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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 201 KB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20210225-033656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29648549 No.29648549 [Reply] [Original]

Whoever is using that scummy exchange Zero Exchange or providing liquidity needs to get their funds off of it asap.


>> No.29648802
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Can anyone confirm this analysis is legit?

>> No.29648878

It was always clear this is a scam, the fucking tranny who constantly shilled it here almost made it too obvious.

>> No.29648997

it's fucking over anon, call the minting function yourself and see. plain as day, we knew zero was a scam, but this proves it and fully BTFO's all zero shills. they will ignore it and play dumb and straw man you, but it's truly, fully over

>> No.29649119

You've been caught faggot.

>> No.29649251

more of biz needs to see this, for the anons who have stake in ZERO, gtfo now or use at your own risk

>> No.29649391

I think I might buy more. Avax is a sinking ship. It was nice of zero to try to bring some actual use to avax, but on to dot we go.

>> No.29649490
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>actual use
>sinking ship

hearty kek lad, this entire post reeks of curry. glad to see you go, enjoy the shed

>> No.29649671

Lmao after all you niggers got your money locked up on pangolin bridge you're calling 0x a rug? Fucking AVAX maxis are a joke

>> No.29649712
File: 205 KB, 1080x627, Screenshot_20210122-092546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.29649802

Always knew that scammy exchange zero ezchange was scam

>> No.29649804

my god read faggot, it is literally a rug, a blind monkey could see that and the exposed code proves it beyond reasonable doubt.

>> No.29649845 [DELETED] 

yeah the quality of those bot threads were awful

>> No.29649853

My bags are light as a feather. I'm genuinely sorry you're carrying @$60+ loads of bonusblockcoin. Start safe.

>> No.29649899


the absolute state of avax fudders

>> No.29649979

Jesus Christ zero is dogshit. Pangolin at least can't rug, but those idiots give away free tokens and crash the price.

>> No.29650143

The code is here just read it https://cchain.explorer.avax.network/address/0xf6F3EEa905ac1da6F6DD37d06810C6Fcb0EF5183/contracts

0rx has already minted 750m of 1b tokens.
They can at any time mint 250m zrx and steal your money

>> No.29650217


What did I do?

>> No.29650246

Don't let them do to you what they did to those poor souls in xrp. Everything is botted to btc anyways, so you'll always be able to pick up your entire stack again at a cheaper price. Unless you're truly hopelessly delusional and think avax is gonna go parabolic and enter top ten this alt season (please don't do that), you'd be better off grabbing some shit that doesn't have a multi year recovery from the worst launch in crypto history ahead of it. Alt season, if it even comes, doesn't last forever.

>> No.29650319


Maybe this is why Emin never publicly supported Zero?

>> No.29650373 [DELETED] 

Cope. Seethe. Your 0x bags are now dust.

>> No.29650388
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I know that War On Rugs makes bad calls at times, but they warned about this issue back in Feb 4th


>> No.29650410

Makes sense. Emin knew all along.

>> No.29650456

thanks for the fud masked as concern anon, but if you want this avax you're gonna have to buy it from me at 1k a piece. if you think avax had the worst launch in crypto history you are already too far gone. the bug wasn't even part of the launch, it was part of the bridge update since mainnet has been live for months now, but when you're fudding I guess these kinds of facts tend to be ignored

>> No.29650506
File: 119 KB, 750x1020, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After being called out, they said they were working on the issues since Feb 4th...


No progress seems to have been made.

This is a serious issue.

>> No.29650514

???? I don't have any 0x you monumental fucktard I literally had another thread exposing this shit and am supporting the anon here by bumping this, or did you quote the wrong anon? 0x was a scam from day 1 and I steered clear

>> No.29650608

Alright dude. See you at $1000 then. I'm gonna go see if I can grind out one more 2x before eternal bear. You do you.

>> No.29650736

imagine the rug

>> No.29650748

These ppl will still cry about the same issue with the smart contracts, when the team will have the DEX up and running on Polkadot too.
Stay poor.

>> No.29650872

yes Dude, people will totally use this scam shit instead of the official ones like Polkaswap or Acala

>> No.29650952

look friend I'm not telling you to put any money in this. I also invested only a really small fraction of my portfolio into this, due to the issues with the smart contract.
But if you don't see the upside potential in a DEX which has ETH-AVAX-DOT interoperability, then I don't know what to say to you...

>> No.29651076

still mad bro? It's been almost a week, get over it ser lmao

>> No.29651099

Read that hilarious shit, report it to @waronrugs

>> No.29651101

A fool and his money will soon part. On top of that there's hardly any liquidity on Ox.

>> No.29651144


This has been called out since Feb 4th. Please see above.

>> No.29651172

It was already on war on rugs anon.

See here >>29650388

>> No.29651195


They called it on Feb 4th. It never got addressed despite the team saying they would...


>> No.29651297
File: 74 KB, 512x512, 1613773853577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ganges shitter thinks i give a fuck about loosing a few grands

>> No.29651429

rage more polish faggot

>> No.29651431

And those niggers had the nerve to spam their rug in every avax thread.
Spread the word people.

>> No.29651634

Then go take your flying rug somewhere else fajeesh

>> No.29651660

Up until the avax official dex, pangolin, broke axax, zero was the only thing operating on the chain.
What a shitshow all of avalanche is. Run!

>> No.29651712

Neck yourself autist.

You can shill all you want, but you're a broken person deep down.

>> No.29651781

Nice try faggot. See you at $500.

>> No.29651862

Put your avax into cold storage and stop shilling it. Convinced yourself that it's just lost money. Then check on it in a year. If the Turks work around the clock, straight through this bull and next bear season, they may just unfuck their product. You may be at breakeven and can move on with your life.

>> No.29652000

Lol. The team is technically "anon" so the rugpull fud isn't uncalled for. However the idea that zero won't share the same cap as pangolin is ironic to those of us in the know of why the NDA exists.

>> No.29652085
File: 251 KB, 901x1004, Screenshot_20210116-034733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already up on my investment brainlet. Try again.

>> No.29652097

I bought at $14 and sold at $50.

I'll buy in again for pennies after the March FUD is a nothing burger.

My gripe is with the relentless Zero autist shill.

>> No.29652490

Weak fud

>> No.29653158 [DELETED] 

Seething bag holder. It's not even FUD faggot. It's a fact we evidence

>> No.29653227

Seething bag holder. It's not even FUD faggot. It's a fact with evidence

>> No.29653382
File: 84 KB, 508x504, Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Ox marketcap going down but the price is pumping? You guys are over there printing tokens again. Such a shame

>> No.29653703

0x is some other token

zero exchange is too scammy to be on coingecko

>> No.29653991
File: 153 KB, 900x820, zts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yolo nigger this is the wild west. Why do you fags never make threads about actual shitcoin scams

>> No.29654042
File: 38 KB, 276x218, 1612203577749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public {
require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: musthave minter role to mint");
_mint(to, amount);

>> No.29654707
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>> No.29655325


Coingecko isn't doing their homework