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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2957841 No.2957841 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best ways to become self-supporting and move out as quickly as possible?

>> No.2957859

stop frogposting

>> No.2957896

get a job

>> No.2957919


>> No.2957941

came to say this, its the only answer

this is unrelated to OP's question, but good advice

>> No.2958145

also get a car after you have a job, very difficult to move out and be independant without one

>> No.2958160

Thank you this is useful knowledge

Like what

Keep in mind has to be more promising than attending college

I'll fight you

>> No.2958170

Start selling items around your house you no longer need. Then go to thrift stores and buy things you can flip for more money on eBay/facebook marketplace

>> No.2958171

You want to pay for housing? Don't just get any random shit job, you will be an actual wage slave making nothing and paying it it your landlord. Use this time to learn how to code, and try and get an engineering job. You can then get an engaging job, and move out when you can comfortably support yourself.

You're welcome now but teatoken.io

>> No.2958205
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buy rental homes and stay where it is free to stay lol.

in 10 years your pride wont matter and no one will care, those girls your trying to impress will have aged out , but your bank account will be blessed

>> No.2958209

dont listen to this guy. i have made a few android apps but didnt graduate college and absolutely no one is hiring me. thats including startups. a degree is much more useful than coding knowledge unless ur in silicon valley or a really good coder with lots of experience.

>> No.2958215
File: 469 KB, 950x534, seefood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to be the one to tell you but
your apps were all trivial and shitty.

>> No.2958218

50k downloads avg son.

>> No.2958226

i'm not your son, lol, and im not gonna be one of the 14 year olds to download your kim kardashian paper doll app.

>> No.2958242

>t.high school junior future millionaire entrepreneur and next steve jobs™

fuck outta here kid

>> No.2958247

Then you need to work harder for people to hire you. Companies NEED coders but they honestly just don't know it. And honestly, sometimes the most simple coding tasks are the most important for a company. If you know how to write some python scripts you can be valuable

>> No.2958257
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fine ill play .
what did your apps "do" ?

do u have a github for them ?

>> No.2958272
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>> No.2958274

i dont need your approval kid :)

>> No.2958295
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>i was larping the whole time

somehow, deep down, i think we all knew that.

>> No.2958317

ok u triggered me so now i will tell you my app idea and link you my github so u can steal all my code and become the next zuckerjew.

your tricks dont work on me jew.

>> No.2958360
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>steal open source code

you have extended past the range with which your pure acting talent will take you.
if you wish to continue further, you will need to get method and actually code an app of some sort.

>> No.2958378

nah right now no one looks at my github anyway so the code is there only for potential employers to look at. But if i share it here you jews would be all over it. Anyway it doesn't make me much money that's why I put it on github in the first place.

>> No.2958425
File: 220 KB, 605x481, 1501776968775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face it your code (which i know doesn't exist) is garbage.

and with all your larping ability cant hide you are a 17 yr old /pol/ transplant

node js is on github.
bitcoin is on github.

>> No.2958440

>that insecurity
It isnt really that hard to code an android app m8 even a high school senior like yourself can do it if you took classes on java.

>> No.2958448
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ikr .

>> No.2958463
