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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29623445 No.29623445 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29623637
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>> No.29623668

git gud

>> No.29623710

We'll get the hang of it soon fren

>> No.29623750


I’m sick of this

>> No.29623820

Its fucking me, why didn't I get FTM at 1-2 cents... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.29623827

doesn't really feel that way anymore this board is shit now

>> No.29623849
File: 1.95 MB, 480x270, YOU SMELL THAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoke some weed, put all your income into BTC, and 100% old school runescape

guarantee you'll be set for life by the end of it

>> No.29624155

every single coin I sell or pass up on moons 100x while the ones I hold do fucking nothing
at this point I just want all the scamcoins to nuke 99% and never ever recover

>> No.29624325

That's what its like holding chainlink.

>> No.29624352

you dont have the balls to get rich

>> No.29624400
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>holding an ERC20 token
>complaining about not being rich yet

must be nice being this retarded

>> No.29624402

I'm still holding to Tesla because they're still the leader of ECs for a few more years

>> No.29624411

Wait this pumped?

>> No.29624412
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dumb nigger
Get in doggycoin.cash
You have 1 week

>> No.29624451

just buy the fucking dip you moron. It's that easy

>> No.29624548

The key is to not chase rising waves. Relax, play the long game, and find a somewhat established token and invest over time. Don't try to play the market too hard

>> No.29624636

simple, buy LUA

>> No.29624662

unironically the greatest crypto advice you can give anybody

>> No.29625062
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buy a stack of rubic and EOY you will have a million dollars with a 10k suicide stack

>> No.29625218
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If numerals you get rich OP and everyone else ITT with green IDs

>> No.29625532

>another doge clone
get a new gimmick

>> No.29625550

A strategy that worked well for me when I was just starting was to invest small amounts of capital into lots of projects that were only beginning but looked promising and hodl. I'd loose money on the majority, but because I was only investing small amounts the ones that mooned more than made up for it. Occasionally there were rugpulls as well, which aren't necessarily bad for you. Remember, for a dev to make bank on a rugpull the coin needs to be worth something, which means you can also make bank if you get in early and get out when the dev wallet starts to move.

>> No.29625747
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>> No.29627057


>> No.29627160

Don't worry, 90% of what you see in /biz/ is LARP.

>> No.29627169

Don't worry there's lots of larpers and way more people than that losing money and just not posting about it

>> No.29627349
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>> No.29628662

Oh shit you 100% in link too?

>> No.29629504

that’s not true OP, I am getting rich