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29649389 No.29649389 [Reply] [Original]

Only thing I pulled the trigger on was more $GTH and desu I’m not really interested in anything else

>> No.29649632

the fuck is gth

>> No.29649633

Try PROS, mcap still so low that whale sells dip it significantly until the next krill-feeding, dipped atm down about 20% from yesterday

>> No.29650068
File: 40 KB, 648x303, SEIKFJNV8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29650105

you gonna get rekt bro

>> No.29650137

more GTH motherfucker still cheap as tits

>> No.29650562


>> No.29650759

some whale pumped this shit last week

>> No.29650797

Let’s see how eth is going to behave in the coming days then make a decision on dumping more fiat into the market eh???

>> No.29650830

once ETH starts “behaving” it’s too late dumb shit

>> No.29650888
File: 84 KB, 340x338, 00gju494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think $gth is massively undervalued currently

>> No.29650906

BTC shorts are still cheap

>> No.29651405

I'm listening
What's the product?

>> No.29651415

Anyone else noticing the double bottom pattern on coin gecko ?

>> No.29651444
File: 4 KB, 213x236, 4-3827-192-38475-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double bottom usually means a pump is coming

>> No.29651468

Not true anon…..

>> No.29651977

Gambling (lol sorry "prediction markets") contracts and liquidity, very closely tied to Binance so basically giving Binance a sportsbook tab. Legit Slav team, reasonable support from CZ.

>> No.29652035

Fuck you pleb. Pump already happened

>> No.29652429

ETH hasn't been a pre-cursor to alt movements since 2018

>> No.29652821

are you on the spectrum?

>> No.29653349

Double-bottom just signals a prime entry point for investors… so yeah a pump can be the result of a double-bottom

>> No.29653435
File: 8 KB, 300x168, moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desu I’m not really interested in anything else
If you are not interested in anything else why the fuck are you asking?!

>> No.29653772

Hell yeah it means pump

>> No.29653809

Vol of 400k on bithumb. I still believe big money will come from cex for GTH

>> No.29653854

Uniswap fees are fucking destroying my wallet any other dex recommendations?

>> No.29653906

the only degens actually noticing this shit are webmasters who understand the concept of the project
>and they'll be rich

>> No.29654361

It seems only a matter of time before Gather proves to be more reliable than the current available infrastructure which will weigh in demand for distributed enterprise cloud computing.

>> No.29654382

mainstream people don’t comprehend this shit though

>> No.29654418

and there will be a peer to peer market place
bullish af

>> No.29654448

Do mainstream people even comprehend bitcoin? Fuck no

>> No.29654585

I know the dip is still worth it, but at the same time I know the weekend is coming up and retards are still eyeing BTC to make it jump.. again.
So risk another $1000 and grab deals now. Maybe a alt season 2.0 starts or fuckers crash btc further and the $1000 wasted and I wish I had it for crash 2.0 new lows.
With the amount of stupid people last time and the whole GME/AMC 2nd round. I might hold expecting another bad BTC pump.

>> No.29655037

peer to peer marketplace for cloud computing?

>> No.29655510

I think so

>> No.29655982

at the beginning they are selling direct to customers until the market stabilizes

>> No.29656324

used to be BOR was dipping but it's back up. sorry you missed it unless you use the BTC tunnel

>> No.29656419

read the white paper sometime…………

>> No.29656687

Everyone’s money is in BTC rn, alt sz isn’t going to really go in full effect until summer (unpopular opinion)

>> No.29657408

Institutions will start dumping money into ETH soon

>> No.29657469
File: 21 KB, 699x635, art 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy REEF frens!

>> No.29657775 [DELETED] 

Damn bro this is pretty cool

A truly decentralized quantum-resistant blockchain that’s lightweight, fast and scales. Blockchain reborn and rewritten with a poetic license.


Just saw it posted and checked it out.

>> No.29658377

we’re gonna see 1 swift drop in bitcoin price before alts have their day in 2021

>> No.29658509

just keep buying the dips while they last ya cunts

>> No.29658671
File: 54 KB, 500x500, sdfaSflGsdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a poetic license
fucking kek

>> No.29658748

this scam gets shilled on biz at least twice a day
go away sanjay

>> No.29659556


>> No.29660313

can we stop falling down every 3 seconds. Just don’t sell your coins for fucks sake anons please....

>> No.29660790

I’m going to make a Bullish statement here looking at the previous Bullruns…. and there have been many 30-40% dips followed by 150-170% pumps
>this is no different

>> No.29660877

I would prefer slow increases rather than big pump and dumps.........

>> No.29660913

No one is selling alt coins for the last 24 hours. All have them have been pretty close to a flat line in terms of people moving them. A few have been buying every time it dips when BTC dips.

>> No.29661309

what the fuck you doin here then boomer, stick with StOnKs

>> No.29661867

what does GTH do shill me

>> No.29662526

their product is about providing cheap and efficient processing power/cloud computing to big corps and developers
>do some reading into their Masternode programs and you'll be bullish