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2959653 No.2959653 [Reply] [Original]

ANS is rebranding to NEO tomorrow on Bittrex: https://www.reddit.com/r/NEO/comments/6rlokf/bittrex_renaming_ans_to_neo_this_sunday/ ,

will this cause the price to pump? I know it shouldn't but people are cray cray

>> No.2959680
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>> No.2959864

>will this cause the price to pump?


>> No.2960091

Seems to be pumping on Bittrex right now. Are you sure?

>> No.2960344
File: 45 KB, 640x427, 1499089732187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm buying 100k just because of the name change.

>> No.2960371


People are already buying because of this. Once it actually happens I doubt it'll move up much

>> No.2960464

>notice ans is 381
>see a lot of sells
>think i'll wait a bit
>10 mins later notice nothing is moving


Why does bittrex do this sometimes? Just stops everything.

>> No.2960495

If you're not buying this for trivial name change crap or lies about partnerships then you're never buying because that's all there will ever be with this gook shitter.

>> No.2960525

If you niggers don't think the rebrand being official on bittrex tomorrow will do anything to price you're retarded. Once the masses see the shiny new logo in conjunction with the volume and mooning these past days, FOMO will set in full torque. Getting into NEO now is like buying ETH at $15 or BTC at $300

>> No.2960542

alright buddy I'll assume that's your real opinion and not blatant FUD.

There is a lot of ANS shilling, none of it comes from the actual devs. Check their official channels, the famous reddit AMA, whatever. They seem to have learned their lesson with the ATH conference and are now very conservative with announcements. These people want steady growth, they don't wanna risk being mistaken for a PND ever again.
No lies or shilling from their part, which is why the market has been a fuckfest rollercoaster for every alt in the past week while ANS stood its ground. We ANS bagholders have, so far, no reason to believe the coin is going anywhere but up in the next few months.

>> No.2960607
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1500867045088s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting into NEO now is like buying ETH at $15 or BTC at $300

I'll correct you:

Getting into NEO now is like buying ETH at $400 or BTC at $3666

>> No.2960625

>No lies or shilling from their part

How about that blatant lie someone from their team made on the official twitter that they had to delete when called out on it?

>> No.2960631

Damn it I just woke up and see that it's skyrocketed which is great but I don't know whether to sell now or wait for the neo rebrand

>> No.2960641


>> No.2960680

I could see this affecting arbitrage bots, if the symbol changes.

>> No.2960691
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>> No.2960829
File: 30 KB, 640x400, 1501613938541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots don't understand how this game works.

No on gives a shit. Do you think ETH reached $400 by having a working product and delivering on promises?

NO DUDE. It was all greed and hype, and it is still all greed and hype. ANS is setting itself up as a more accessible Ethereum with massive Chinese market support. This is enough to make it pump, and there are enough fanboys to make it happen. The price will at least double, screen cap this.

>> No.2960839

Bots pushing the price up. Lists of buys for 0.8 going in. It was naruraly dropping until they came in.

>> No.2960875


Everyone keeping up with NEO until that point already knew from news that they didn't have a partnership with Chinese government.

Clearly the rise was not a result of that tweet your actual retard.

>> No.2961459

But it is pumping