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File: 29 KB, 1000x391, AMCTHEATERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29630532 No.29630532 [Reply] [Original]


the highest its ever been has been 35$ why are people like this?

>> No.29630607

cope harder coinfag. or grow a brain, sell your crashing buttcoin and buy in before it's too late.

>> No.29630632

there are more naysayers than hopiumfrogs which gives me hopium

>> No.29630748

>why are people like this?
They're called biznessmen and you wouldn't understand it if you don't know economy.

>> No.29630774

No one thinks it will get there organically you complete moron. Its just a hype number to get people to hold for a squeeze which is extemely likely, more so than it was for GME. With all the shit going on with GME and you /biz/tards double down on being completely fucking ignorant to save some sorry excuse for pride that you have. Some fuckin zoomers on reddit completely BTFO you guys twice now. and here you are posting this. Stay poor.

>> No.29630904


GME the highest it's ever reached is $20 why are people like this?

BTC the highest it's ever reached is $1000 why are people like this?

>> No.29630937

Because people don't know what is going on. They trust random, shady people from the internetwith their money. That's gonna hurt.

>> No.29630958

>I can;t tell the difference between a squeeze and a PnD

>> No.29630988

All you fags come out of the woodworks when this shit goes up a measly 2 bucks but when your amc bags lose thousands of dollars you keep your fucking mouth shut. Enjoy your fucking buying limit later this week when hedge funds get tired of your shit faggot.

>> No.29631148

The literal same can be said about BTC. STFU dumb coinfag, I bet you are poor as hell.

>> No.29631220

pathetic. seethe more.

>> No.29631309
File: 129 KB, 866x846, AB0DEAE8-51C9-4240-9E1E-08F8A22FA376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is BTC has made a fuck ton of people filthy stinky rich. Who the fuck is getting rich off AMC stock? Btw I don’t even own btc but you obviously hold heavy bags of AMC with how much you’re shilling this fucking garbage. AMC will go down to single digits tomorrow. Also >>29630988
checked bitch

>> No.29632033

you just checked yourself like a complete fucking retard newfag and Ive made a shit ton off of AMC already. it could drop tomorrow and Id lose no money. Seeth more you broke bastard.

>> No.29632692

You sound mad? Why the fuck you care what others do with their money? Oh probably because it impacts you, fuck off shill go snort your last gram of coke nigger

>> No.29633132

whats your estimate to where it'll go?

>> No.29633161
File: 39 KB, 198x210, 1581633372647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here i used the wrong image sorry bros

>> No.29633873

Honestly with how GME went, I think 100 to 250 is the zone before ppl flip tf out sell. We have to get there first and that might not happen, but the good news is, its has a better chance of happening than GME did.
This is pretty much the last two weeks hedgies have to screw us.

>> No.29634064

i'd be a happy man if it shoots up to 100 but lets be real that's not fucking happening

>> No.29634167

Dubs and it's does.

>> No.29634538

It will go to back to $6 tomorrow

>> No.29634656

Faggot OP doesn't understand that technical analysis subscription services exist, and folks can see when certain things are forced into action at future dates.....kind of handy for predicting a short squeeze situation perhaps

>> No.29634712


>> No.29634717

Why can't i have both AMC stock and BTC?

>> No.29634720

Jewish mafia member confirmed

>> No.29634774
File: 208 KB, 250x219, 1611464982284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMC will go down to single digits tomorrow.
You have jack shit to back this up. The people calling for the same gamma squeeze that happened with gamestop before the short squeeze, DO HAVE THE NUMBERS. The options, the calls, the puts, the float, the float percentages, all pointing to the gamma squeeze happening Monday, then into a short squeeze. It's the same exact shit that already happened with Gamestop. Imagine having this blueprint a month in advance with slightly different numbers and still being as fucking dumb as you are and thinking it will go down tomorrow. Holy shit.

>> No.29634848
File: 19 KB, 724x195, amc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 8.82
>sold at 8.83 literally 10 seconds later when it started to dip
why am I like this

>> No.29634888

Screenshotting this, and going to post it to the fud in these threads. A handful of folks in these threads actually understand the technical financial nuts and bolts to this situation, yet fud drowns the goddamn signal as usual

>> No.29634978

This is the dumbest play in fucking ever, shills are pumping a fucking Apollo stock. Normies have no idea wtf they are doing, it's the same bullshit play they tried to pull with silver (pumping JPMs bags in the process). This is no GME.

>> No.29635047

checked ;)

salute you for being based.

where do I stand to make more money? gamma or short squeeze?

>> No.29635049





>> No.29635090

Shut up retard

Mad because you can’t go to the cinema alone?

>> No.29635097

let em fud. Who gives a shit? The price change or moon shot isnt going to be based on whether potential investors go in or not. It's about all those AMC investors who are FORCED to buy back based on the options/shorts.

>> No.29635160

breddy based but we just like the stock fren

>> No.29635309

we aren't opressors dude whats your problem?

>> No.29635470

GME went gamma then short. So you try to sell at the top of the short squeeze. Good luck knowing exactly when, but you can try to base it on the time frame of Gamestops. Jan 15th Fri to around Wed the next week was the gamma, where the stock doubled, then a week later it peaked on a Wed, with all that bullshit happening with Robinhood and others. So GME could have made it to Fri going even higher, instead of the double top chart. So possibly the AMC gamma squeeze will end this Wed, which will initiate the short squeeze into the end of the following week. Helpful?

>> No.29635590

can't wait to wake up tomorrow and put a stop sell at 10 to buy the dip afterwards

>> No.29636548

yessssir. thanks fren