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29581489 No.29581489 [Reply] [Original]

Any New Hampshire bros here? How is it? I wanna retire to NH when i make it.

>> No.29581787

dont believe these pictures. BEWARE: this place is completely filled with niggers

no nature. no trees or forrests. it is just pure niggers here crawling around on the ground grovelling for coins and beggingfor death.

only move here if you just love niggers so much you drink the coco butter they smack all over their apeskin

>> No.29581947

New Hampshire is 94% White, 1% Black. If you live in a big city, that may skyrocket, but just avoid the hoods and you should be good.

>> No.29582085

this is like how people fud coins they own so they can accumulate more for cheap

>> No.29582126

I’ve been thinking similarly. I want to retire in an affluent place away from as many niggers as possible. Preferably some nice nature as well.
Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire. Are they all the same?

>> No.29582358

fuck off we're full

>> No.29582363

Tax differences, I think NH has the best tax policies, but I want to live by the sea. Might move to Norway instead, got relatives there and America’s a dumpster fire

>> No.29582506

Washington is great. Nice nature, lots of outdoor activities to do, low nigger count, no state income tax.

The only thing that sucks ass is that it always rains, but I guess that depends where you live.

>> No.29582546

lol new Hampshire, what are you a cuck.....so many better options

>> No.29582578

What is so bad about black brothers ? I'm from east eu so i don't know.

>> No.29582649

I want to move to a northern/coastal state, NH is high on my list. Also
>Rhode Island

>> No.29582769

Maine here
Fuck off New England is full

>> No.29582827

they're homo erectus and are incapable of interfacing with civilization without committing massive amounts of crime and sucking benefits while never producing a single bit positive impact on anything or to anyone. i would rather be in a room with 10 arabs, spics, or chinks, than 1 nigger.

>> No.29582872

Just drive around the south side of chicago or Baltimore at night and you'll find out why

>> No.29582941

Nice artists bluff pic
NH is nice if you stay away from the southern parts

>> No.29583017

>Rhode Island

>> No.29583180

What's wrong with them? Both on the water. Staying away from big cities should be fine

>> No.29583200

maybe if you live in Manchester, but then you might as well live in Mass anyway. Upstate NH is where I'd retire

>> No.29583286
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Property up here is expensive and the women are maybe the ugliest/manliest anywhere on earth. It's also cold as fuck and snows nonestop during the winter. Other then that it's pretty nice.

>> No.29583298

I'm sorry to tell you but we're already full.

>> No.29583318

OP here, I wanted to live near the white mountains.

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>> No.29583373


Be prepared for:

- tons of white opioid addicts
- long shitty winters
- Springs where you get maybe a week (spread out) of sunshine, while it rains the rest of the time
- 4 week long summers where it rains and storms for 3 of those weeks

It's depressing up in NH, and there's like no job prospects in over 60% of the state.

>> No.29583457
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Good luck competing with the money from MA moving in. Everything up here is obscenely overpriced in terms of property. I need to get out

>> No.29583619

is the weather really that shitty

>> No.29583740

This is an attempt to keep people out, noble.

>> No.29583850

Did a lot of traveling in this region for work. If you’re single Burlington VT or Portland ME would be your best chance to meet girls but most of them will be libs/leftists. Manchester and Nashua are the major cities in NH. Manchester is kind of a dump, lots of white trash, don’t know about Nashua. Scenery wise, VT has lake Champlain (beautiful) and green mountains (never been). NH has white mountains (incredible) and a beach (trashy from what I hear). Maine has some of the best beaches in New England, and a shit load of open forest. I spent a good amount of time in Maine towns that have less than 1k people, if you have a good girl you want to settle down with and don’t need to worry about getting a wagie job you can completely isolate yourself from society there. All 3 are pretty great just depends where you’re at in life and how cut off from society you want to be

>> No.29583908

Fritz Weatherbee will tell you a story on NH Chronicle

>> No.29584028

Short summers and endless winters are not a meme.

>> No.29584106

Yeah I’m from fagachusetts anon the state is more of a shitshow than its ever been. Baker is an absolute clown.

>> No.29584298

NH is known as the Israel of New England

>> No.29584558
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>You can't live by the sea in NH

>> No.29584907


It's part of New England, shitty and depressing weather is a given. The autumns are actually kind of nice, but if you crave warmth and sunshine, you're going to get very very little of it up there.

>> No.29585055


I’m black and lived in Manchester. There were only 2 of us and the pajeets were bothered by us more than anything. Imagine being this obsessed with niggers.

>> No.29585408

Yeah I hardly ever saw black ppl in these states. The few I ran across were all cool

>> No.29585486

What kind are you: The Somali air dropped kind or the native cotton picking kind?

>> No.29585524

That's because all the white people are armed.

>> No.29585912


Mob rule #0: Don’t antagonize the mob
Mob rule#1: Blend in if you’re a minority

Being cool and agreeable is survival for blacks. We fuck up our communities often, but we don’t try that shit in white communities—that’s the opioids’ job. You don’t real see dumb shit from black communities until you go to historically black populated places like most of the south, Baltimore, Illinois, etc. Most of the people on this board are larps who have never been around black people.

>> No.29586581

What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.29586771

im from New England so I don't know dick about michigan but it seems trash as fuck.
RI is tiny, congested, and full of loud italians and drug addicts. absolute shit

>> No.29586913
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I only learned that NH had a coastline this week lmao

>> No.29587346


>> No.29587858

Hampton beach baby