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29567741 No.29567741 [Reply] [Original]

the first layer 2 decentralized exchange on ETH through MATIC has been released at: https://quickswap.exchange/
governance token (similar to UNI and mooning, 150,000 circulating): https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/quick
previous threads: >>29529779 >>29348011 >>29555129
beginner guide:
>go to https://wallet.matic.network/
>deposit ETH from layer 1 to layer 2 (matic mainnet)
>pay gas fee once to transfer on/off layer 2.
>add Matic Network to Metamask (instructions here: https://docs.matic.network/docs/develop/metamask/config-matic/))
>your ETH is now on layer 2 and you can use Quickswap and swap tokens for less than a penny. takes a few seconds.
>1 MATIC (about 15 cents) will last you in fees until the end of time (you can swap a little eth for it)
>token charts: https://info.quickswap.exchange/home

>> No.29568298

forget it OP /biz/ wants to buy pokemon tokens

>> No.29568583

Last thread: $42M liquidity
Current thread: $46M liquidity
It's OVER for Binance scam chain.

>> No.29568672
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No, it hasn't

>> No.29568691
File: 91 KB, 833x1200, Fantom Liftoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late my man.

Fantom already has Layer 1 solution to ETH scalability. Nice try tho.

>> No.29568695

it's insane how these threads don't get any replies. does biz hate money? or do they not understand how to use the exchange (which is simple really)?

>> No.29568831

what defi is on fantom

>> No.29568864
File: 149 KB, 1080x1177, w9dnnpklds561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the catch?

>> No.29568931

just get in before we hit 2billion mcap

>> No.29568932

This thread is about Layer 2, why the fuck are you posting a shitty meme about Layer 1? Are you retarded? Do you have ADHD?

Show me the Fantom DEX, please. I'll wait.

>> No.29569025

The catch is that liquidity isn't great on a lot of pairs if you're a dolphin or whale and shitcoins aren't as abundant as on Layer 1 (yet).

>> No.29569028

tokens are still being added to the dex because it's early. liquidity for Link was just added last night.

>> No.29569055

You have to imagine the smell

>> No.29569102

>try to short sell it
>it rises
>"alright, shit, let's just buy and hold"
>it goes up
Schizo crypto, I swear to God.

I got only one lesson, wanna trade with profit - try bots. Waiting for Bot Ocean release to use best instruments

>> No.29569113
File: 170 KB, 749x392, dildo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000 end of month
$4000 end of March
screenshot this

>> No.29569116

oh shit, so that anon complaining yesterday about the price impact, got BTFO?

>> No.29569212
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>shorting a moonshot

60 iq

>> No.29569218


>> No.29569472

No he didn't, but he's a retard nonetheless. You can't have your cake and eat it too. This DEX has only started to pick up volume over the past week or so, of course liquidity isn't high on all pairs yet.

>> No.29569584

Fuck yes. Love Matic/Polygon.

>> No.29570964


>> No.29571999
File: 18 KB, 862x149, 2021-02-24_16-30-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting to transfer my token to matic

>> No.29572093

To avoid being raped by etheruem gas fees and jump straight onto the matic network either use:
I personally just used ramp and it worked fine for me, although thought I'd include alternatives

>> No.29572112

>replying to a bot
200 iq

>> No.29572242

Fuck I worded my post bad but swear I'm not a bot, only retarded

>> No.29572270

based, let's show that gay unicorn

>> No.29572670

Are there any other exchanges on matic network? looks like matic wallet has a bunch more options than can trade via quick exchange

>> No.29572911
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Still says Matic, ngmi

>> No.29573168

Or... just use BSC? I swear ethereum faggots are masochistic and love to be raped by fees

>> No.29573669

you're still waiting on Shittereum fren. it takes a little under 10 minutes after that one finalizes.

Binance scam clowns can't read

>> No.29573798

Idk why this thread isnt getting any traction but just used quickswap with like a $0.0005 transaction fee, just look on the explorer for proof
Matic/polygon L2 coming to rubic too...

>> No.29573891

Just use this if you want a fiat on ramp straight onto the matic network, no gas fees

>> No.29573922

literally nothing i even want to buy is on quickswap.
so fuck off faggot.

>> No.29573964

>t. retard

You pay less than a penny per swap on this dex, It costs gas to move on and off, but you can circumvent the move on fee by purchasing with fiat directly through ramp onto the matic network. The fees are low when there's little congestion (50 at most to get off). DEX and CEX are two different markets.

>> No.29574040

As long as Andre the scammer is related to it, it’s never too late. Enjoy the pamp while it lasts, the stolen funds will happen, as always with Andre-related projects.

Quickswap is a no-brainer. I am literally all-in.

>> No.29574042

fuck off with your centralized piece of shit scamchain

>> No.29574106

>As long as Andre the scammer is related to it, it’s never too late. Enjoy the pamp while it lasts, the stolen funds will happen, as always with Andre-related projects.
this, I don't understand how people are STILL buying projects that he is involved in

>> No.29574212

This is the fud? That a just released L2 dex doesn't have enough bridges yet?

>> No.29574387

don't worry, they'll buy our four-figure bags after we have every relevant token and plenty of liquidity

>> No.29574876

stop shilling this and just stack quick with the liquidity mining

>> No.29575378
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>> No.29575875

can i buy without having to do all that shit tho i just wanna put in me debit card details and get some coinies

>> No.29576066

Read the fucking thread

>> No.29576377

i dont own matic
i will never own matic
i used this exchange just to see how it works out, and holy fuck
if uniswap doesn't figure their shit out NOW they're fucking fucked. this shit is too easy, and has enough liquidity to support shitcoins (50mm right now)
the value of the shitcoins will just keep growing and growing

friendly reminder that this is still built on eth, and while this is finally a ready-to-go application, YOU STILL NEED ETH

>> No.29576383

I hate KYC

>> No.29576487


you can buy Quickswap on layer 2 outright with a credit card if you purchase using the SportX onramp then transfer those sportx to quickswap on layer 2

>> No.29576563

oh nice we have an onramp straight to layer 2

>> No.29576709

I got my QUICK on Quickswap now Im buying DB

>> No.29576728

When this breaks out of $400 range it is going absolutely fucking parabolic. Will be $500, 600, 700, 800, 2000 before you know it.


To avoid being raped by etheruem gas fees and jump straight onto the matic network either use:

>> No.29576887


the official fucking bridge works just fine and is very user friendly

>> No.29577155

ya but matic/poly partnered with ramp and now they have fiat straight to eth layer 2

sportx also uses ramp

>> No.29577208

calm down bro, there are multiple bridges. AAVE has its own bridge too.

>> No.29577357

Just do 2000 trades for an average fee of $.1

>> No.29577496


>> No.29577705

I used ramp right now and is not a scam

>> No.29577994
File: 5 KB, 533x63, quick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried this yesterday and it blew my mind.

>> No.29578061

sorry i'm too poor, i need my shitcoins to moon before i can get in

>> No.29578166


>> No.29578237

Kill me man FUCK
Please dip to 300 again this afternoon

>> No.29578251
File: 9 KB, 472x133, 2021-02-24_17-53-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck uniswap

>> No.29578257

Why the fuck does ramp.network need my email?? Is it worth using a burner? Will it bite me in the ass if I use real email?

>> No.29578345

The e-mail is nothing, then it ask you your photo and passport or other document

>> No.29578527

i see thx anon

looks like this transak has higher processing fees compared to ramp, i guess ill just give ramp a shot

>> No.29578708

ticker is matic

>> No.29578733

it's a scam you idiot

>> No.29578853

I was literally on BSC. And I could not sleep because Egg and Pancake was the only coin you could trust on there. Binance needs to get their act together if they want BSC to succeed.

>> No.29579349

what's binance supposed to do? it just takes time until legit tokens make the transition while the scams come overnight

>> No.29579524

that's true. I havent even given up on binance. but i could not sleep. every moonboy on the telegrams. all the whales. all the rugpullers. all the anon devs.

i feel safer on polygon at least.

>> No.29579584

Will coinbase wallet interact with site/dapp(?). Don't have a chance to check the site yet. If that doesn't work, any recommended apps to use? Like trust wallet etc.

>> No.29579999

yup move over matic, you can have second place to fantom though, you could be our backup

>> No.29580096

And BAKE. And BRY. And AUTO. And the shit ton of wrapped ERC20 coins that will be coming to BSC in the next few weeks, including /biz/raeli memecoins like rubic and sale

>> No.29580437

Nice quads