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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29692056 No.29692056 [Reply] [Original]

The poorfag's dilemma: Is it better to go all in on one or two coins or diversify over 10-20 promising coins. I got about $1200 right now to invest won't have anything else until/if the stimmy gets passed.

I'm already in Sale, VSP, Algo, GRT, HBAR, AMP, ZCN, BNB, and BNF.

Looking to get ADA, Rubic, WGR, XRP, IOTA, COSMOS, DCR, RSR, BNT, LINK and MINT.

I'm sure one of these fuckers gotta 10x soon.

>> No.29692161

>I'm sure one of these fuckers gotta 10x soon.
they already did
now they will bleed against btc

>> No.29692307

I mean 10x again and then maybe a few more times obviously. I'll hold for 5-10 years if I have to.

>> No.29692712

1 or 2. Pick the right one

>> No.29692765

Go all in CTSI

>> No.29693063

You do realize that a 10x on $50 will only net you $500, right? Poorfags never follow this advise until they experience it themselves, but you should do actual research and put everything into 1-2 coins at the most. Catch a 10x on a $1,200 investment and it's still only $12k, but from there you have a little stack you can start to play with. I started with $1k in 2017 and now have just under $500k. Be patient, do your own research, and don't be a weakhanded faggot.

>> No.29693771

Way, way too diversified already and shouldn't be considering any more.
Sell all that you currently hold and add to your 1200 and go all in on one coin, BTC best bet.

>> No.29695112

Poorfag here also, but how will BTC ever 10x? I'm 100% certain literal hundreds of altcoins are going to 10x before BTC comes close to even 5x. Am I wrong?
I was looking into a 50:50 split on two promising altcoins but haven't decided yet, LINK probably for one of them.

>> No.29695692

Don't spread yourself too thin or your gains will be sad.
This, pick your favorites and stack it. If you don't have enough capital, wageslave while waiting for your positions to gain value. Investing is more patience than it is gambling but if you spread yourself too thin, 10x50 is so much less than 10x1000.

>> No.29696161

He's wrong. If you're a poorfag you go all in on one or two altcoins. You'd need bitcoin to hit 100k to double your money. You'll make bigger gains with smaller market cap coins

>> No.29696321

Yeah that's what I thought.
Now to choose the right altcoin is the issue. LINK seems like a long-term hold and shit like FTM looks like it's gonna potentially be huge, but not sure about long term.
Research is hard.

>> No.29696368

How new are you and do you know what futures are

>> No.29696664

i d breed her

>> No.29696757

how fucking lazy do you have to be to split $1200 among like 10 different coins, just pick 2 that are promising dumbfck

>> No.29696978

We aren't talking about futures you little faggot.

>> No.29697084

nice anon, not OP but would you mind sharing what coins you're into now or have high hopes for?

>> No.29697199
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How do you guys do your research anyway? Or where? I don't really know yet where I could source useful infos regarding crypto. I want to DYOR but I dont know where to start.
Is it news sites dedicated to crypto?

>> No.29697387

not trusting a thing anybody on this board says is a start. Check out coin bureau's vids

>> No.29697596

>A child's face
>A degenerate body ruined with tattoos
>A loose flapping bagina that can fit two nigger fists simultaneously as she drinks a punchbowl of semen
>Racist NEET life on /biz/
Which way, modern man?

>> No.29697620

I'd say go all in on one coin but make sure it's something with value and not just bullshit. I put $600 on Ethereum back when and it turned into 50k. I used that money to make myself debt free and now I can afford to diversify into different stocks and crypto.

>> No.29697718

I browse mainly /fit/ and in the midst of all the bs there's always something useful. Is it exclusively bs on /biz/?

>> No.29697761


In that case, get ORN. Highest passive income in the game.

>> No.29697985

retards. ngmi

>> No.29697999
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I wish I still had screenshots of my longs from 10k and 17k. I started this bull run with about 4k that was partially dust from 2013 and lost 3k of that on shitcoins and shorting. Then I just went back to longing futures and now I'm at about 25k even though I lost over 5k shorting after I accidentally closed my entire 17k long position at 24k since my units were on dollars instead of btc. I would've cleared 6 figures by now if I didn't make that mistake and just stuck to my plan. But seriously try not to fall for the shitcoin shilling, most of these people are never going to make it or bought really early and are just shilling coins that have already pumped 1000000%. Most of these people are from the 2017 bubble and were bagholding throughout the entire bear market because they didn't sell in time, and they think they're "oldfags" lol. Nobody worth listening to is still here, most of the people that are worth listening to already made it by 2014 honestly. But with $1200 there's really not much you can do other than risky plays and high leverage (20x at the most) long on btc is the safest risky play you can do, you might want to try getting a job tb h.

>> No.29698189

/biz/ is different because there are monetary interests in the content of posts. There are literally dedicated tranny discords that will shill a coin as a group to pump idiots from here into it. When there's a daily thread, you're already too late to get in on the altcoin. Your best bet, when trying to get information about a coin from the board, is to go on fuuka.warosu.org/biz (biz archives), and look up the coin/ticker and keep scrolling until you find some actual arguments for or against the coin. NEVER purchase on hype or morons spamming "TO THE MOON!!!"

>> No.29698481

and this is intended for every fellow poorfag not just OP

>> No.29698486

Whatever you say faggot. I've already "made it".

>> No.29698546

Fuck off degenerate gambling retard. Almost every legitimate altcoin shilled here in 2019 is 10-50x up.

>> No.29698596

OP here got a lot of replies so I'm just gonna make this statement to answer everyone. I feel more at ease being in a variety of crypto than putting all my hope into one that might not even move. If even one of these fuckers 10x and lets say I invested $200 each. I'll have 2000. I take that 2000 and ape it into the next play and that 10xs then I'll have 20,000. Rinse and repeat until I have 600k EOD of year.

>> No.29698721

Stay poor faggot, even millionaires use a little 4x-5x leverage on BTC and switch between BTC and ETH and they always use long and shorts, they never stop.
I know an ampleforth whale who used FTX to 3x.

Most people from the summer became millionaires and a few became deca millionaires, they don't browse /biz/ anymore and don't even say "hello faggots this is how I made it".

>> No.29698787

holy fuck you are a poorfag. If you want to make anything more than beer money you need to do better research. Coins don't just 10x RANDOMLY idiot. There are some coins here that are for sure going to at least 2x in the very near future and have also no chance of collapse (looking at you ADA), if you put it into that $1000 in you'd have $2000 that easy. With that little capital you need to fucking consolidate

>> No.29698820

>T. $1000 spread among 7 coins. Enjoy making a whopping $700 off of an entire bullrun.

>> No.29698835

>"made it"
holy fuck the absolute state of this board.

Good on you, but the more you have to begin with just makes it that much faster. Even a literal 50x with 1k would only put you at that point that many people start with.

>> No.29698902

you both prove my point about people that bought altcoins early or before they already pumped 100000% being the ones who are shilling them to newfags this close to the top

>> No.29698992

That was years ago dump ass. As in I turned 600 to 50k on eth when it but 1200 years ago.

>> No.29698996

this, I have 14k and even I don't bother diversifying. I have 10k in FIRE and 4k in ID.

>> No.29699016

desu bro coinbase is going public soon. I'd wait till april and go all in on that.

>> No.29699099

And 10x more whales just researched, bought early, and held you fucking poor coping faggot. Go cry to somebody who gives a shit.

>> No.29699148

Not our fault faggots ignore or call stuff like LotusFinance a copy-paste of EGG and a potential rugpull.
They didn't even read the medium to see how the tokenomics work.

>> No.29699301
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Alright, I'll keep it in mind anon
Bless you with gains of any kind

>> No.29699324

Go be a poorfag somewhere else thinking you're an expert investor, you're a loser like the stock market weenies compared to the Options chads.

>> No.29699372

>10-20 promising coins
there aren't this many promising coins lol dude what is opportunity cost lmao

>> No.29699427
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>use biz bux to rent her

>> No.29699644

I have mid 6 figures spread across about 15 projects, cope. Only a retard would put all their eggs in one basket.

Alt season hasn't even began you fucking tard.

No idea what you are trying to say.

Tell yourself whatever you want but 90% of the whales here either invested in BTC early or put 50k+ into alts a few years ago. You've been doing this for years and are still low five figures you fucking retard failure hahahaha.

Another dumbass

>> No.29699691

also reminder that you havent "made it" if you haven't cashed out or actually bought any physical assets with your gains. When the bubble pops alts will crash 90+% like they always do and most of them will never return to their ath