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File: 25 KB, 350x775, cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29620606 No.29620606 [Reply] [Original]

Will Cardano keep going straight up, or will I be able to buy a dip in the near future?

>> No.29620786

It’ll never go below .85 you idiot.

Buy now, stake it and be comfy forever

>> No.29621060

>wanted to buy ADA when it was like .20
>coinbase doesn't support this asset
>oh well maybe it'll still be cheap when they supp-
>ADA $1

>> No.29622234

Kek. Staking 10k worth for like 2 ADA a week. Get fucked.

>> No.29622374

I stake 3K and get about 2ADA in rewards. You're fucked up.

>> No.29622482

it's literally dumping as we speak

>> No.29623197
File: 18 KB, 402x380, 1611242012202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little tip: sell now, buy the dip on sunday at this time. It's been happening for 3 weeks straight now

>> No.29623303

Cardano is getting a ton of press right now. Probably going to be pumped and dumped.

>> No.29623361

>will vaporware that has made it into the top 10 solely on sleazy marketing tactics keep going up

>> No.29623390
File: 114 KB, 320x277, 1603611423844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another little tip:
This sunday is the last sunday of february

>> No.29623532

I don't think you know what dumping means.

>> No.29623587

I stake 20k and get like 18 lol, I could care less about the staking rewards, they are just a plus

>> No.29623599

I think you'll know in a couple of days.
Not cardano's fault, but the entire crypto will dump.

>> No.29623616

As soon as coinbase lists it and all the niggers can finally buy easily it's gonna rocket.

>> No.29623653

Are you talking about Polkadot?

>> No.29623657

Sold because his tweet about Elon was clearly him bullshitting

>> No.29623783

Fuck off newfag.

>> No.29623813

If January 2021 repeats then you'll have another chance when BTC dips to low 40k

>> No.29623840

Yeah I'll be picking up some juicy 90 cents bags.

>> No.29623897

>the buy high sell low method
Take a load of this guy

>> No.29624003

The fact that it has a top 10 market cap and Coinbase still doesn’t support it should be all the proof anyone needs to know that Charles is a criminal running a Ponzi scheme

>> No.29624067
File: 104 KB, 890x501, 1613949172766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, continue posting. You're amusing.

>> No.29624173

Polkadot is an actual blockchain with working apps on top of it.
Cardano is an idea that has been written down on paper dozens of times in the past 6 years yet has not materialized.
Charles Hoskinson will be sharing a cell block with Bernie Madoff by the end of 2022

>> No.29624457
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 002-hbar-usd-dev-tool-MINOR-edit-for-ada-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at $1.04 just like this is still CG #1
>Look at this attached chart for Cardano just crabbing over an entire two weeks
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Gene Simmons, the lead drummer of Rolling Stones shills this (a Scientologist trance music group)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
>Charles did a cock tribute to Lush Rimbaugh. He's boomer tiered alt-light
>Prove you're not white supremacist and sell your ADA now. You're not a Cardano holding NAZI are you? Antifa will doxx all your wallets.
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.29624559

fuck forgot to turn it back on. Was shitting up /pol/ and forgot, sorry

>> No.29625123

Gene simmons is a jew, that means it is jew approved to make money

>> No.29625224

nigger what

>> No.29625468

>buy the dip on sunday at this time
yes anon, I'm sure ADA will dip one day before it gets a major update that will add several new features (without needing a hard fork like eth).

>> No.29626142

Didn't you hear? Eth 2.0 won't be ready until 2028.

>> No.29626785

When I staked my ADA to a new pool, the potential rewards stated it'd be around 17 ADA.
When I hover over the pool again, it tanks down to .7, why is it like this?