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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2968158 No.2968158 [Reply] [Original]

Say it with me:

Universal basic income NOW

>> No.2968164

Out of whose pocket?
You should rephrase that to totalitarian slavery now

>> No.2968173

anyone who is against universal basic income is just a mad wagie

>> No.2968182

I want to be a neet:(

>> No.2968193

There will always be someone lazier than you who consumes more than you.

>> No.2968205

You're a neet only because government is able to expropriate wealth from citizens and put it into your useless hands
Gibsmedat parasites will be get purged post welfare state either through starvation/disease or trying to commit crimes

>> No.2968271

KYS communist slave wannabe
just because you personally are a piece of shit does not mean others are sharing your views on what should be done with THEIR hard-earned money

>> No.2968419

>Gibsmedat parasites will be get purged post welfare state either through starvation/disease or trying to commit crimes


make sure to stock up on surplus ww2 guns

>> No.2968468

Well they're already on the road to disaster. Might as well speed it up. I'll put my UBI towards guns, supplies, land, gold, and crypto. When a ship is sinking, might as well grab what you can to survive.

>> No.2968522
File: 103 KB, 756x771, 1478428205038 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be down for us to offer BI to anybody who gets themselves permanently sterilized. 120% of yearly Federal minimum wage if you have no children, 60% of minimum wage if you already have 1 child, 30% if you already have 2 children, and nothing if you already have 3+.

While not the quickest and easiest method, it's the most politically acceptable Final Solution to the Black & Hispanic Question.

>> No.2968577
File: 36 KB, 394x458, IMG_0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gibs nigger.

>> No.2968649

I don't know.

I used to be all about ubi, now I can't figure out how the fuck it would work long term.

Eventually the whole thing would collapse due to one thing or another.

For example: see the ubi system we HAVE targeted at retirees (social security). Even if we didn't rob it blind for wars, were hitting a point where more people would be using than contributing.

>> No.2968661

I favour UBI on the condition that we dismantle most of the state.

Rather than the government soend money on my behalf for education, health, roads etc. just give me the money and I'll deal with it.

>> No.2968673


Good point. Maybe some ancaps can form a commune and try this.

>> No.2968683

No kids, and extra income on top of my actual job, where is the downside?

>> No.2968695

Don't forget that we'll live in a black-free society in ~30 years. Only upsides, anon.

>> No.2968708

I'd vote for you anon, lead this county out of the shit its in kek.

>> No.2968710

so you advocate people getting gross earnings
notice the absence on neet mentions