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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29622897 No.29622897 [Reply] [Original]

a while back I posted about my bnb swap not going through if anybody remembers. Its still fucking gone, I don't think I'm ever getting it back. Ive never even had 5000 before bnb pumped and trying to cash it out I've been scammed. I want to hang myself, i had to tell my parents that the money they needed was stolen from me and thats why they wont be getting help. I dont even know why im posting this, nobody cares but maybe its just because I have nothing left to do but look back on my foolishness and wonder why it had to be the one time the money was for something important. im fucking over bros :( i generate little income at my current job, im never gonna make enough to recover it

>> No.29623010

just in case anyone thinks im larping, https://bscscan.com/tx/0xfd1e7bd7eb70422cbd9cce02b18f5b67b4e42efbc964fb40985ee434e694134b 20k gone just like that, ive been staring at it for days hoping the bnb might be sent back or something but its still gone. I dont know what to do my life is crumbling because of this.

>> No.29623017

which exchange were you using?

>> No.29623079

That sucks :( chin up anon

>> No.29623277

i dont get it, fren
you tried to withdraw what from where?

>> No.29623321

simpleswap, the support has been saying its somehow my fault, or a technical issue on my end. the bnb has already been moved so ive accepted that its been taken but Ill never get over this without shooting myself.

>> No.29623635

Thanks for the money sucker now kys lmao

>> No.29623802
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Don't how much else to say other than sorry for that. It's something that happens to everyone at some point, in varying amounts. Just unfortunate that it had a big impact on you in this case.

Try not to beat yourself up too much, let's face it, the money's probably gone forever, but money is always temporary. Whatever you lost now, you'll recoup in time, it just takes that, time. Learn from this mistake and I promise you wont ever experience this again, shit like this stays with you and keeps you paranoid, hopefully in a positive way (be more wary, cautious, etc).

Don't let this run your life OP, don't let the scammer win twice.

>> No.29623944

You are such a loser go kys lmao

>> No.29624118

i appreciate the well wishes anon, im genuinely in despair about all of this. im lost
probably will

>> No.29624216

hate to say it OP but you fucked up and failure sucks. Parents shouldn't be asking you for money they should be wanting you to succeed. Your life is more important than theirs. Put yourself first. Work out, get educated and dont do stupid shit like this again. People have lost far worse and necked. 5k isnt worth necking, and the 20k was money you never had anyway. I'm sorry but this is the harsh reality of life. If you are crying about 5k then you arent even in a position to look after yourself let alone them.

>> No.29624268

I don't get it. What happened?

>> No.29624380

I had the 20k in busdc but had to go back into bnb before the swap. 20k is nearly an entire years salary for me. all i can think about when im awake is the fact that I lost it all. im such a fucking idiot.

>> No.29624435

Has CZ to roll it back. CZ vehemently supports rolling ledgers back if there is some kind of theft. Excellent track record of wanting to correct the record of the ledger. Just ask CZ, man :D

>> No.29624471

You sent it to somone else's wallet??

>> No.29624563

unironically ask cz or binance support on public social media or something

>> No.29624597

I still can't figure out what happened

>> No.29624612

wtf is this fucking bschub

>> No.29624664

Don't give up brother. There will be a way. I promiss. Abundance is coming your way. Just tough it out for now.

>> No.29624742

well welcome to crypto. rveryone has to go through something like this but com on 20k are fkn peanuts in this game i wish my first lesson was that cheap.

>> No.29624781

OP man, honestly, if I had a million I'd send you the money you lost right now, I know how you feel, it's rough, and it can hang over you for a long time, the world is kinda fucked up when losing 5000 of some digital token can be totally life altering. I can't help you but I would recommend speaking to a therapist

>> No.29624800

>on public social media
Thats a great idea!


Get them to help, anon. CZ couldn't rollback BTC, but he can rollback his coin.

>> No.29624812
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>> No.29624885

yo leave that guy alone you asshole

>> No.29624935

worth a try, curious to see what the outcome of that'd be, please keep us updated. where do you live OP?

>> No.29624944

what happened? you sent it to someone else or your wallet was accessed? Give us a lesson at the very least.

>> No.29625005

explain how this happened to save some other idiot. what did you do? did you send them to some stranger? I don't get it...

>> No.29625065

Money plays a big part in your life, I know people like you because I used to be like you many many years ago.
I was robbed $10k 1 month ago, of course it hurts but hey, give it some time you faggot
It's hard in the beginning but eventually you'll start to feel better

>> No.29625108

dont use instant swap/exchanges that arent smart contract based or decentralized. simpleswap has worked when I used it before but now Ive lost it all. Thats all I can really understand about what happened. I have to live with it now. Ill try to get word out on social media or leddit but id say cz giving me my funds back is unlikely :(

>> No.29625200

you must be very well off. 20k is a massive amount of cash for a poorfag like me.
thanks for the sympathy, anon. i probably do need a therapist but death acts faster.

>> No.29625263
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What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do. OP? You sent your money to someone elses wallet? Or your own wallet? I also dont get why people are saying it happens to all of us. Wtf? As a crypto newfag this greatly confuses and scares me.

>> No.29625315

Why did u use simpleswap in the first place? looking at its website it literally looks like a scam service to me to cuck ppl

>> No.29625635

He used some shitty scammy website instead of sending BNB or whatever he had to his binance wallet or exchange it through DEX. That's the lesson - dont use scammy websites.

>> No.29626022

i was trying to avoid getting cucked by binance but turns out either way i was gonna get fucked over. im a burger i thought the website was legit because thats how i got my eth into bnb. im fucking losing it retelling the story man i hate this shit

>> No.29626098

Use VPN next time and you cant get cucked by binance since they let you withdraw ur funds before blocking ur acc even if u are burger

>> No.29626428

if i somehow rebuild ill take this advice, appreciate it anon. wish I would have known this.

>> No.29627701

im a poorfag too or i would try to help you out anon. i always see stories about kind anons with wealth giving back but never see it. hope luck comes your way brother.

>> No.29627988

holy shit, the timestamp of your post. I really hope so, I believe you anon.

>> No.29628043

i didnt even see it, thats meant to be. i spoke truth.

>> No.29628146

I’m sorry Anon.

>> No.29628911

bump for op someone help this faggot out

>> No.29629422

try everything you can think of, also don't kys we're not far away from the uber pump where you can literally make a fortune out of nowhere.

>> No.29629859

sorry anon, dont kill yourself over this

>> No.29630751

really, i hope this dude doesnt an hero. i know there are richfags who wouldnt blink over 20k

>> No.29630827

hope some helps you out man ive been where you are at. wish i could but with a baby on the way im saving what i can.

>> No.29630910

as others have said sometimes people give back on here, wishing you a miracle op <3

>> No.29631017

don't kill yourself over money

>> No.29631222

god damn it op if i wasnt poor id throw you a bone. best of luck.

>> No.29631297

nice trips so much luck in this thread

>> No.29631751

bump for op

>> No.29631827

What exactly happened? Was it a bug on the exchange or did you use a scam exchange?

>> No.29631902

I want to give you a hug anon you look you need one. *hugs* Def ask CZ on twitter and all social media handles you can get, I think he is your only hope

>> No.29631954

Stop moping and absolutely forget about it. Ur dreaming and loathing some future that will never ever exist. U learned a lesson go do something else. Bitch ass attitude there's a whole life for u to live!

>> No.29632022

Also been there done that. A year's salary LMAO. Try a years salary and then 4 years salary of pure debt with interest. Get fucked and ball up

>> No.29632327

Ah man that fucking blows. I remember being irate at my own stupidity falling for scams, but it was for literally 1000 times less. Sorry man, that’s a hard lesson to learn

>> No.29632406

There are times when looking back on life, that I am glad I made my $5000 OOPS with options gambling early on...
Now I take ownership of every financial move.

>> No.29632485

Yea u have to pay ur 'tuition' best to do it young when not much is on the line

>> No.29632594

some of us need a few years of tuition to learn haha.

>> No.29632713

I will be teaching my young ones by giving them "allowance" of some nominal amount ($100 or $500) a month to invest, and they can only spend what they cash out over their initial funding. But if they fail and lose... say they only have $30. It starts back at full value the next month.

I really want them to learn early when little is on the line..

>> No.29632779

Sent ;)

>> No.29632857

did you actually send him something? dont be a faggot this guy is on the verge of roping

>> No.29632920

I got scammed out of full dragon armor in RuneScape when I was 11.

>> No.29632963


>> No.29633270
File: 340 KB, 838x671, 1589669809906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there anon, once I make 200k I'm giving 20k to you, only 197k left, we're all going to make it

>> No.29633313

lmao this one made me smile, thank you anon.

>> No.29633324 [DELETED] 

I really need any kinda of help guys please 0xCa088F11d4a8eB171297366E23bef988017DB12c

>> No.29633337


funds safu? If this isn't related, then how the fuck do I avoid doing this?

>> No.29633341

You are retarded and deserve the bad things that happen to you.

>> No.29633361

>brown id
get a job nigger

>> No.29633412

he fucking used a scam exchange...

>> No.29633458

seriously? begging in a thread where op just lost everything? pajeet nigger.

>> No.29633459

I got chinked for $200 when trying to cross the bridge and it turned me off using BSC entirely. Fuck CZ and his ponzi casino. There are better options.

>> No.29633518

Which one?

>> No.29633570

>be stupid
>blame binance

>> No.29633609

it happens to the best of us op. some richfags might see this and send ya a gift. keep your head up.

>> No.29633663

it's the 5th reply in the thread >>29623321
also see >>29626022

>> No.29633697

BCS isn't a blockchain, They can revert

>> No.29633831

Just make more money dude.

Union isn't on main net yet. Still early.

>> No.29633909

simpleswap seems legit though, why don't you tell us exactly what happened holy shit why is that so hard

>> No.29633943


>> No.29634008

not based at all, eat cyanide.

>> No.29634123
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I'm sorry OP. Keep playing and making smart investments and you can make this back in relatively short order. I know it's painful and it will sting forever, but this will build grit in you, and you will at some point accept it and chock it up to a learning experience. All the best anon.

>> No.29634298


Just ask to speak to the manager

>> No.29634571


>> No.29634573

Cheer up OP, lots of us have literally lost whole bitcoins (at least)

>> No.29635347

anons always talk like they are rich and have lost soo much more than op but if its really that little to you richfags why dont you help op?

>> No.29635663

I lost 5 btc in 2012
>why not help
I've been scammed by liars and I no longer trust people

>> No.29635762

well in 2012 it wasnt worth shit. op literally posted the transaction. he seems genuine about the killing himself thing so i kinda believe him lmao

>> No.29635768

Someone post the “bicycle cuck” to cheer him up

>> No.29635801


OP here on my phone, if anyone did want to help I’ll drop my wallet but I’m not expecting anything.
Thank you man glad you care

>> No.29635842

Bicycle cuck
The post

>> No.29635849

fuck off lmao im op and im still on pc
i need some cheering up someone show me

>> No.29635851

Oh whoops butchered that,

>> No.29635925

>lost coins
>why no help?
every deflationary coin that is lost helps all the anons who manage to hodl

>> No.29635957

Sent, Fuck off OP beggar.

>> No.29636004

kys. op doesnt deserve faggots like you on this website. if i had money i wouldnt act like a kike id help him the fuck out. this site is full of incels kikes and fucking jeets

>> No.29636047

Begging larp, you can see him switching IDs he fucked up reported all your

>> No.29636123

it's alright anon. i fell for an xrp giveaway on youtube. had a blue checkmark and a halfway convincing ripplefoundation.io website. cost me 15k usd / 25k zerps. live and learn and you'll never make that mistake again.
t. 50k to 25k, recovered back to 35

>> No.29636130

Anon, I know you don't want to hear this, but please understand me: stop fucking wallowing. It's a hell you're putting yourself through, and you need to stop. It won't get the money back, it won't get you a new job, it won't help your parents. It won't amend the material conditions you find so unpalatable. Stop fucking wallowing.

Keep moving, keep living. Sometimes you have to learn lessons the hard way for them to stick, and you'll be wiser for it moving forward. These are the experiences that make or break great men. Please, expect that your life will continue beyond this point. DEMAND that you not be consumed by this moment. Shamelessly keep your head on straight and put one foot in front of the other. This is one epic failure on your journey to success, unless you decide to give up.

>> No.29636253

Post wallet

>> No.29636254

Cucked by Binance?
You mean the 0.0075% trading fees?

>> No.29636337

>oh no i lost a little money i think im gonna hang myself

>> No.29636398

Post your tummy and I'll throw 50 bucks in BNB your way, OP

>> No.29636400 [DELETED] 

honestly at this point ill take a ban, im at rock bottom.
eth 0x7076BDfE2430Fa4a20C1F0F8A846f81B8b806515
bsc 0xA9f5A34dD4c68d243b703d5a8937653Ea6a025A7

>> No.29636448

Knew you were just a dirty beggar,

>> No.29636459

Send your bitcoin address faggot. When I cash out my Fantom for millions I’ll send you 20k in between fucking different multi racial girls

>> No.29636496

honestly at this point ill take a ban, im at rock bottom.
eth 0x7076BDfE2430Fa4a20C1F0F8A846f81B8b806515
bsc 0xE0cbA80c31D635c0EA485708F7A9D5d2a12d61b6

>> No.29636502

bc1qpqxzcq5ar9u4p6zkh3vzten2stl2uvn08sue6w Fucking jannies there you go dude ty!

>> No.29636574

fuck off man. i hate this god damn website. im gonna fucking kill myself over here because ive lost anything and everything ive had and you are begging in my thread

>> No.29636584


>> No.29636593

Can’t you pursue legal action against them?

>> No.29636637
File: 98 KB, 892x1114, 152039999_450057159530661_7260987455093154573_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To OP and to every /biz/tards here. My rule of thumb is to always verify. I always check the organization behind every project Im moving money. I look for their LinkedIn or other media accts. Sometimes I ask them. The web of simpleswap looks legit which makes sense OP faell for it. However, I cant see whos running it so I ll run away from scamsite it is.

>> No.29636645

like at least let me sit here and deal with my losses dont fucking use my thread as an opportunity to beg :(

>> No.29636752

This, if they stole 20k from you then legal action must be taken

>> No.29636805

maybe if i had the money for a lawyer? a lawyer might take a case like this for free but I dont know. Im just a poorfag and one guy said he cant find any info on the people who run it.

>> No.29636867

Got your shit capped. Might be a year or two till I cash out but I’ll remember

>> No.29636873
File: 121 KB, 640x355, 2E17BB23-263C-43A7-BC37-D7A579B7CEF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says they have an app.

Pretty sure you can fuck these people up OP

>> No.29636967

I think your best bet at this point is to reach out to some lawyers, explain what happened, and see if they'll take it pro bono. As >>29636873 said if they're verified on the Apple App Store their personal information is most certainly accessible. You're going to have to fight for this

>> No.29637035

This is all a larp with no receipts or proof if you give a dime to this gambler your as much of a tool as he is.

>> No.29637082

i literally posted the transaction keep hating on me you schizo faggot, i dont give a fuck what you think. i have nothing left to lose or live for.

>> No.29637135

Anon if GME rips through 1200 tomorrow I will legit send you the equivalent dollar amount when you "tried to cash out". Screencap this.

>> No.29637308

You got 5k a week ago from this same larp, keep gambling.

>> No.29637351

show some proof then? I posted the transaction schizo you can look for yourself.

>> No.29637834

look at it this way op, you've stopped a lot of us from using simpleswap, hopefully something good comes your way in the future

>> No.29638016


>> No.29638117

This ask for refund

>> No.29638185

just read that leddit thread, there are multiple people who are in the same exact boat as me jesus christ, and people are saying this is a larp