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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2968691 No.2968691 [Reply] [Original]

Besides the niggertisement, how much will this moon? 2x 3x?

Redpill me on this coin.

>> No.2968712


>> No.2968745

Is it better than bitbean?

>> No.2968787

It's already almost double it's ICO price on hitbtc. More than likely will beat competitors to the market, is backed by Bancor as the first of 10 confirmed ICO's launching under Bancor with 100 to follow next year.

>> No.2968891

20x, maybe more, just look at gnosis

>> No.2968906


>> No.2968916

How is this similar to gnosis?

>> No.2968918

how many jews are involved?

>> No.2968920

Both prediction markets. Stox is better because for several reasons which I won't go into detail on, but just take my word.

>> No.2968967
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>> No.2968973

>Stox is better because for several reasons which I won't go into detail on

Indulge me.

>> No.2969014

because he owns a lot and wants the price to go up..

>> No.2969037

when is it hitting bittrex?
I always make money on first few oscillations

>> No.2969245

Seeing as the team needs to apply for listing, i think they will list stx when bnt backed contract goes live.
Probably a week or two as they said that testing has to be done first.
Starting at ico price, like bnt did..

Feels risky with mine 9k.
It is a good project with a future.
They can turn this around for sure.

>> No.2969399

Can I buy the ICO in America or will the crypto police show up at my house?

>> No.2969441

ICO is over

>> No.2970373

This shitcoin is under its ETH ICO price
Stox was doomed to be shit when they allowed themselves to get involved with the jews

>> No.2971579

[Citation needed]

>> No.2971604

problem is people who held eth instead of buying into ICO made more money. ICO investors are mad because of this. Some dumped their 'bags' and began a fudding campaign.
They will die away and this coin will go fucking ballistic. I'd say in a week or two though.
Personally I'm keeping a eye on Bittrex wallets. As soon as I see STX, I'm going balls deep.

>> No.2972537

Look at liqui - for one ETH you got 200 STX - now sth like 250

>> No.2972568

How the fuck do people expect STX to moon if there is no fucking demand for this coin - the ICO has satisfied the market and now every demand that is left is eaten by weak hands in no time - I would dump the shit out of this coin

>> No.2972628

I'm not selling below 0.007.
Maybe 0.006 if i'm desperate.

>> No.2972636

They're doing something related to the fight

>> No.2972643

don't buy ICO... it always dumps below ICO price at some point. see: every other ICO ever

>> No.2972650

>the ICO has satisfied the market
says who?

>> No.2972670

If you don't sell it's not a loss right?
I guess if you are lucky there are some souls that will get the price there but what did people expect from this shitcoin? As soon as the BNT Tokenchanger comes its value is bound on BNT with no option of mooning

>> No.2972678
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>> No.2972686


>> No.2972702

Basically indicates that the Tokenchanger will start with ICO price

>> No.2972706

seems perfectly fine to me

>> No.2972753

Okay with losing 25%?
Literally cuck?

>> No.2972762

you are too impatient and irrational to be a trader, wtf are you doing here? If you don't know how any of this works you are free to go back

>> No.2972803

>avoiding a 25% loss is irrational

>> No.2972816

go back to wageslaving m8, crypto isn't for you

>> No.2972824

Shill confirmed

>> No.2972829


>> No.2972830
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>> No.2972840

not a shill, didn't even buy into the ICO, you newfags are just retarded

just pointing out your stupidity m8

>> No.2972841

They have 12 billion yearly volume on invest.com and this type of service is popular in contrast to the possibilities of stox platform. That means plenty room for expansion.

>> No.2972850

Floyd Mayweather vs Mcgregor betting system on STOX website.

>> No.2972866

But all I said was true

>> No.2972920

>Shill confirmed
On /biz/? In a crypto thread? Never.

>> No.2972957

like Metal, right?

>> No.2972958

Stox is basically Augur but the price is being held down through a Tokenchanger
There is room for expansion but people who bought in at the ICO need to be prepared to see a horrible ROI for a while

>> No.2972982

Somehow, no

>> No.2972992

2000% here we go

>> No.2973036

haha good summary

>> No.2973060

the only shill here is the retard writing a thousand posts full of FUD

>> No.2973070

Hey! It was meant to be a surprise

>> No.2973092
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Nah, it is better.

>> No.2973207


>> No.2973230

I guess! But doesn't change the fact that buying at the ICO and not now was a 25% loss

>> No.2973241

do you know why the 25% loss?

>> No.2973245

>15 posts by this ID

Why am I starting to think you are just a /pol/tard butthurt it's a Bancor token?

>> No.2973254

Peanuts in the long scheme of things, easy and free money if you hodl, by december this will be 1000x easily, screencap this.

>> No.2973260

Haha because you're right baby

>> No.2973423

>ahaha I am a cuck and a loser ahaha
well, whatever keeps you happy NEET-kun

>> No.2973461

its hitting bitrex and binance this week

>> No.2973465

Yes me happy
I bet you got BNT and are delusional enough to think that you won't lose all your money in the long run?

>> No.2973478

How you know? Devs aren't saying shit about exchanges

>> No.2973495
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>he thinks BNT won't moon and do a 100x
I am so sorry for you /pol/niggers, so obsessed with your ideologized retardation that you'll miss out on literally the safest moon coin in the whole crypto scene. SAD.
I will thoroughly the pink wojak threads where you promise to an hero

>> No.2973520

>doesn't know how BNT and Tokenchanger work
Whatever makes you happy sempai

>> No.2973529
File: 27 KB, 600x765, 1498452424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly how they work, which is why I know with certainty it will moon and become a top 5 coin

>> No.2973544

I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help you

>> No.2973571

stop thinking bancs mean moon in the pnd way. we just mean it will rise.

>> No.2973574
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you did well enough by being BTFO like all the nobancs before you every single time anon, that was more than enough. Now go, you nobanc poorfags need to clean our toilets and flip out burgers to earn your wagecuck bucks ;)

>> No.2973602

Well - I would invest in BNT if it was actually a good investment
In the meantime I watch sempai being delusional haha

>> No.2973604

>tfw I could have invested in pretty much anything and I would have made money, but im bagholding stox

I mean its only $100 but still makes me feel retarded, thank god my main investment doubled and will likely go even higher

>> No.2973607

>increasingly nervous nobanc

>> No.2973608

Understood - but Tokenchangers will lead to a short term price drop

>> No.2973626


>> No.2973637

>losing almost 50%
I do feel better about having OMG instead of BNT - what is wrong about that Sempai?

>> No.2973645

>can't even write senpai correctly
>actually writes senpai
you have to go back

>> No.2973667

Stupid makes me sad ... why make me sad sempai?

>> No.2973683


scroll to the bottom. they're all heebs

>> No.2973687

Why does every bancor shills sound so fucking retarded?

>> No.2973706

0/10 you're not even trying anymore, won't get any more (you)s from me

>> No.2973731

I miss you seNpai

>> No.2973744

>15 posts from this ID
love not hate