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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29575731 No.29575731 [Reply] [Original]

Remember 2017? Remember when we decided that Chainlink is /our/coin? And collectively memed and launched that shitcoin into the stratosphere? WELL HOW COME THIS FUCKING BOARD MISSED FANTOM? WHERE ARE THR OG LINK MARINES WHO SHILLED ME HIDDEN GEMS LIKE CHAINSTINK? I WANT THEM BACK.

I’m so done with this board. After watching Biz miss Fantom, I realized /Biz/ is now just a bunch of pajeets trying to scam each other of their ‘Chainlink’ money. This board is such a cesspool, I’m leaving this board for good. Have fun scamming each other. We could’ve made it together with Fantom but you chose to meme stupid shitcoins like Statera, Akso, or even outright scams like DMG and Fucking Bree

>> No.29576735

ylilauta didnt miss it

see: https://ylilauta.org/kryptovaluutat/128607953

>19th sept 2020

you ameripoors better stop calling us europoors

>> No.29576918

/biz/ is only good during bear markets. During a bullrun this place gets flooded with normies who freak oit about 30% corrections, after a 1000% gain. The GME fiasco didn't help either.

>> No.29577027

There were plenty of FTM threads you dumbass

>> No.29577428

Agreed. This place has been infiltrated by normies, pajeets, and niggers.

Don't worry. I've been here since 2017, though I rarely post as often.

It isn't what it used to be, but it is what it is.

>> No.29577493
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EAT DICK NIGGER, no offense

>> No.29578269

kek, lots of good post yesterday, but that one guy was dead on when he said "you failed as an investor if your still not in the green after a 30 percent correction."

>> No.29578322

ok what do you suggest i buy then nigga