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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 347x265, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29638348 No.29638348 [Reply] [Original]

I caved and cashed out some bitcoin to buy one of these. How'd I do? Have you bought anything cool with your gains?

Buy thread I guess

>> No.29638413

Is that genuine?
Why isn't it lined?

>> No.29638457

>an excessive 4 holes
less is more, you basically bought a mcmansion

>> No.29638464

That an original? Thought they were slightly more red

>> No.29638502

Holy shit I completely forgot about these

>> No.29638575

I only have the one-holed, so when i have friends over,we have to take turns.
I bet your's is a hit at partys

>> No.29638597

just grabbed a pic from google but the one I have looks similar. And yeah it's lined
I never liked the ones with fewer holes

>> No.29638617
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Wtf are these, cigar holders?

>> No.29638655

Ngmi newfag

>> No.29638659
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>cigar holders

>> No.29638711

Did a grandparent not leave you one? That's a shame anon, there's about 6 running through my family right now that have been around for 8 generations

>> No.29638722

You never had one of those as a kid? Did you grow up in Africa or something?

>> No.29638725

Too rich for my blood

>> No.29638751
File: 10 KB, 240x210, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate mine

>> No.29638761

Based digits

>> No.29638785

is this a vintage pajeet toilet?

>> No.29638816

Does it look like a street to you?

>> No.29638822

>he doesn’t know

>> No.29638859

grandparents are immigrants from a middle east shithole country. I assume they had one at some point but never bothered asking before they died

>> No.29638875

This warms my ancientfag heart

>> No.29638883
File: 96 KB, 602x452, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ancient pajeets were admirable and royal. it was only after modern corruption that they began street shitting

>> No.29638896
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Never saw this stupid thing

>> No.29638899


>> No.29638935

Spent my BTC gains at the top on Fingerbox NFT's. Its not the same as my chestnut rosewood marble, but it gives me the same memories.

>> No.29638999

I prefer aluminum. They wear out faster but they’re nonflammable and lighter.

>> No.29639147

zoomer detected
nice get tho

>> No.29639167


>> No.29639172
File: 72 KB, 512x325, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive built up quite the collection of them with my gains

>> No.29639199
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>> No.29639213

Nice, haven't seen one of these in a few years. Had to sell mine when I moved about 5 years ago.

>> No.29639252

what is this, do you put your dick in it, does it hold your silver coins, what is this holes-box pls

>> No.29639268

i would advise against most people trying this. Although it looks easy this is very advanced and super dangerous. I lost a friend in nam to this.

>> No.29639295

Seriously WTF is this and why are they expensive?
>From the land of the burgers

>> No.29639307

your friend in nam playing with holes-box what in the fucks just flew over my house holy shit I am literally shaking rn

>> No.29639398

dude these are illegal be careful who you show it to

>> No.29639538

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.29639557


>> No.29639613

what is the holes-box called so that I can google it you fucking faggot trans-cuck autistic retard

>> No.29639661

You can save four API3 in that box, amazing!

>> No.29639683

it's called a booblan

>> No.29639718
File: 73 KB, 560x451, 20210225_081206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many newfags flooding 4chan
Rate my Hellraiser special edition

>> No.29639789

the grifter

>> No.29639802

nice job man

>> No.29639843

is that made of leather? that's fucking sick. how do you store it?

>> No.29639879

theyre collectable assets im never selling just keep buying. the more i have the more valuable they become

>> No.29639968

Yeah it's Seal Leather from siberian Seal
I have to oil it once in a while,and i keep it a silk lined airtight drawer

>> No.29640836

I lost my original one in a boating accident in 2012 but I was able to get a replacement since they have a lifetime warranty.

>> No.29641670

Anyone tried 3D printing those ? I had one with one hole but it got stolen by my nigger neighbour's kid.


>> No.29641801

Anyone willing to sell one of theirs? Mine's broken.

>> No.29641805
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>> No.29641868

save some frens for the rest of us asshole

>> No.29641908

you have to go back

>> No.29641949

wow, cool pump I missed
need advice folks, someone uses Bot Ocean project?
worth buying or better check for other bots?
want to test trading with bots and tools

>> No.29642000

Don't they have a lifelong warranty?
Just get it repaired, but don't ask for a new one.
The new ones ar bad quality...they don't make them like they used too.
Lost a friend who bought a new one, now his family sued the company, but they don't want to pay, saying it was his own fault.
You know how dangerous these things are

>> No.29642265

This is fucking cringe inducing. I fucking hate you fucking nostalgia obsessed homo boomer faggots.

>> No.29642340

you're here forever zoom zoom

>> No.29642444

kekd so hard

>> No.29643129

What is that? Like a penis box? You stick your penis into it?

>> No.29643185

>the newfag read a knowyourmeme page and thinks he's old
That's cute, but would you stop posting this stale fucking meme already?

>> No.29643724

It's not stale, when was the last time you even saw it on biz? Shit is always funny and very well aged.

>> No.29643750


>> No.29644509

What is this? A box for coin piles?

>> No.29645000
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>> No.29645197

That's not bad, but idk why you would bother getting one with so many holes.

>> No.29645280


Damn I could only get one collector edition

>> No.29645338

HAHAHAHAHA Good one anon,

I mean, it's pretty obvious what it is for