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29632258 No.29632258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever find the right girl /biz/?
I thought I had one before, and I convinced myself for 7 years she was, until she left me.

was it because I didn't hold enough BNB

>> No.29632494

that's a man who doesn't even know how to buy BNB. might as well switch over to dhedge so at least then you won't lose everything you own in a stupid swap

>> No.29632853

girls are weird
this one chick I dated was crazy about me, charmed me so hard, we were going well for like 11 months but then she started feeling depressed and blamed it on our relationship so she cheated on and dumped me

a month later she sends me messages of her dangling off a balcony and saying she'll jump

sometimes I wonder whether girls are worth it desu

>> No.29632889
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we've got top men working on it

>> No.29632952
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soon as you buy more bitbean

>> No.29632984
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buy doggycoin
she'll take you back

>> No.29633473

I'm sorry to hear you had a brush in with a complete sociopath. I hope it wasn't love. When you love someone and lose them, it really does hurt, especially when you were engaged like I was and made plans to be together.

bitch I got the BTB

>> No.29634017

I was definitely at the time
it was my first relationship too, so nothing like the pain you would've felt fren so I'm sorry to hear that

>> No.29634291

Thanks fren, despite it being only 7 months since it happened, it's ancient history now.

Look for warning signs when you get into something serious, like an active instagram account or her being really into social media. That will come to haunt you in the end

>> No.29634409

the warning signs were there, but I chose to trust her and ignore them

it's a shame loyalty and trust is rewarded with pain, you'd think it teaches people to be the opposite

>> No.29634427

My girl just dumped me after 2 years and plans to buy a house together because her retarded friend who owns the the house we’ve been living in decided to sell it while my girl still had 1.5 years left in school.

She was crazy about me, but it started to go downhill and now she’s too stressed and “needs to focus one her career”

Lucky timing though I guess cuz I just made my first 10k in crypto so fuck women.

>> No.29634439

All women are not worth long term engagement. Do not marry. If you really think you'll spend the rest of your life together, then just do simply that.

If she doesn't understand AAVE. Dump her.

>> No.29634466

Can we limit the simp threads to two a day please

>> No.29634494

Women aren’t brought up learning to trust anon, they’re brought up looking to exploit whoever’s working the hardest and has the most to offer.

>> No.29634770

lmao what's crazy is that I'm an engineering student working for an engineering firm who makes a lot of money for his age in crypto, does ocean swimming competitions and plays water polo

the guy she cheated on me with was a literal dropout loser who treated her like crap, and the only thing he had going for him was that he drove a mercedes. I could've bought 3 with my crypto gains lmao

things are weird frens