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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 1280x952, photo_2021-02-21_10-28-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29578152 No.29578152 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to BUDZ! -Launched 5 days ago (fair launch, no presale)

Seeding an innovative decentralized platform offering high yield options. Utilizing a symbiotic relationship between burning, staking and farming through DeFi to maximise growth and sustainability!
Website - https://budz.finance/
Telegram: t. me/budzfinance

mcap - 300k pre-coingecko/bsc yieldfarm list

The dev made the code himself, this is not another cake copypasta nor fork of any other project. The developer is an established dev on hex coin where he's worked over a year.
You can confirm this by going into the hex telegram and checking user list or asking admins
Ref code benefits both referrer and referee. This ref system will make the coin spread like wild fire once confidence is restored in the project.

!!THIS IS HUGE!! Non-dilutive farming pools, the Apy's shown on the pools do not go down as the pool grows in size. This is unique! These cake clones promise huge apy by dumping huge portions of the supply into the pockets of early adopters(the dev and his friends). A few get rich, and most people get rekt. This is not the same, the emissions start off low and continually get cut down. This model is NEW and untested, not the same rehashed sushi/cake BS we've seen for 7 months.

Team token lock, possibly more incoming - https://bscscan.com/address/0x6c3d1857Fd7b25364C5B150d3B862d8D6332c38a#tokentxns
Liquidity is locked - https://bscscan.com/address/0xc9348ecfaec993aa9f9da202f20a0d2027fe0fd0#tokentxns

buy here - https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e0A4D330b60BaBf3386125aeD73b81C6afC8526

If you want a ref link, ask in the telegram. This thread stays up every day until 15-20mil mcap
I will answer all questions.

>> No.29578253
File: 58 KB, 1625x832, budzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened, why did the price go down -95%?

We had a parabolic run up, then a normal 60% correction. Dev went to bed around this time. At this moment it was discovered dev had been unravelling LPs earlier. Dev launched, providing all liquidity by himself out of pocket(100k) and promised 50% liquidity lock. He then removed small amounts of liquidity as the launch progressed to recoup his 50% of bnb that was provided. He never sold a single budz.

People didn't really understand this, he wasn't around to clarify, and everyone freaked the fuck out.
He woke up, clarified the mess, but by that time the hype wore off.

RIGHT NOW is the moment of highest opportunity. People were EAGER to throw their money in at the 2mil mcap peak(anyone can see this can clearly hit anywhere from 5-20m mcap easily. Cake clones routinely hit 20-60mcap while doing NOTHING innovative or maybe burning a little of themselves. But now they're SCARED because "number go down". Be bold, and if you're not comfortable with high risk simply lower your position size(1 bnb can grow to quite a bit on a moonshot) rather than staying 100% out. I have missed out countless times because I took this all-or-nothing approach when I simply should have scaled down on the riskier ones. It's only a matter of time before this catches on and it shines like a beacon among a swamp of cake shitclones that die in a week.

>> No.29579443
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Audit from War on Rugs in the works. Then marketing push with AMA's in crypto channels. Only a matter of time before bsc yieldfarm list/coingecko. A more professional audit by certik or someone else further down the road once the coin is a bit more established. The ref system will market itself once the coin catches on.

Ground floor.

>> No.29581064
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I KNOW THE CHART IS SCARY! Ignore it! Take 10 minutes to DYOR on the project and think logically. How many cake shitclones and blatant scams blew up to 20-60mil mcap in the past couple weeks? Don't you know what that means for a project with unique code, an established dev, a clean website that wasn't copy pasted in 5 minutes? It just needs the slightest bit of attention from anyone with sway.

>> No.29581613


First promoter to pick it up. Big brain, saw past the chart

>> No.29581891

can you show proof for the war on rugs audit thats on the work

>> No.29582139
File: 294 KB, 600x600, 1613793790225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean to misrepresent the current state. the audit isn't underway, the dev is actively "looking into it" now

This dev isn't a degen and it seems he's a bit out of touch on all the degen resources we are so familiar with.

>> No.29582237

ok so it could be a rugpull mike the rest

>> No.29582461

Yes, and the chart reflects this uncertainty(ie, the best opportunity if it isnt a rug pull)

But he didnt rug pull at the top, nor did he rugpull at the bottom. He kept building and improving the site as he's been doing for weeks.

Show me any rugpull that had a clean original website at this has(rugpulls 99% of the time have a website that was thrown together in an evening, copy pasting and changing a few assets).

Show me any rugpull with original code, not forked from any other project(doesn't exist).

>> No.29582936
File: 52 KB, 1342x704, budzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signs of life.

Current mcap 500k

>> No.29583025
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Ah I see theres someone else in crypto that has a big brain. What a relief

>> No.29583829
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>> No.29583971

I need the dev’s info or I will never buy. Anon devs get the rope

>> No.29584005

Following NEXT Chain? NEXT.chain allows anyone to easily create and maintain their own digital asset, similar to Ethereum's ERC20 tokens. All assets are directly tradeable, since their goal is to provide transparent liquidity to new and existing projects. Is your business ready for a boost by incorporating digital assets? Join on Telegram @nextchain

>> No.29584210
File: 150 KB, 1024x1280, 1613795100625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's kind of half anonymous. We don't have his IRL information, but he's been working with hex coin for over a year(I confirmed this before the coin launched with two separate admins in the hex telegram)

Please show me any other rug where the dev was "half anonymous" like this, known in the scene whatsoever? It doesn't happen, it takes 5 minutes to create a new telegram name. Anyone that wants to rug will just make a new name.

>> No.29584744
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Ah I see the previous giant brain I mentioned is actually a GIGA-brain.

Just staked and entered the 7 day lockup. No dumping from him!

>> No.29585611
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Ah another intellectual has joined the party, most welcome.

>> No.29586198
File: 383 KB, 457x560, rchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a trooper anon

>> No.29586300
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Appreciate it. 900k mcap. Where the fudders at now I've been battling for days? Now that the "number go up" can you rationally and intelligently evaluate the project based on its merits? Now that you've missed the 3x, do you see it's going much higher?

>> No.29587061
File: 101 KB, 1272x1270, photo_2021-02-20_00-55-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldnt have spoonfed you guys harder. I begged you to put in a single bnb and you were too afraid of losing a single bnb you refused.

Hope you learned a lesson.

>> No.29587884
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Oh hey, I've been telling people since I saw the last thread or two ago.

Looks like the adblocker blocking the social media icons on the front page when not connected has been fixed. That's good. The icons should still be bigger though. I don't know if I said this in some post but while the ticker box is interesting I don't think it's necessary and takes away some of the attention. The ref box and font could be styled better compared to the rest of the webpage. Finally, the pure bright neon green bg and white font is somewhat hard on my eyes, just my opinion for the front page.

>> No.29588487
File: 42 KB, 750x740, photo_2021-02-20_15-43-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continuing to send your critiques to the dev, he's always open to hear them

>> No.29588949

desu I think everyone's just on edge from all the PnD scams and rugpulls the past week where the price never recovers, even if legit. I'll at least give a bump even if I'm sitting this one out for now since I'm a bit wary myself

>> No.29589249

I'd get on tg myself but I'm lazing around while looking for more emerging smallcaps so here's another bump. Hard work will eventually pay off, looking good.
I know what you mean I've been burned by a few myself before even when I knew what I was getting into. This one is one of the safest newest ones though but I get you. I can guide you on learning to spot a rugpull from a quick check if you want, for future picks.

>> No.29589361
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It's understandable. It takes a keen eye to spot the gem amongst the rubble. I kept urging people to ignore the chart and logically evaluate the project. Known devs do not rugpull. Rug pulls do not take weeks to make their website, they copy+paste and are done in an evening. Rug pulls do not make their own code from scratch, they fork other projects, change some variables, and deploy.

>> No.29589460
File: 68 KB, 890x839, 1597961135939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spot a rugpull from a quick check if you want
I've pretty much got the basics down already on spotting obvious 'jeetery afoot but sure, why not, maybe I've got some blindspots still.

>> No.29590536

>Rug pulls do not make their own code from scratch, they fork other projects, change some variables, and deploy.
There are actually some legit projects that fork from others. For example, EGG forked some code from pancakeswap. HOWEVER, these forks that do well also innovate and improve on the fork and EGG is that one. The ones that stay stagnate and have incompetent or malicious devs always rugpull. Some examples are SALT, DONUT. There are countless others.
Just using bscscan you can tell in just a few minutes if a project is a guaranteed rugpull or not. The first and foremost is contract source code. An overwhelming amount of people do not read it but it reveals right away if the dev has any intentions to rugpull via contracts or swapping tokens for useless ones in liquidity pools or any number of ways.
If you can not retrieve the source code on bscscan, that is a guaranteed rugpull no exceptions. If it's encoded you should decode it and read it for an entire hour at minimum. If it decodes into an error, rugpull. If you see migrator code, with almost no exception (pancakeswap) it's a rugpull. If you see some suspicious code that withdraws to one address only "admin" or "root" or "owner" and the owner address is set on contract creation, it's a rugpull. If one address owns 20%+ of a token it's a rugpull unless it's pancakeswap or a contract or locked liquidity . There are many more things to check for, such as non statistic stuff like omitting addresses and bscscan links for info on websites, but these are the biggest things. Posting now since page 10.

>> No.29591084

i bought some
hope this make me rich

>> No.29591291

Guess I should really starting looking more into actually reading contract source code then beyond surface level, thanks for the write-up. Mostly what I've been doing is just checking bscscan for suspicious transaction activity or asking/searching around if the obvious redflags are present. Similar process to all the uniswap shitcoins, really, back before gas fees weren't as crushing as now.
And hey, I'll give budz a look. If I get fleeced in the end at least I wouldn't feel as bad as if I had been fleeced from a tidal wave spam of ESLs in telegram promising that it'll moon and nothing else.

>> No.29591686

Is there any chance you have the ability or desire to walk me through deploying a bep20 coin myself?

I want to promote budz to the new listing degenners by deploying empty contracts that are just template coins + information on budz

i know its a lot to ask, just havent been able to figure it out myself and think it might be trivial to someone that already has this knowledge

>> No.29592046

also i know the basis for it

i've successfully deployed a contract using


but the template I used had a link to files that made it so I couldnt verify the contract. Just need a normal template that does nothing but gives me some coins and I can figure out the rest