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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 397x604, business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2968268 No.2968268 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else NEET but still dress up in business attire everyday? Dress pants are just too comfy desu

>> No.2968286

>Anybody on the spectrum?

I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.2968912
File: 297 KB, 637x627, 1485488252911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey anon's mom. What's anon doing?
>He's playing pretend buisness man!
>It's almost time for his nappy tho.

>> No.2969041
File: 42 KB, 400x400, IMG_1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2969064

I'm planning to OP. I need to measure my sizes and hit up the local thrift store. They have a lot of nice suits

>> No.2969465

I used to do that in college. Now it's sweatpants for me

>> No.2969713

What the fuck please stop. This is just fucking embarassing might as well start telling friends and family you're a cryptotrader and make altcoin review videos on youtube. Just fucking stop jesus christ. How can people be this fucking deluded and not cringe that they even entertained the idea god you're all actually autists in your untailored oversized trashbags covered in cum and cheeto dust. Just wear fucking pants

>> No.2969757

>wear business suit to local coffee shop
>spend $2 on cheapest coffee
>sit down with your laptop and inspect crypto graphs
>due to social conditioning via romance movies, every girl expects to find love in a coffee shop
>"what do you do, anon?"
>"I'm self-employed"
Is this the ultimate redpill

>> No.2969768

>untailored oversized trashbags covered in cum and cheeto dust
You clearly didn't think this through.

>fully buttnaked at home
>don't shower for a week, covered in cum, cheeto dust, etc.
>hop in the shower
>wash every square inch of your body with a rag
>make your hair look fucking perfect
>slap on a business suit
>walk out the door looking like a goddamn professional
>make it obvious to women that you're a trader and that you've got decent money by wearing raybands and a nice watch
>make it obvious that you're looking, and totally down to fu-
wait, we're doing this to get pussy, right?

>> No.2969785


>> No.2969808


>> No.2969824

The best thing about dressing like you're a millionaire is how good you feel. I spend spare cash on nice clothes because when i walk around i just feel better.

And also when you meet people you've already made the impression of someone who looks after themselves and give enough fucks.

Dress for the job you want