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File: 30 KB, 311x362, 1560465908467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29659510 No.29659510 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29659706

Id wonder why anyone would even bother buying these piece of shit gifs an pictures when you cant physically have it, but then i remembered. money laundering you should get in now OP

>> No.29659779

my friends are poorfag shit artists. they have no money to launder

>> No.29660768

Don't be a NoNFTer. Get the OG NFT. Cryptokitties.

>> No.29660771

are they already established artists? I see a shit ton of NFTs that don't move. how do you follow trends?

I'd imagine NFT movement is low right now due to gas fees and it was more of a bearmarket meme when there is nothing spicy to invest on

>> No.29661418

it isn't artists that use art to launder money anon

>> No.29661501

Millions? maybe from cryptopunks

>> No.29661574

I have some crazy real life art and a great concept to.market it and it's for a good cause too profits go to donations for poor communities

>> No.29661817

But they don't pay the artist the money they're laundering. The two strategies are to just buy a piece of art for cheap and then sell it to yourself through some proxy or buy a piece of art that actually has a legit high valuation and then sell it. But that's all retarded, you're already in crypto, just buy monero on a dex move it to a different wallet and buy clean crypto with it. Why the fuck would you buy art?

>> No.29662238

will never buy that tranny faggot shit. fucking garbage. 1 eth for a fucking drawn. suck my balls retard.

>> No.29662434

Crypto kitties are actually kind of neat though, not worth an eth of course but I bought one early on just to have a piece of crypto history.

>> No.29662695

it's to launder money newfag

>> No.29662755

If I upload a pepe as an nft will someone buy it?

>> No.29662823

no they aren't

>> No.29662922

Read the entire post faggot, i already said that

>> No.29663154
File: 212 KB, 681x768, rare-pepe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itd have to be pretty rare

>> No.29663294

Just stop posting and neck yourself newfag
>thinking people would buy this shit for anything other than laundering money

>> No.29663416


>> No.29663972

Is it cheap to make NFTs?

>> No.29664071

if the fees are low they only cost 13$
if you did them and are good, then maybe

>> No.29664427

How do I get started? I have some decent art skills.

>> No.29664742

this is bidding for $1million as we speak https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/beeple-first-5000-days/beeple-b-1981-1/112924

>> No.29664839

It's 90 dollars to sign an account and then 15 dollars per NFT to make.
I made one yesterday to test it out

>> No.29664923

I can do art. We the fuck do I sell it how the fuck do nfts even work man fuck

>> No.29665068

>It's 90 dollars to sign an account and then 15 dollars per NFT to make.

Which website is this?

I made a few that are sitting on bakery swap

>> No.29665165


>> No.29665186

you should consider this new medium and try to think of how you can really get creative with it. I find that's what will sell to the big boys. If it's novel and actually makes interesting use of the tech.

>> No.29665258

This is a piece by Mike Winkelmann one of the most popular online artists. I guess OP could be this guys friends but OP seems to be alluring that his artist friends are making bank and I haven't really see a thriving community of NFT artist make this much money unless already established artists not randos making quick gifs

>> No.29665356

Unless you interact with them rich kiddies and give them a cool art concept you won’t get any crypto, seems like a new age pyramid scheme to me.

>> No.29665467

>Christie's Inc
>20 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, 10020, USA
not your friends, still money laundering

>> No.29665538

Is there a platform where people can comision NFTS? My sister draws quite well but she is not tech savy, so I figure I can contract her for cheap

>> No.29665688

I just wanted to make sure you newfag

>> No.29665701

The fool and money are soon to be parted. People who pay money for this trash that can literally be copypasted into paint are the same people who salivate over purple pixels in WoW

>> No.29665731
File: 126 KB, 1130x2048, Eqj_ncaXIAI12wb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make art how the fuck does this work

>> No.29666119

You have to waste around $100 for any of the NFT selling webs, create a brand, create a constant flow of art pieces (also buy other people's art), you need around $15 to publish any piece of art in their websites that won’t show up cuz it’s under all of the verified artist's crap. Join the discords, pay for the discord’s, get your hands into a club house account and attend every “meeting” where a bunch of LA fags tell people that this is ~the future of crypto~ and ~the NEW market for art~ because Elon musk is selling pictures of his framed ass in their platform.

>> No.29666428


should be cheap soon? opensea partnered with matic

>> No.29666971

Still no worth it if you won’t sell shit as a nobody, the whole premise of NFTs was that ~*anyone could do it*~ and they used shit art as proof of it but they forgot to mention even the shit art is made by rich Silicon Valley people.
I’m inside and all I see is rich people buying other rich people's art.
It’s a trap to make you waste $100.

>> No.29667120

what the fuck is WoW and what exchange is it on?

>> No.29667431

Can somebody tl;dr how art sales help people launder money? Does the "buyer" not have to declare where the money came from or something?

>> No.29667972

>do you know this old movie called Matrix

>> No.29668123

this guy gets it. i follow this niche nft artist on twitter and he just started two weeks ago. only like 4 guys buy his shit and somehow theres a bid for 5 ETH on one of them?

its basically the same thing as the regular art world. rich people buy and sell paintings as a means to launder and protect their money. they fund curators to write bullshit articles about how the FUCKING SHADING OF A TIT ON PICASSO'S PROSITUTES SYMBOLIZES SEXUAL OPRESSION IN THIRD WORLD COUNTIES...and then they set up a bullshit gala and sell champagne for 130 dollars a glass-all tax deductible. I went to a top tier university in the US and my art history professor convinced me to drop all my art interest and study law and business instead. even people on the inside are fed up with how bullshit it all is. NFT's are the same. most of the shit on opensea will be worthless in a couple years. poor people and the nouvo eth rich are being suckered into buying this shit. Im not saying there isnt a future for nfts. it is one of the most important developments in crypto but this shit that youre seeing on twitter is just hype bullshit. nft's for video games is where its at and i doubt theyll run that shit on eth.

wake up sheeple

>> No.29668604

Money laundering is used to hide the origin of the money and not to evade taxes. You buy art for cheap with clean money and then sell it for the dirty money which comes from an anonymous account. You still pay taxes on it, but now the origins of it is hidden.