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2958488 No.2958488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to become a software engineer so I can a $100k a year income
and get a cute asian gf <3

So what's the path I should take to get into Uni and study Comp Sci?
(Assuming studying Comp Sci is the ideal choice considering my goal.)

Heres some background info to work with.
>I'm 17
>I dropped out midway through year 10 in High School.
>In Australia, Victoria
>After I dropped out I began studying for my Certificate of General Education for Adults 1.
>Been studying that for 12 months now.
>I should've had finished it in roughly 2 months
>But I didn't because of depression.

>> No.2958495

youre 17... go outside for a little... run or something... you dont know what depression is yet.

just fucking snap out of it

>> No.2958497


>> No.2958499

Is that certificate like a GED or to qualify you to be a teacher?
Seems kinda stupid someone who hasn't even completed highschool might teach in one.
Should have studied software development at TAFE instead when you dropped out if you want to be a developer.
That's what I did

>> No.2958519

>Fix depression (don't ask me how, this is /biz/, not /adv/)
>Forgo Uni
>Get coding
>If you were smart, I'd say focus on a niche, but in your case better do something widely marketable, like web and/or mobile
>Put your shit on github from day 1, doesn't matter if you have no idea what you are doing, you can always clean up later
>Repeat for 1-2 years, building a portfolio
>Wait for desperate recruiters to find you based on their codeword searches

>> No.2958529

Portfolio is a big bonus, definitely do that.
Wouldn't recommend forgoing a bachelors degree though, not if you want to work at a big company.
They like to say they're open to hiring self taught people with no qualifications but a good portfolio, but they rarely if ever do

>> No.2958550

Yes, it is like a GED

>> No.2958557

It's what I did... just took me longer to figure it out because nobody told me this was so easy. I actually like programming, though, not sure if I could have done it if my only motivation had been "a cute asian gf".

>> No.2958574

Well congratulations
If you work at one of the big companies Google/Microsoft/Amazon/whatever and are 100% self taught then you are exceptional, even more so than the average guy at those companies

>> No.2958626

Thank you. I do indeed work for one of those companies. But till 26 I was NEET and had absolutely no idea what to do with my life. Wish somebody had encouraged me earlier to just start putting my code out there (github, mailing lists, online app demos, w/e).
Maybe it's bias due to my personal history, but having interviewed a lot of candidates, I don't see a strong correlation between having a bachelors degree and proficiency.

>> No.2958638

This said, every case is different, and I did go to Uni for a year before dropping out (in an unrelated field, tho). At least I think it helped psychologicaly -- I know what I "missed", and I made some friends.

>> No.2958658

>posts picture of non-asian

>> No.2958682

This is a blue board anon
Besides,anyone above 13 can invest in crypto

>> No.2958870

for someone who graduated from a good university (21 now) but only know some basic python and wants to get into CS, what do you recommend? Any good online courses?

>> No.2959000

I did 2 years IT-networking course, worked for a year as a web admin and another 2 years of programming related study before getting a job so good luck.

>> No.2959004

btw they were tafe courses i'm from Australia too. A diploma at tafe takes a year of a uni degree and potential to gain employment so better of doing that route first.

>> No.2959009

do alll of the above and then
>get replaced by a cheap ukrainian/indian coder