's kid. a rich guy is not "better" he just has money for her to use.

>> No.29697775

Lol sure thing kid. Let's see how many chase you when you're broke.

>> No.29697969
File: 106 KB, 1147x1200, photo_2021-02-18_16-23-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% better to be a goy than a denier of Jesus Christ
have fun being a faggot

>> No.29697971

lmao. women cheat. especially on douchebags who only have money and nothing else to offer.

>> No.29698135

If you are charming and good looking, this play will ultimately attract you tons of women. Trying with women is like an Arbor Knot, the more you pull, the stronger the knot is tied.

>> No.29698203

pray for me brother. I keep watching porn even though I know it's bad for me mentally, physically, spiritually

>> No.29698337
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>> No.29698343

I actually have found a girl whom I am going to meet. She is so sweet.
I would love a gf like that :^) I would be so blessed to have her in a relationship with me.

>> No.29698374

Women cheat in general regardless. They only wanna stay with the guy who's got his shit together

>> No.29698375

Many of those women show up to their shoots high and have a history of sexual abuse. You're watching someones pain. Porn kills romance.

>> No.29698435

Learn how to eat pussy/make her climax and she will buy you stuff.

>> No.29698447

reminder that rabbis literally suck babies' dicks

>> No.29698484

on onlyfans?

>> No.29698551

my girlfriend gives me money to gamble on the stock market

>> No.29698656

>worth it if you find a decent one

gl with that

>> No.29698707

No. But it was online though. Dating app
I know, I know.

>> No.29698810

>a history of sexual abuse
they're being abused by the slimy jewish porn industry itself as well. which takes advantage of women with low self esteem, drug addictions, and mental and emotional issues.

>> No.29699040

I know

>> No.29699174

not on the guy she's actually afraid of losing, which is never the beta bux. she might appear monogamous but that's about saving face.
I guess your goal is to "appear" to have a monogamous girlfriend.

>> No.29699242

Yeah OP I'm sure that's why you don't have a GF

>> No.29699277

Okay, so stop jerking more yogurt out of your bepis all the time then, faggot. Just don't like at it, that's literally all you have to do.

>> No.29699362

If she finds a better guy, like better looking she will.

>> No.29699419

ITT: incel cope

>> No.29699500
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I can post arbitrary images which support my view too

>> No.29699649

>It is but not if you find one that's actually about equality.

>> No.29699916

>bro they're waste of money
>bro all women are sluts, they are not worth it
Why is it that everyone who uttered these hilarious excuses turn out to be massive losers who can't get a 2/10 even if they tried their very best? Seriously, every time I hear anyone saying shit like that they turn out to be massive virgins, it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.29700078

You're not wrong but it's not ez
I quit for like 2 months at the longest, and I was having dreams about jerking off and shit
Had this like phantom itch in my jerk off arm until i swung it up and down in a jerk off motion and I had waves of relief through my body, just from jerking my hand up and down

I will conquer it this year for good. But pray for me if you will

>> No.29700210

Based and log-pilled

>> No.29700244

Nah, everyone who chases them and is extremely thirsty are massive losers.

>> No.29700279

Women are the rake of life
- Worm

>> No.29700400

I hate how society judges you based on your ability to pull pussy
only 15% of the desire to pull girls is from attraction, to me
The rest is only because everyone disrespects you if you don't

>> No.29700408


Have you ever heard of the concept that the present > past? Slavery used to be legal. Now it is illegal. If they haul you into court for your 37 slave labourers in your toxic chemicals factory you can't say 'well this used to happen all the time! Julius Caesar was happy with slavery!"

It doesn't fucking work. It doesn't matter if the Bible says 'Synagogue of Satan' or if 10,000 saints abhorred Jews. What matters is the present. The Pope. The modern cardinals. The modern bishops. The modern American Protestant Heretics. The Church of England. The Orthodox. What do they say? That is what matters.

>> No.29700453

Only if you're a pussy about it. I make infinite money more than my gf and she has to pay for all her own shit, half the dates and has to pay me rent.

>> No.29700479

I gave up years ago, I only fuck escorts

>> No.29700494

kek look at this fucking cringe fest
>oh no, they killed this one jew we worship instead of our own people because he said to turn the other cheek and hate money because reasons

>> No.29700570

>this video game is better because it's new.

>> No.29700592

Pray for the gift of chastity fren

>> No.29700791

Yup. Can't wait for all the "dude bro" incel beta cucks from red pill forums to come and ironically try to coach everyone thinking they are fucking chads

"dude women are basically animals man this guy i follow on the internet says so in dated English prose"

If anyone here is still a virgin then you really haven't been trying. Keep your appearance up to par, practice being social as often as possible and stop goddamn fapping to porn twice a day.

>> No.29700792

>classic literature is worth less because it isn't new.
quite the opposite, classics are the bedrock.

>> No.29700832

You don't understand. I need to get my dick sucked every day or at least every other day. My girl is cheaper in the long run than an escort.

>> No.29701032

You lost me at log mate

>> No.29701038


This site is filled with incels that hate women. You all have never had sex, found shit partners, or were dropped because you were too beta or unwilling to be a good partner. Despite what you think some people actually find happiness with a woman. Enjoy being lonely neckbeards your whole lives

>> No.29701104

Have you ever heard of the importance of tradition in the Catholic Church? Oh, right you don't since you have no idea what you are talking about.

>This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely connected to it. Through Tradition, "the Church, in her doctrine, life and worship, perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that she herself is, all that she believes."37 "The sayings of the holy Fathers are a witness to the life-giving presence of this Tradition, showing how its riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her belief and her prayer."38

The pope can say whatever he wants, doesn't change the fact that the Catholic Church is and always has been antagonistic to other religions, as well as Judaism. I could cite for example the Nostra Aetate or Lumen Gentium on these matters.

The Council of Florence, Cantate Domino:
>The most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics, can have a share in life eternal; but that they will go into the "eternal fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels"

The Second Vatican Council, Lumen gentium, 14:
>"They could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it, or to remain in it."

The Jew is damned and your clickbait headline doesn't change that fact.

>> No.29701119


>> No.29701223

I'd rather be poor with my loving wife then be ritch fucking hookers. My wife's love makes life worth living. Thank God I'm only a little poor though.

>> No.29701290

Need the volume on this.

>> No.29701340

yea this is why when you talk to girls you just keep it pure cocky/funny and sexual. fuck if they're down, and if not, keep moving.

>> No.29701383

Checked and GOYPILLED
Fuck the KIKES

>> No.29701390

>fish & chips
fuck. I'm hungry now Anon

>> No.29701395
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>Despite what you think some people actually find happiness with a woman
some people find happiness being homeless. what's your point, that women are not whores

>> No.29701427
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>her log next to yours
audible kek

>> No.29701527

love to see her with a bbc

>> No.29701609

fuck angie varonay used to be so hot

>> No.29701661

all abrahamic religions are utter shit. the jews and all their bastard shabbos children, too. you should kill yourself

>> No.29701768

>it's worth it if you find a decent one

Stopped reading there

>> No.29702006

Yes because I want to give the kikes more children to sacrifice to moloch. Fuck this gay earth, I have no reason to give back to it, only take.

>> No.29702032

most women like strong men. Strong in mind, strong in resolve, strong in body.
When the shit hits the fan you will be their rock of support.
Do not buy into their little shit tests. Stay strong in your convictions.
Do that and any woman will love you, be by your side for life and want to carry and nurture your children.

The keyword here is strength.
In all areas Anons.
Mind, body and resolve.

>> No.29702149
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When and if shit hits the fan I want to be a warlord and have a harem of women to rape while I execute normies. I reeeaaally fucking hope this country does collapse. Its the reason I keep living desu

>> No.29702176

Forget the money and time, God forbid you catch real feelings and lose them. You'll never recover. No one really does. Be happy alone anon, you're better off.

>> No.29702367
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I missed out on link because of a whore of a gf. Never again.

>> No.29702408
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>what's your point, that women are not whores

>> No.29702463
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Stop apologising for women you faggot. A woman who spreads her legs for Tyrone in front of Silberbaums camera is responsible for that decision. She wanted nigger dick. Moved to LA to not only get nigger cock, but be filmed whilst being pounded by said nigger cock. Women are fully sentient human beings that can vote, you know?

>> No.29702498


>> No.29702736
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>imagine deriving your happiness from female attention and ridiculing others that dont
Women are vessels for queefing out your clones. You thank them by giving them shelter food clothing. It's just business. Simple as.

>> No.29702757

Ok simp. Yes the porn industry is mostly slimy jews but most of those women are just dumb whores who wanted easy money without having to work for it.

>> No.29702758

>he thinks women are capable of taking responsibility for their decisions

They literally just do whatever the prevailing man/power structure tells them to do.

>> No.29702999

>It's cold outside and raining
Fuck no. Never.

>> No.29703156

Which is why they are subhuman and you shouldnt care about them. They are literally just annoying/needy/liberal sex objects

>> No.29703159
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So let them. Don't jump in and save them from their stupidity. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. Fucking Captain Save a a Thot over here

>> No.29703204
File: 166 KB, 521x434, 92083429-3477-4C3D-939F-5CAB735823BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either mgtow or kike shills

But pathetic either way

>> No.29703286
File: 96 KB, 992x744, ted-bundy-1-ap-er-190213_hpMain_4x3t_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny how you think one must be ugly to hate women. it's usually the other way around

>> No.29703287
File: 673 KB, 885x960, teddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I get a qt gf one day brothers.

>> No.29703390

To be mad at woman for making bad decisions is like being mad at a dog for chewing a steak that you dropped on the floor. Their degeneration only illustrates the degenerations of the culture that they're enveloped in. Their failure is the failure of the men who were meant to command them.

>> No.29703826

That was the gayest thing i’ve ever read. Get a grip.

>> No.29703858

looks like a ton of bots.

>> No.29704892

What kind of drugs is this?
Why would women hang out with someone who looks like an incel?
Why can I tell that this isn't america?

>> No.29704957

Dogs dont have rights or the capacity to destroy society

>> No.29705030


You're retarded. Tradition is totally irrelevant to the Catholic Church. What they say they believe and what they actually do are totally different. The pope's condoned homosexuality, you know. He said it wasn't a sin. The Church of England let women be priests. Christianity as a whole is totally alien to what it was even 70 years ago.

IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT SOME BOOK SAYS EVEN IF IT'S THE BIBLE. They ignore that all the time. Where is their money going? Where is their rhetoric directed at? What are they telling their followers to do? That is what they are about, whether you like it or not.

Christianity as a whole has little to do with Christ. It is mostly about promoting the welfare of the the third world, encouraging refugees, attacking abortion, maintaining buildings, providing healthcare, subsidizing education and so on. In the case of the American megachurches, it's about extracting money from low-IQ burgers. Theology is totally irrelevant. What matters is money and influence.

>> No.29705209



>> No.29705631

Yeah I was in Vegas one time in a night club and a bunch of hookers just walked up and offered service. They were skanks tho. I'm sure you could find higher quality ones if you just look around online

>> No.29705717

I've had two different girlfriends. I'm still together with my second girlfriend, four years into it now. Doesn't really cost me that much desu. A birthday gift, a christmas gift and some flowers on valentines probably costs me about $150 a year.

Doesn't just go one way either, i get gifts from her as well, and we split the bill every time we go out to eat

>> No.29705774

>tradition is irrelevant even though the catholic church literally says it is in the catechism.
Keep conflating the spirit of something with the actions of something and you'll always find a way to be right. As a Catholic you find teaching in infallible statements not infallible ones. Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. You probably don't even know what papal infallibility is.

>> No.29705892

>birthday gift
Waste of money
Partaking in judeo commercialist soulless holidays

>> No.29705968

"Hey anon in going over to Chins dorm to do course work with him. I'll be back late. See ya"

>> No.29706005

It’s actually ass

>> No.29706079

Sorry infallible statements not fallible statements*

The mistranslation of the pope's statement, even if it was true, is not infallible and binding on the faithful.

>> No.29706238

Well I pay half as much on rent now so I can dump most of my pay into stocks so yeah I'd say its worth it financially. Plus we love eachother and all that gay shit too

>> No.29706311

I am an incel, I guess I could get laid but with nothing else than coalburners or girls with STDs
Not worth it

>> No.29706323

based christian schizo

>> No.29706332

I fuck 3 different milfs and have never had a gf in my life

>> No.29706360


at some point, you ll need to find more interesting beings. got escorts for free. fucking them is paradise. but after a few weeks, you realize that their mind is fucked up and revolves around gold digging. poor beings.

>> No.29706363

If your girl is shitting in the bed you need to get rid of her

>> No.29706410

I can guarantee my girlfriend makes more money than you do in a year

>> No.29706504

based and log-pilled.

>> No.29707127

Truly a man of taste.

>> No.29707132


>Tradition says that tradition is important

Circular argument/10. Action is more important than words. Actions are real. Action is literally all that matters. You can take your catechisms, theology, the Nicene creed and ... do what with them? What's important is what the results are. If the theology says X, then Y happens, with result Z THEN AND ONLY THEN is the theology actually effective.

Now if the theology says that homosexuals should be stoned and then values move against it and they are not in fact stoned, then the theology gets changed. Christians excel at mental gymnastics, they can just ignore it and move on. If Aquinas says X that's racist or sexist or problematic, then Aquinas gets ignored. There is no such thing as 'binding' or 'infallible'. There is power or there is not.

>> No.29707208


>> No.29707687

Who gave them the capacity?

>> No.29708383

the 1910s-1920s soi cuck equivalent and jews. Why I should give a fuck about any of those groups or women is beyond me. Fuck them all, they've only been a pain in my ass since day 1. We had a country once, now its a degenerate shithole thanks to these fucking "people"

>> No.29709307

The catechism is the present teaching of the catholic church. It's not traditional(past tense) like you say

My argument is from a deontological belief not a consequentialist one. Our fundamental beliefs differ. If Christ says do X and I do Y instead, it's still immoral. What matters is if the action conforms to the initial teaching.

>> No.29709356

Yeah i guess. but it's honestly not that much money to be honest. i make $150 in like 8 hours of work

>> No.29709435

>honestly to be honest
Lmao i'm a dyslexic dumbass

>> No.29709475

my gf pays for me bc i've lost everything when tried to earn gains on crypto

>> No.29709666

I'm in the same boat, romantic relationships just aren't worth it and I have no desire to raise kids in this fucked up world.

>> No.29709797

LMAO It's literally me yesterday

>> No.29709918

>anyone else?
No. Be dominant. Show her how it's going to be. Be the king and she'll treat you like one.

>> No.29710197
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>> No.29710237

probably some kind of salts
young ruskies, sir

>> No.29710263

>her log
lost hard

>> No.29710312

gtfo rusky

>> No.29711242
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There is no such thing as a good escort they will all mechanically fuck you and basically let you jack yourself off with their bodies and your post nut clarity will leave you feeling like a total jackass

>> No.29711319

It’s a drain, not so much money but time and energy

>> No.29711457

At some point, collectively, men have to stand up and say "enough" and put a stop to this. We cant hand this bullshit clown society to our grandchildren.

>> No.29711471
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mgtow for life
trust me it gets a LOT easier once you're out of your horny 20s
just get a premium onahol/sexdoll/fuck college girls on seekingarrangements

>> No.29711572

Sounds like you had a shitty experience, incel. All the GFE escorts I've seen have been varying levels of mind-blowing. Far better than an actual gf could ever be.

>> No.29711897

He's rich and popular in his shithole country, that's why

>> No.29712588
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>> No.29712950

>You climb into bed
>She angrily turns over becuase you woke her up when you tripped on her shoes she left on in the middle of the floor
"Anon you always wake me up when you come to bed, I've asked you to stop"
>She gets angry because you wake her again trying to get comfy
>She sleeps in the spare room
>You get 0 sleep because you feel bad like a retard
>She doesn't talk to you for the whole next day


>> No.29713026

Sorry anon, I am not into Thais.

>> No.29713287

Get yourself a woman who is used to bathing by pouring a plastic bucket of water on themselves. She will be happy with access to refrigeration.

>> No.29713467

Based. Except if you re 100% sure she is good wife material.

>> No.29713680

there are countless broke dudes with hot, loving girlfriends - gay lame cope thread

>> No.29713945

sound like shes prepping to dump your dumbass

>> No.29714055

I live in my gfs condo rent free speak for yourself OP

>> No.29714084

you are coping, you want to find one but your insecurities dont let you

>> No.29714135

I found some escorts online but it feels risky and like a scam

>> No.29714165

The time is the worst part of it.

>> No.29715057

>buy my fiancé the ring she wants, couple thousand
>anon it’s too big can we get it sized down? $200
>oops I bent it at work can we get it fixed? $200
>anon my dog had diarrhea so I took him to the vet, don’t worry he’s fine. $500 for literally nothing
>gets me $300 pair of boots for my birthday after I told her not to if it was going to get her in trouble. Hey anon I’m gonna be short on rent money this month can you pay a little extra? $300
I can go on and on. Women are literally children mentally and have zero concept of hard work or money management. You never get back what you put in

>> No.29715347

Too late

>> No.29715385

>Why can I tell that this isn't america?
because there aren't any blacks or hispanics

>> No.29715680

I’m now paying off my wife’s debts. She has literally nothing to show for it and god only knows what she does with it. Just fuck my shit up bros.

>> No.29715826

Made me reply

>> No.29715959

Try the hotel bars of the finest hotels. They hang out there. Otherwise tell the conscierge you're in the mood for some female company and if he can recommend some service.

>> No.29716391

Close to my experience
>Work 2nd shift so I don't even get home till 2
>Start jerking off
>Go to bed
>Still kinda horny
>Finger her for a bit while rubbing
>Slip in and come within 30 seconds
>Go to sleep
>Wtf I didn't sleep at all last night
>Sorry was horny last night

>> No.29716451

He will be the one giving you service if you say it that way

>> No.29716529


Thats why guys go to Asia

>> No.29716657

If you have to make a thread like this, that means you secretly do want a gf but are just too much of a loser to get one.

t. asexual who truly doesn't want a gf

>> No.29717845


>> No.29717945
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>> No.29718109

whats a girlfriend?

>> No.29718167

I am a millionaire, where are these exclusive places? I have no idea how to flaunt my wealth. I am still living in the same 1 room apartment I rented years ago.

>> No.29718429


>> No.29718655

For the past seven years I've been dating a milf whose bills are paid by her husband. He's not a total cuck but he likes to share.

No kids, no added expenses, good relationship & sex, and all the alone time I want. I'm happy and saving tons of money.

>> No.29719337

Does a more pathetic example of a staged picture exist? She's putting the ring on his finger. Are we meant to believe that these people have held their amazement throughout the whole <ring comes out> <asks the question> <answers the question> <puts the ring on> sequence? Given the guy's posture in the back he'd have to have been leaping around the whole time to. Can't these fuckers have a real moment in their entire god damn lives? Forget the fact that it's the most cucked situation in existence, it should at least mean something to the people who are living it. Absolutely soulless animals.

>> No.29719629

After growing up in a christian household the family section triggered the fuck out of me

you know jesus doesn't approve of jewish merchants hoarding wealth why the fuck do you think he'd approve of buying stocks gtfo of this board christfag

>> No.29720295

>i had
what happened anon

>> No.29721403

Eros ia shit... eroticmonkey.ch

>> No.29722062

well that's the end of the post, so it makes sense you would stop reading there

>> No.29722141
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>> No.29722317

Its like having a pet that constantly whines and tears shit apart, also very expensive

>> No.29722457

based. I hear clothes, car, shoes.. basically model like a faggot but act uninterested at a $100 cover bar until the prostitute approaches you. that's what I've heard...

>> No.29722486

Fucking seriously. Don't do it. Women are such timesinks. It's gotten to the point when I get home on friday I just wanna sit my ass down and play video games or study up on some topic I wanna learn about. They just keep demanding attention. It's constant.

>> No.29722548
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I feel the same way. It so tiresome that the pursuit of women is the ultimate goal, yet a fruitless pursuit. It is like Rolling a bolder up a hill only to have it tumble down again
FWTDHWQAD is all that keeps me going

>> No.29722605

>she made her money by doing rich Chinese students

>> No.29722651

Basically left the best girl of my life for this excuse. Make time anon, spend less time here or something.

>> No.29722665

>serving God
I'm not a slave.

>> No.29722781

Christianity was just the (((Marxism))) of the Roman Empire.
Literally a religion of slaves women and the poor. White people have succeeded despite Christianity not because of it. It’s really quite remarkable.

>> No.29722863

>it's a schmuck pays a girl for her med school episode
I hope she actually sticks around anon, but chicks leeching off dudes while earning their way through the medical field is practically a cliche at this point.

>> No.29722878

That’s a lot of mental gymnastics to justify worshiping a kike

>> No.29722888

Western civilization was built on Christian values and they are represented still in everything that you consider good on this world. I'm not even a Christ cuck but this is undeniable. Get a clue fedora redditor.

>> No.29722975
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I don't mind spending money on having a gf, I just don't want the commitment of being tied down to something long-term. That applies to everything in my life (job, house, belongings, etc).

>> No.29722989
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Look at the paypig seethe

>> No.29723101
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>> No.29723131

I’m not anti-Christian really. And the west was built on Greco-Roman values superimposed on the theological construct of Christianity.
The church served its purpose in uniting Europe.
But I just don’t like how anti-semitic Christians do all these mental gymnastics trying to ignore the fact they follow a semitic religion.
Those values served their purpose in our past but we really need to get away from them at this point. They are hindering us. I mean that out of genuine concern for the race not just trolling Christ cucks.

>> No.29723236

Also checked. Based digits even though you’re kinda wrong

>> No.29723274

you could lock it up on dhedge and not tell her then let her think she's draining you if that makes sense

>> No.29723304

Post nose

>> No.29723377

The onus is on the person who worships Jews to post nose man.

>> No.29723631

Montreal Canada has amazing escorts

>> No.29724819

You sound like you treated it like she was somehow different than other girls. I've always had a great time. It's convenient too.

>> No.29725055

i just want to love someone and have someone who loves me back

>> No.29725101

I just want cute girls to sit on my face and playfully tease they're going to fart on me.

What do frens?

>> No.29725556

>the 1910s-1920s soi cuck equivalent and jews
Are you an idiot? Look at the major event that happened in 1914-1918. Men were busy dying or too horrified to deal with issues on the home front

>> No.29725611


>> No.29725818


>> No.29725890

Delta Financial - engineered to explode

Delta is the new project of the CORE devs. It will be integrated into the upcoming coreDEX for options liquidity. Many people got rich off CORE, which went from $130 to over $9000 within a week of its launch. Like CORE, Delta will have almost no sell pressure initially because it’s fairly launched, this time by way of a Limited Staking Window during which you can buy rebasing LP tokens with ETH, and nobody will own Delta upon launch.

However, several key features of Delta basically guarantee that its launch will be an unprecedented success:
- Delta has a 14 day vesting mechanism, only 10% will be available immediately after buying. This means there literally will be no sell pressure for days, resulting in the biggest green dildo in history.
- Delta has hyperdeflationary tokenomics. In addition to the abovementioned 14days vesting, other vesting, re-staking and burning mechanisms will result in most of the supply being removed from circulation.
- The Delta rLP is programmed to rebase itself 30 times upon launch, which will result in billions of trading volume on Uniswap. Yes, of actual trading volume. Combined with the green candle of the Delta chart, these ridiculous numbers will attract every ape in the crypto space.
- Only 1500 ETH of the thousands of ETH already raised during Delta’s launch event will go to Uniswap liquidity, which makes the price relatively easy to move (CORE had MUCH higher liquidity and still exploded).
- The mint price of new Delta rLP will increase by 10% per day, effectively supply capping rLP tokens.

In the longer term, Delta will play an integral part of coreDEX, as this vested liquidity standard will be used for options trading and allow for liquidity provision without impermanent loss. Delta LSW is open until 4 March. Then Delta launches on Uniswap. Be there or be late.

Use my referral to get 10% bonus to your LSW contribution: https://delta.financial/join/510

>> No.29725921

i'm more concerned about the emotional and psychological stuff

>> No.29726089

dont get one
you are right
shit is not worth it
you fuck women and keep leading them on and jump to the next

dont make that mistake

>> No.29726158

I throw a few fries on the ground when I eat outside the Fish & Chips place just so the pigeons will stay the hell off my table. I feel kind of bad though because fried foods are probably even worse for birds than they are for humans.

>> No.29726211

>How do you people even find good escorts?
These days you dont. Ship sailed a few years ago too many normies found out because you fags cant keep your mouth shut.

>> No.29726669


>> No.29726817
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after a hard day of trading, i stumble into bed and my baby half sleeping asks me if the line went up or down, i tell her it went down and she holds me tight and kisses me on the forehead

get one boys

>> No.29726919

my nigga gets it

>> No.29726947

so much this. They tour out west sometimes, and I've spent a good portion of my gains having the most degenerate, filthy sex with the hottest 10/10's you can imagine. Canada has SUCH an underrated sex industry its insane

>> No.29727046
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DFT is your bag to riches, escorts, pajeet slaves

testnet released. mainnet drops soon. major news coming tomorrow and the days to come.

stake the top 16 erc20 tokens on launch day with more and more to come.

LINK perfect example of what will be staked by majority on day

RBC is the token i can't wait for them to add.

>> No.29727159

where do you get these logs anon

>> No.29727423
File: 228 KB, 828x924, 32A3C108-AB57-471A-B157-2F875F6735D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are a waste of time if you’re not using them for only sex and breeding. Incels could never understand.

>> No.29727431

When your single all you want is a girlfriend.
When you have a girlfriend, all you want to be is single again.

>> No.29727635


yep, true i'm 31, when I am banging many girls I want to be in a relationship, and when I finally settle down I want to go back to banging many girls

i hate it

>> No.29727686

That's a man isn't it?

>> No.29727724

Its a cycle that never ends, sadly people just don't realize it.

>> No.29727767 [DELETED] 

I’m an American in dire need of a good Christian brother to extend a helping hand, if you can spare anything you will be saving my life and faith, thank you and God bless America.
I also wish I had a gf

>> No.29727933

Don’t see escorts. Trust me, I’ve fantasize about seeing one for years. Here’s why you shouldn’t:

1. Most decent escorts require your real name and work information. That’s a recipe for blackmail.
2. Condoms do not really protect you from getting herpes and HPV.
3. You never really know which ones do it out of choice or out of necessity/force. I couldn’t live with myself if I saw someone who hated what they did.

You’re better off just jerking off. You’ll have post nut clarity, save lots of money, and have peace of mind.

>> No.29728513

I’ve somehow managed to convince people that I’m relatively normal even though I have panic attacks when I meet new people.
Just smile a lot and always agree with them.

>> No.29728584

I just don’t like any of the religions that are practiced anymore.

>> No.29728952

Human rights and freedom? Yeah that started in Persia and Greece neither of which were christian

>> No.29729672
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>you turn over only to have her move her log next to yours

>> No.29729678

Yeah, they let their country go to shit because they were worried about muh ebil germans.
They fucked up, dont defend them. They got us in this mess by listening to kike lies, fucking normies are sub human.

>> No.29729725

>L O G
genuinely lost hard

>> No.29729900


>> No.29730030
File: 106 KB, 640x895, BBA1BBEF-AF51-4BD2-8813-96D4B6926873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, having a good girl by your side is priceless. if you’ve ever been in love you’d know that. not everything is about money anon

>> No.29730059


>> No.29730259

>slide into bed
>gf moans
>she releases a fat shit
>you touch it

>> No.29730269

transitive verb
To dominate or harass (someone, usually a man) with persistent nagging.
To rule or keep in subjection by superior force of will or assaults of ill temper.

>> No.29730713

eastern orthodox churches are full of based parishioners

>> No.29730800
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based fren. i really pity the other anons who are unknowingly drowning in nihilism

>> No.29730875

t. someone who just read catcher in the rye

>> No.29730983


>> No.29731120

just travel to a small village in eastern europe and marry a young hot broad who wants to get out of her small town and "explore the world"

>> No.29731159


Bakugan discord,

>> No.29731783
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Jesus sent me on earth to manage his money for him.
It's my duty. I must hoard it and I shall use it for good.
I cannot let that money go to planned parenthood and other satanic organisations.

>> No.29732052

I don’t even think I can look girls like this in the eyes.
Anyone else?

>> No.29732560


>> No.29732825

i have a gf, she pays for my stuff

>> No.29732956
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>recipe for blackmail
Sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about. Most escorts have no desire to blackmail you nor much to gain from it. That would ruin a lady's work reputation forever. If the provider you chose is reputable, has a website and social media etc, I don't think you should worry much about blackmail.

Providers who don't screen are more likely to be police or scammers/thieves since they are more concerned about getting anyone to meet them and less concerned about their safety.

Any girl who asks for screening info is obviously intelligent, professional, careful and experienced. If you are seeking a sex worker who has those qualities, they are going to screen you. If you want to go ahead with someone with a looser screening policy, you are also opening yourself up to someone who isn’t as careful. They might not be careful and professional in other ways - getting tested regularly, being on time, meeting their clients needs. They might not be as experienced. If you want something that is safe, you have to be a part of the safety process. You can’t just expect someone to make an exception for you, a stranger.

>> No.29732960

totally agree

>> No.29733189

Why does she stay with you?

>> No.29733413

I saw a working girl a few weeks ago and it was weird experience.

She was incredibly hot and really into it (or at least made a good show of it). I came in the condom immediately but stayed hard and just kept pumping until she leg locked me started contracting. It actually felt horrible to keep going after I came, like my dick was being electrocuted but for some reason I just kept going until my leg started cramping up.

Wasn't a virgin but hadn't had sex in years. The next two weeks after I felt like absolute shit to the point where I could barely function. The only good thing that came of it was I realized it would probably be more worth it to just ask girls out on dates.

>> No.29733438

It’s hard to find consistent ass. Usually non committal booty has a six month lifespan before she wises up

>> No.29733503


You're welcome

>> No.29733560

Because women are fucking stupid. They enjoy being controlled or dominated.
It's 100% bullshit & attitude and that includes married women.

>> No.29733897

A girlfriend's needs grow logarythmicaly with your portfolio. That's why only billionaires can afford girlfriends. Everybody else is stuck with wives and other hog like creatures scurrying for potato skins under the table.

>> No.29734060
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>be american
>can confirm

literally 80% hoglike creatures larping as 'women' around here.

>> No.29734062

>Just smile a lot and always agree with them
That will give you worse panic attacks in the future. Stop while you can

>> No.29734117

I was right, this board is pathetic

>> No.29734129

You only want a woman for the oxytocin hit, elevate yourself and you'll realise that you can get that hit from elsewhere, or you realise that you do not need it

>> No.29734188

>you touch it with the tip of your dick
>the shit gets into your urethra
>infection ensues
>hospital trip
>violent breakup
>domestic violence charges
>5 years in prison
>asshole expanded by tyrone daily
>this all could have been avoided, anon
>why didnt you listen

>> No.29734246
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> my wife will be paying me 20k in damages for being a whore

>> No.29734493

Holy shit man you really gotta look into what happens to women who out-earn their partner, spoiler, she’s going to leave you. I’m not even saying this just to shit on you but you gotta face the facts here man.

>> No.29734532
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FYI the girl in webm is a literal prostitute.

>> No.29734605

ignore the normalfags trying to tell you otherwise, 4chan was much better before those kinds of faggots showed up

>> No.29734658

Waiting for have sex incel

>> No.29734982

this guy gets it

>> No.29735044

>picks her up again just to throw her some more
I'm thinking based

>> No.29735260
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women aren't worth the effort unless you can 100 percent confirm that she won't cheat on you and leave you, anything other than that is a waste of time.
and if you've dated one you've pretty much dated what 80% of women are like since they are a hivemind.

>> No.29735349

With odds like that you might as well get a stone and a syringe, take the monk pill

>> No.29735453

My colleague thought the same only with law school. Guess what, the whore left him 2 months after graduating

>> No.29735541

God bless anon, I'm hoping to find what you have

>> No.29735544

its not real, its propaganda

>> No.29735776
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Mmm, A man that is, Yes.

>> No.29735986
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Married my middle school sweetheart and just closed on a house in the country today. Acre of land and a well, with 3 aryan babies inbound. Get on my level anon.

>> No.29736052

You did great. Where can I find a middle school girl to marry?

>> No.29736234

my girlfriend has a job and I'm staying home. you just have to be yourself bro.

>> No.29736280


>> No.29736667

god is real, you just have to believe in him. I have had several occasions where I prayed to him for things and they happened right after.

he will not always solve your problems instantly and he will also not solve them in the exact ways you wanted to, but he will try his best to make it happen.

>> No.29736855
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>> No.29736976


>> No.29737197

lmao fuck you

>> No.29737358

anon i don’t know how to say this... you’ve already made it

>> No.29737534

I will have as many as God chooses

>> No.29737640

My girlfriend holds more DIA than I do. lel. i feel demasculated.

>> No.29737954

Me too, had a few midterm relationships, shit got extremely boring after 1 year every fucking time and all that's left is her stupid problems and artificially made drama. I now realized the best way to go is to have casual sex when opportunity arises.

>> No.29737983

What if you are throwing money and time into something so good you can't even compare in money? Find the Right one anon

>> No.29738010

She went back to Hong Kong :(

>> No.29738364

My local church supports LGBT and Pride-movement. Probably BLM as well

>> No.29738528

Christ cucks are a lots cause anon. They are staying true to their judeo roots

>> No.29738682

My wife gives me her unconditional love. I had to go to Colombia to find such a princess. Don't date American women unless you want your heart cut out of you and stabbed into a million pieces until it looks like spaghetti sauce.

>> No.29738697

>falling for the azn meme
Race > all. Date outside your race and your relationship is on a timer until one of you suddenly realizes "Wait a moment, my own children won't look like me".

>> No.29738768

Good for you but I generally don't get guys who are okay with their chick out-earning them, I think it sounds risky and like you are not in control.

But I don't mean it personally anon, I am sure she loves you and you will sort it out

>> No.29738850


>> No.29738914

What if I watch some intimate romantic porn made by an amateur couple who are actually together and love each other? Is that bad for my brain? I mean I have taken many fantasies which I want to do with a girlfriend one day

>> No.29739041

Liferally my coworker got engaged and was paying for everything and once she graduated from medschool and was making twice as much as him she dumped him

>> No.29739051

Who let the US to go to shit? You mean the founding of the Federal reserve in 1914?