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File: 381 KB, 1496x1142, 1570761902902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29591275 No.29591275 [Reply] [Original]

>made 3.25 million dollars this bullrun
>tranny thoughts still won't go away

>> No.29591390

if right is a guy

my existence is a lie

>> No.29592088

Take the money and get really good facial plastic surgery then dumbass

>> No.29592192

>Wants to be a tranny
Anon, why?

>> No.29592302

this. almost all the trannies that actually look good have had some sort of surgery.

>> No.29592337

Stop. Jacking. Off.
Alternatively send me your money before you off yourself. I will make sure it is used to protect young people from the dangers of sissy hypnosis.

>> No.29592388

stop watching porn and it'll go away with in months

>> No.29592499
File: 94 KB, 630x486, gender-dysphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pimozide 2mg daily.

>> No.29592528

accept that your brain is broken, and you will never feel "right" because of it.

>> No.29592745
File: 3.12 MB, 2136x1566, Screenshot 2021-02-24 at 18.27.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP image made me laugh lmao. What are you in ?

>> No.29592839

>learning disability

Aka autism. What's with autistic people wanting to be women?

>> No.29592842

You have enough money to insulate yourself from reality, just surround yourself with people who will put up with you wearing a dress, like Bruce Jenner.

>> No.29592913
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Good larp post

>> No.29592987

Hey op wanna turn the karmic balance to your side?

>> No.29593100

tranny thoughts are pretty much a simple equation.

Thoughts of inferiority against the idea of other males in your head.Incel turned sexual confusion. Too much porn. Etc.

Lots of trannies turned trannies because they crave love and attention and they see in porn all these women receiving love and attention and they want it to be them.

Get out there and live your life. You made some good money, take a break and pursue yourself for a little while. It'll be a great experience.

>> No.29593102

shot in the dark but my bet is autists have the capability to imagine themselves as fundamentally different than they are
this hypothesis also explains why so many autists are furries

>> No.29593143

Exercise every day
Stop masturbating
Stop looking at pornography

Do this for 6 months to a year

>> No.29593152

lol you lost 135k so far.

>> No.29593603

giving money can make you feel good too

>> No.29593794

Stop jerking off and hit the gym. Or buy a home gym, fuck, you can afford it. Get that testosterone up.

>> No.29594026
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You have an identity disorder and so does every fucking person who thinks they are the opposite gender only difference is this world parades your illness instead of treating it>>29591275

>> No.29594027

oh I get it

right IS a girl, but anon is actually a guy, but he FEELS like a girl

>> No.29594116

Ignore the retards in here and be cute

>> No.29594190

Makes you feel well but it won't cure trangenderism, that's a physical and mental disease that needs natural healing >>29593143

>> No.29594204

Hi crypto Thai

>> No.29594217

Just buy a boatload of titty pills, Anon

>> No.29594436

they see the world, and gender, through a set of rigid rules.
They then feel that they don't comply with all the necessary rules for being a man (which is bs of of course - the only requirement is being a biological male) and conclude that they must thus be a woman

>> No.29594543

This is why people off themselves. Deriving self acceptance from temporary cuteness leads to an eventual downfall.

>> No.29594673
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>> No.29594962

they're just retarded. sexuality is just a best-effort approximation that's worked well enough to get us here. when it goes wrong, like with faggots or trannies, it doesnt matter because somebody else will breed instead. it's only an issue when (((people))) start trying to promote degeneracy instead of letting people just practice their fetishes in private, because children unable to think for themselves get brainwashed by mass media into having literal development issues they wouldn't have had otherwise

>> No.29594971
File: 147 KB, 602x800, EdjQa2pXsAAlcei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no.
I've already tried this, including 1 genuine year of nofap. Nothing worked.
I've finally decided to transition and it's the best decision of my life. The true feeling of liberation comes from transitioning, not from trying to repress what you feel.
Don't let yourself be controlled by what society might think. There are no boys who wish they were girls.

Look on YouTube the last video philosophytube, look how happy she truly feels like and look at how you feel like trying to repress this.

>> No.29595203

Get on TRT

>> No.29595211

I've read somewhere that schizophrenia medication stops the trannyshit in most people.

>> No.29595360
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could you pass with extensive surgery and prolonged hormone treatment?

or are you some 6ft+ tall manbeast with a huge shoulderspan

>> No.29595413

>I've finally decided to transition and it's the best decision of my life.

>> No.29595458

Didn't work for Gabbi Tuft.

>> No.29595485


> 1% of trannies are passable
> You'll look like shit 35+ ( possibly sooner)
> Sterilizing yourself
> Escaping reality during the prime of you're life ( aka wasted potential)

You ever wondered why you do the things you do? Why is it you feel this way? Is it rational etc etc

>> No.29595749

Yeah, it's way better to decide to get rid of something that's only going to make you more and more miserable with each day that you try to repress it. 10/10 choice of life, letting society judgement decide what you should do with your body, true happiness.

>> No.29595847
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It's okay man we all have our issue's
You might not believe this but you are fine the way you are physically, it's the mental that has a break from your reality.
It's ok you're better than this and I hope you get through as best as you can.

>> No.29595912

Nofap doesn't work if you keep fantasizing, having sex, edging etc, do it properly

>> No.29596081
File: 229 KB, 1024x898, never be a woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29596250
File: 190 KB, 1600x900, I have never regretted not being a man so strongly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never regretted anything more than having no support and taking being a tranny too far.
Now I'm drowning the mental pain in gains, so I can fuck off far away from society as a recluse.

>> No.29596280

> 1% of tranners are passable
Not even true, specially if you can afford surgery.
> You'll look like shit 35+ ( possibly sooner)
Not true neither, you'll just look like any other 35+ cis woman, this isn't going to change wether you are transgender or not.
> Sterilizing yourself
Worst case scenario it's proven that taking HCG even after extended periods of testosterone suppression can make you fertile again. Male bodybuilders do this.
> Escaping reality during the prime of you're life ( aka wasted potential)
Escaping reality would be escaping your feelings by not transitioning, aka wasted potential.

>> No.29596443

>I've already tried this, including 1 genuine year of nofap.
No, you didn't. Nice bait

>> No.29596552

Scariest part is that I'd have taken the tranny pill long ago if I weren't a 6'4" hairy square jawed man. Any anons know that feel?

>> No.29596568

>Escaping reality would be escaping your feelings
you cant run away from a mental illness, you have to fix it at it's core.

>> No.29596584

Poor soul ruined by porn and anime.

Join a monastery and dedicate your life to help other poor souls

>> No.29596661
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>> No.29596675

I didn't had any sex and I genuinely even forgot what porn looked like, I can assure I had zero fantasies during the day after a few months of disciplined nofap.
Gender dysphoria is a very real thing and can't go away no matter how hard you try.

>> No.29596694

You ain't made shit until you sell nigga
Get a load of this nigga DAMN

>> No.29596732

Nope. Don't want to kill myself so can't relate soz mate

>> No.29596733

If the urges reoccur when dosage declines it's not an effective treatment. Ironically test should be considered as a treatment for trannyism

>> No.29596763

Also, if you really want to be a degenerate, buy yourself a trip to the future where you can actually change your body. Freeze your body for 200000 dollars and wake up in 100 years.

>> No.29596785

Get facial surgery, don't get bottom surgery. That shit is disgusting, increases your chance of trying to off yourself, and will almost always go wrong.

>> No.29596786
File: 451 KB, 1907x2074, 1591289241577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're still a degenerate coomer

>> No.29596939

>text text text習 text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

>> No.29596964

Your transphobia is the real mental illness.

>> No.29597085

Some people think they hear god's voice why is your hallucination different

>> No.29597109

I'll fuck you with great vigor in exchange for monetary subsidies

>> No.29597186

To counter point this the modern world is retarded for what they deem a "man"
and being a man doesn't get you what it should, or what it would a hundred years ago

>> No.29597226


Is not phobia, it is pity.

Also you will never be woman. Transexuals are science fiction. The whole "Social construct" is a lame way to cope.

>> No.29597351

>gender dysphoria won't go away no matter how hard you try
citation needed

>> No.29597708

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

>> No.29597806

Nigger try to help him before it's too late

>> No.29598474
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> Not even true

Monumental lvls of cope, Obv this is subjective but most people that transition are bellow average in attractiveness. ( Only $$$ can begin to fix the man face/body.
Even then you'll end up looking like Frankenstein's monster.
Money better spend on psychotherapy.


Can you give me any good examples of "well-aged" trannies. 90% of CIS women look like shit after 35. Most dudes find 18-25 the most attractive.
Women's beauty is temporary and fleeting, don't be under any misconceptions. You'll be a hag in a few years and you'll have to live the rest of your life as a wrinkled leather bag that no dude wants to bang.


I'm no hormone expert but messing with your endocrine system ain't too smart. There's plenty of bodybuilders who've fucked their fertility with steroids.

>> No.29598996

I think my point still stands. Autist love rigid byzantine rulesets they can follow and some of them choose gender stereotypes as their favorite ruleset. then, because autists often aren't the most masculine individuals, they think that they "failed" at being a man and are actually a woman.
this is nonsense of course. being biologically male is all you need, you literally cant fail at being a man beyond that.

anon you're valid, be cute if you have to, become a trap even. just don't chemically castrate yourself and don't embarass everyone around you by claiming you're akchually a girl.
Imagine your future at 40, 50 etc: do you want to be a respected family man, watching over your kids growing up, or a repulsive caricature of a woman that can only procreate by grooming even more confused children into your cult?

>> No.29599367

Stop internet. Go monk for some time.

>> No.29599569

Trying to reason with transphobes is never going to work, if I'm posting in this thread is solely for the purpose of giving some encouragement to anyone with gender dysphoria who might be reading this.

In what way does it affect to your life that someone transitions from male to female? You're just full of nonsensical hatred, the fact that you don't experience gender dysphoria doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

>> No.29599862

Hire a good gentile therapist for cognitive behavioral therapy. Fire anyone who tries to push drugs or mutilation.

>> No.29599958

>pointing to philosophy tube as a paragon of the tranny experience
that's how i know you're larping. that video is ammo against any self-respecting tranny

>> No.29600011

that's hot

>> No.29600124

What is wrong with the video? It's a pretty funny and original way of coming out.

>> No.29600563

Buy a dress

>> No.29600736

she's a self-important trender. whole video reeked of "see, i'm vaguely sad just like the rest of you, so clearly i belong." little in the way of actual lived experience and just parroting cliches since there's no basis of dysphoria. but hey if she gets to fuck contra again now mission accomplished i guess.

>> No.29601205

jesus cant you just be happy you motherfucker some of us have nothing

>> No.29601254

Just a side effect of the information age, there's now a lot of folks with dunning kruger trying to think above their wage bracket without actually understanding the previous philosophical concepts needed to progress to the next.

>> No.29601285

I didn't get that from the video, but okay.

>> No.29601367

Man at this rate you can just buy your own train and relax

>> No.29601447


> Trying to reason with transphobes is never going to work,

Dude I think we addressed most of your points, maybe some anons are just haters but some of us hate to see someone ruin their lives. ( I personally have had thoughts of being a "real" girl and dressing in qt clothes ( guys clothes are boring tbhfam)
I don't think you had a whole lot of people that cared about you and I'm sorry anon. It can be hard to accept how foolish we've been and our egos can stop us from processing it.

Something like 75% of trannies attempt suicide, does that sound like it made them happy? Maybe your the exception, but you're a dude.
Nothing will change the fact you are biologically male, until the day that genetic engineering can make you a legit woman it's just an imitation.
I'm sure you grew up with a single mother, she probably raised you like a girl and discouraged your male proclivities. Whatever the reason I'm sure it can be rationally found and explained.

>> No.29601736

>I personally have had thoughts of being a "real" girl
You might as well kys anon.

>> No.29601770

holy FUCK this tranny is making like 30K/month on the LOW END through patreon. That is worth transitioning. How do I get in on these trannybucks /biz/?

>> No.29601773
File: 68 KB, 636x818, apu wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been able to test this theory, because I don't know any troons. Try this, and if it helps, shill it every day on /pol/, anon. I got the theory from them.

>> No.29601807
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>I've finally decided to transition and it's the best decision of my life
like most trannies, after a year or so you will kys, because you won't look like a real woman, no matter what you do.

>> No.29602078

Take methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), trimethylglycine, and methylated B12 & B6. Oh, and do exercise, stay out of the computer, meditate, etc.

>> No.29602081


I'd rather live and fuck your whore of a mum

>> No.29602132

just go the other direction, take T and Tren.

>> No.29602215

stop watching porn

>> No.29602437
File: 192 KB, 436x600, mu583a7a67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will give you a good advice with which you can live your trannie fantasies out without mutilating yourself. You need to go full schizo mode and learn how to Astral Project. It's unironically the best way: If you AP you can do unimaginable things like transforming into a sphere and experience 360° vision. Transforming yourself into a woman/girl and getting gangraped by demons is one of the easier things.
Furthermore AP can be hyperrealistic, meaning it feels more realistic than reality itself.

>> No.29603231

>Muh muh muh
Just stay at the same dosage, retard.

>> No.29603394

How many years does it take to AP for a beginner? I've only had a couple of experiences, floating in a void looking at a wall of dark brown and light beige geometric arabesques transforming.

>> No.29603414

Hands off the kids you piece of shit.

>> No.29603664


>> No.29603735

You're just gay anon. Be yourself and surround yourself by like minded people and you will be happy.

>> No.29603741

>using a medicine that was tested with a sample size of 1

>> No.29603811

>made 3.25 million dollars
Is it paper trading?
If yoou don't thether it up you have nothing
And if you thetered up... how the fuck did you cash out 3 millions and moved them trought binance?

>> No.29603903

Your nature is going to fight you every day of your life. When your youth fades, the dragon that you are chasing will finally run its course and you will no longer be able to hold onto the fantasy that you're a cute anime girl. You're a man and you always will be.

>> No.29603976

That's not true, transition most of the times cures the depression, you all get your information from transphobic media.

>> No.29603982
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>made 5.5 million
>tinnitus still won't go away

>> No.29603987

Only med you should get is a bullet to your head.

>> No.29604051
File: 31 KB, 692x443, images - 2021-02-25T075416.735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen the jawline and shoulder breadth on the average troon? Not sure if test is the be all end all

>> No.29604097

No woman believes in the forties that she's a cute anime girl, it's fine to be an old woman. :)

>> No.29604157

Anon... don't let your dreams be dreams. You actually have the finances to pull it off and be happy.
Repressing those thoughts _always_ gives you worse results, and you'd be doomed to feel like that until you die.

>> No.29604285
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>> No.29604844
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Omg XD having a totally awesome time with girls ;3333333

>> No.29604998
File: 249 KB, 1024x800, 1611108515884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are many methods to AP and some aren't exactly beginner-friendly. For autists phase method is pretty retard friendly and you can AP in 1-2 days. You have to read a book tho. But at least its free and you can skip half of the book since 150 pages are just AP experiences from some people.
or here is another way I found on /x/ but its harder in my opinion: https://pastebin.com/S2Bs5cEs

>> No.29605063
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>Gender dysphoria is a very real thing and can't go away no matter how hard you try.
That's bullshit. The vast majority of kids grow out of it. That's why surgery and hormone therapy is so goddamned insidious

>> No.29605062

>TFW when still attracted to 3D woman

>> No.29605105

then how do you explain those trannies who can't even stand looking at their own faces?

>> No.29605324
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can't buy your way out of your genes, fren

>> No.29605407
File: 66 KB, 700x724, 1611693438698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society is collapsing

>> No.29605453

This thread was moved to >>>/b/848205932