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29585654 No.29585654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now I’m a 25 year old virgin in a dead end job with a stutter and no social skills.

>> No.29585784 [DELETED] 

I always fooled around in math classes and now I can't do my taxes!

>> No.29585937

Join likeminded people on /pol/ and /r9k/ to disavow your own responsibility in the matter and have the boards tell you that you are nevertheless inherently superior to 99% of the world.

>> No.29585989 [DELETED] 

this lmao

>> No.29586152

What if OP is a nigger?

>> No.29586161

When I was 19-24 I did everything I could to go to every party, every get together, to kiss as many girls as possible or more

But the grass is always greener. I wish I invested in bitcoin. Now I'm stuck at a dead end job.

The barrier to sex is looks and boldness. You need to be bold.

>> No.29586279

You need to train everyday, eat steak and drink 8 litres of salted water.

>> No.29586360

it's not too late anon. 25 is still young. go lift weights and slowly add more weight.
t. 34 y/o late bloomer

>> No.29586481

Buy UMBR, get rich

>> No.29587283

25 is still young. It takes only 6 months to learn another language. Go do it

>> No.29587404

I’m self aware, I realize everyone is better than me

Will I still stutter in another language?

>> No.29587539

Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cheer up

>> No.29587748

Nothing wrong with virginity and be glad you've got a job at all

>> No.29588228

Why would a job have a stutter.

>> No.29588302

>being happy about having a job

>> No.29588340

>miss crucial mile stone, hindered in personal growth, cant relate to peers therefore slowly get more and more alienized from everyone and everything etc etc etc
yeah bro dont worry

>> No.29588492

>have gf 8/10 blonde&blue eyes, nice ass, small perky tits
>studying stem (BSc)
>very good social skills, I know alot of people from all walks of life

still feel like shit because I'm far from making it in crypto and I feel like stem degrees are useless. Also just because my chick is hot and nice to me it doesn't mean she won't be shit in some years like most women are.

>> No.29588559

go to r9k then

>> No.29589060

Don't feel down, anon, adversity builds character.
In 10 years, you will look back and be grateful and stronger because of it.

>> No.29589178

it works approx ~6 months from personal experience, then you hate yourself even more and eventually step up like you should have done in the first place
have fun

>> No.29589228

join the club, first rule is no whining