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2963988 No.2963988 [Reply] [Original]

I kind of want to rent forever. I almost don't even care if it's a completely sunk cost and I generate no equity in a house or condo, because it gives me the freedom to move whenever I want and wherever I want, be it due to getting a new job or whatever.

Is this a reasonable thing to do? Or am I basically retarded for not purchasing my own house or condo and generating equity? I guess I am kind of retarded since I can still move whenever I want if I own a house, I might just have to go through the hassle of selling it

Anons advice me up please

>> No.2964000

>not living in a homeless shelter
Never gonna make it

>> No.2964001

Absolutely, 110% retarded beyond belief. You make drooling handicap retards look like einstein.

>> No.2964004


if you can afford it then do your thing

>> No.2964009


I love this gif.

>> No.2964015


This guy has a point. Unless you actually enjoy wage slaving and throwing all your money into a black hole, just go be crusty for a while and get that stupid wanderlust bullshit our of your little girl ambitions. Maybe then you will acquire capital and stop being a willing cuck

>> No.2964018

It's not great, but acquiring property isn't even that good either.

- substantial one-time costs (land, taxes, agent, notary, u fuckin name it), tens of thousands.
- fucking interest rate of all times.

My parents basically paid 2.5 the actual price of the house almost.

Yeah m8, great "investment". having -6% roi for decades or more. but atleast you have a house right??? r-right?
Imagine if you'd put that into an actual investment portfolio.

Buying and living in a multi-family property and letting the tenants pay of the mortgage is a good way though if you have the funds.

>> No.2964035

buy property for passive income but rent what you want to live in for the freedom, I'll never buy a house because I don't want to be stuck in some shitty neighborhood for 20 years straight

>> No.2964043

You're arguing about "opportunity cost" and yes, it's a good thing to keep in mind when deciding whether you want to rent or own. If you can't purchase a property outright, you're basically locked into that property until your mortgage is done, unless you want to rent it out and become a slumlord. Either way, owning property is quite a lot of work, and you need to take into account property taxes and mortgage interest when budgeting.

If you have a good rent price for your area, yes it's reasonable as long as you can afford it.

>> No.2964071

buy a fucking RV or something, at least with that you can sell it (at a loss) instead of renting (all loss).

>> No.2964084

It depends on your location. In a shitty neighborhood, renting is the better idea because the rent would remain relatively low. But in a good neighborhood, buying is the better idea because rental prices go up faster than property taxes.

>> No.2964251

You've trapped yourself into a dichotomy.
There is no "either rent or buy a house."
You can do both. In fact, one of my friends who is a very successful landlord did do both back in his younger days.
He rented an extremely cheap apartment while renting out a much more expensive apartment.
You may have to face facts that you aren't necessarily rich enough to live in the properties that you own. That is why you rent them out. It's on the riskier side of doing things, but you are young and can afford these risks.

>> No.2964359


Don't buy until the next (fucking massive) crash. Even then, there's maintenance cost and god damn property taxes.

Until then, rent as cheap as you can. Or buy a small plot of land and live in a good used RV.

>> No.2964366


>> No.2964800
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Get this then moron.

>> No.2964988

Actually, depending on were you live (and in many places...exceptions being cheaper housing in the US for example), renting + investing can actually be on par or yield greater returns than buying property over the mortgage period. At first, buying property may always seem better but that's not necessarily the case. Google renting vs buying and learn a bit about it.

Remember when buying property/homes, costs include:
- mortgage interest
- insurance
- property tax
- regular maintenance/upgrades
- higher utilities

Obviously, the goal here is that the value of said property will appreciate faster than the additional costs vs renting. It usually does, but the housing market can get pretty volatile and it may take years/decades to get to a point where it's worth it to sell or reap the benefits of ownership.

If you are able to rent cheaply and are diligent with investing most of the extra money that would normally be going into the home ownership (which is the key here), you can actually see comparable returns versus renting + investing vs just buying outright, and is usually almost less risky.

>> No.2965006

Adam Ruins Everything did a bit on this. It's not a terrible idea, especially if you are in location where the market is overheated.


>> No.2965010

I wanted to add that if you're going to do something with the property (like rent it out or use it for business), the situation obviously changes. This only applies if it's your primary/private residence. A good strategy could be to buy and rent out parts of it that you don't use

>> No.2965097

What's this gif?

>> No.2965704

.gif of a ribosome