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2960716 No.2960716 [Reply] [Original]

So I was lucky enough to mine a good amount of bitcoin years ago, I am finally going to be withdrawing around half of my holdings. With this I'll be able to live a comfy modest life for around 10 years (no lambos sry). However the cucknadian government wants me to label my ridiculous gains as capital gains which I will be taxed at 50% meaning I'll only be able to live modestly for five years until I have to withdraw the other half.

How the fuck do I avoid giving the retards at the CRA half of my gains? PayPal? The exchanges will obviously trigger alarms, what do?

>> No.2960729

That cant be right

>> No.2960732
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move somewhere that doesnt give 11 million to a random terrorist

>> No.2960745

Nope, it's 50%. If it was reasonable I wouldn't be asking how to avoid this shit.

>> No.2960767

In Canada only 50% of your gains are taxed. Tax rate depends on short term or long term gains tax, idiot.

>> No.2960776

>Only 50%

>> No.2960804

try localbitcoins, or mass buy shit with bitcoin online and sell that for fiat directly

>> No.2960815

You don't understand, 50% of your gains are taxed as income. So if you're paying 40% income tax, you pay 40% on that 50% and so overall pay 20%.

>> No.2960817

for example, you could buy a couple lambos and resell them, since lambo takes btc.

>> No.2960824

But would that not be taxed? Plus if I suddenly own an asset like a Lambo it'll probably ring some alarms, no?

>> No.2960827

move to a non cuck country

>> No.2960835


you are dumb m8 don't even know shit about how taxes work. just pay the ~20% tax.

>> No.2960836


>> No.2960838

I mean if you wanted, you could launder to amazon and put an item up for like 9999999 or some retard shit and buy it like that

I see that shit all the time on amazon, its clearly for money laundering

>> No.2960854

We're Still talking hundreds of thousands of cuck bucks here.

I'm not to keen on paying for Mohamed's hospital visits.

>> No.2960870
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I've been planning for this situation for a while since i'm also a leaf. Wait until TenX (or something like it) gets more traction and then just use that credit/debit card to directly buy assets like real estate. Tax evasion at its finest and completely legal.

If you can't wait, Open a US bank account and transfer into fiat there.

>> No.2960879

20% doesn't seem worth the hassle of moving country, since that's really the only option unless you want to just risk it.

>> No.2960893

Whats the matter with paying taxes? Mohammed isnt going to aford that luxury appartment himself

>> No.2960901

talk to a lawyer that specializes in offshore tax havens. The the 2000 to 5000 you'll spend on such a service will be worth it

>> No.2960907
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the jihad won't pay itself you know.

>> No.2960992


Someone has to pay for all the muslims and immigrants

>> No.2961009

Muslim here, Tredua (or however you spell the name of this cuck) can fuck off. Also (((Al-Bagdadi))) can fuck off as well. They should leave my religion these fucking cucks. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2961045

Just move to some country that doesn't even know what bitcoin is

>> No.2961207

Hello. I am a 29-year-old man living in Japan.

I have lost everything. I have a debt of 7 million yen (70 thousand dollars). I am usually encouraged to work as a businessman every day. One day, I lent my friend a lot of money, but it never came back. Because I can not contact with my friends.
Bad things continue,and I was suffered from heavy disease.

I am desperate and burned and started investing, but I can not do it with such a heart. I have lost all the money. The money to pay the electricity bill is about to go away.
I sincerely regret that what I had done burning investment was truly absurd.
However, I am originally infirm and I need to go to the hospital on a regular basis. However, there is no money to go to the hospital, utility expenses are about to bottom out.

I am living with fright from debt everyday but I want to do a normal life as well. Every day, I want to be smiling.
Please. Is there anyone who supports money? Even a small amount of money is very happy. Below is the address of the bit coin I was using when I was trading.
Those who have an account of bitcoin are glad if you can donate to the above address.
Who can donate even if you do not have a bit coin address, can you get a mail at the next address?
Finally. Thank you very much for reading my long sentences.

>> No.2961256

Why don't you just withdraw monthly? In 5 years you think that BTC will be below 3000? Good luck with fiat

>> No.2961887

Do you have the institution of personal bankruptcy in Japan. Maybe that would be the way out and start anew.
Good luck!

>> No.2961911

If not larping, move to Singapore. Renounce old citizenship.

>> No.2961914

Move to a cheaper country where capital gainzz tax is 10-15%

>> No.2961929

Alternatively, sell them off for cash on Localbitcoins

>> No.2961962

How about you send me money or anyone, how can you just ask for money, does it feel natural?
bitcoin me for luck and ritchs


>> No.2962031

Can you get taxed for using btc conversion "credit" card like Monaco?

>> No.2962070

a few thousand satoshis, please
Im such a failure

>> No.2962702

incorporate and get a jew lawyer and accountant <--- what you spend on that will be worth what you save

>> No.2962748
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Sup Kaiji, here's your 10,000 Perica.

>> No.2962771

> What follows below is the only correct, universally applicable plan for wealth management.

> If you do not live in the third world, the truth of the foregoing is not a matter open to debate as far as you're concernedi, nor in any sense dubious or in any manner doubtful. It is entirely complete and absolutely accurate. It is also obligatory, as there's no alternative either present or contemplated.

> If you live in what was the First World back before your grandfather let your stupid mother ruin it -- this is what you must do.

> Step 1. Take all the credit you can. Max out all your existing credit cards, and sign up for any new ones from anywhere. Take a third, fourth, fifth mortgage on any real estate you might own. Sell any chattels (cars, wife, children, everything -- EVERYTHING).

> Step 2. Turn all those proceeds into Bitcoin.

>Step 3. Leave for a place outside of the fiat reich


>> No.2962828

You know this as fact? How would that kind of thing work?

>> No.2962842


>Do not accept Doge, Ethereum or whatever other USG-sponsored scamcoin-of-the-season in lieu of legitimate Bitcoin.

>> No.2962961

Surely the government will catch on?

>> No.2962962

Canadian here.
Look, 20% tax rate on capital gains ain't the end of the world. IT WILL BE 20%. The United States actually has higher capital gains if you have realized these gains in less than a year or your income is in excess of the top tax bracket. It's really not worth uprooting your life.

That said, if you wanna live your anarchist clusterfuck dream, you have a few options.

If you are near Montreal, they have the bitcoin embassy there. You can literally walk in, sell your coins, and get cash. They do with large amounts, but the spread on this is huge. You'd shave some percent over paying taxes, but for the peace of mind, may be worth just paying them instead of worrying CRA will take your assets.

If you are patient, and it seems like you are if you've been holding for so long, just sell on localbitcoins. Small amounts, whenever you get interest from people. If you are in or near Toronto, Vancouver, or any of them there oil boom towns, they'll be enough interest.

Be gradual, don't try to sell 50% of your coins in one go unless you are convinced we are about to crash. Even so, worth it to just convert to fiat or USDT, and buy bitcoin as needed to sell on localbitcoins.

Hope this helps anon, great job on your gains!