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29610487 No.29610487 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they the worst community on the internet?

>> No.29610659

It’s just “smart” redditors

>> No.29610784

he is right though

>> No.29610789

they thought they understood technology, yet missed out on the biggest movement since the internet. they're just luddites, no different than the people claiming the internet was useless.

>> No.29610929
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>hackers not fond of unhackable network

>> No.29610951

I mean they're horribly pretentious about everything. Reddit at least has retards but HN is only midwits

>> No.29611134

HN is full of code monkey no coin midwits.

>> No.29611172

>"hacker" "news"

>> No.29611292

That guy is missing the point. What happens when china nukes our banks and just nukes some databases and their backups and 100,000 accounts and you don't even know how much money was lost? Not very secure even if those accounts were insured, you wouldn't even know what to reimburse them.

>> No.29611312

Literally full of nothing but asperger's trannies and their chasers.

>> No.29611326
File: 511 KB, 1200x1024, ievhoisydsdjcllvasoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HN is the epitome of midwittery. You fags think its Reddit but HN beats it by far

>> No.29611351

They're literally all kikes

>> No.29611398

>he thinks FDIC means anything
>The Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) balance was $117.9 billion on December 31, up $1.5 billion from the end of the third quarter. However, the reserve ratio declined one basis point to 1.29 percent, solely because of strong estimated insured deposit growth. In accordance with the Restoration Plan, FDIC staff continues to closely monitor the factors that affect the reserve ratio and will provide progress reports and, as necessary, modifications to the plan to the Board at least semiannually.


>> No.29611473

Places like HN and slashdot were shilling btc as early as 2011. These people are just salty about the fact that they knew about it when it was $1 and didn't buy. They had so many opportunities.

>> No.29611493

HN is full of iamverysmart 115 IQs and everyone who doesn't adhere to their religion is not welcome. I had ~200 karma and was shadowbanned with no due process for getting into an argument about "diversity" with a self-hating retard.

>> No.29611748

All is takes to get shadowbanned is to say that you're not an engineer just because you touch computers

>> No.29611872

The site actually had mostly smart people on it ten years ago, but now it's just a smaller plebbit.
And it's thoroughly pozzed.
For example, when that "ethical AI" tranny was fired by google a few days ago, a 100+ comment thread full of pearl-clutching ensued.

>> No.29612651

It depends on the issue. If it's a tranny they pearl clutch/simp. If it's anyone they disagree with they become anarcho-capitalists that want Google's autistic AI to run the world

>> No.29613004

I've never had an account there, and have always used throwaways, since I posted infrequently and don't care about HN goodboypoints.
But it eventually got to a point where those accounts are almost unusable due to flagging/downvoting.