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File: 235 KB, 1896x1262, Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 7.57.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2956716 No.2956716 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a fucking MAGAillionaire, and feeling good today. DL magacoin wallets @ http://magacoin.org/ and paste your addresses.

>> No.2956749

I'm on a boring ass trade ride from DC to NY. Going to be around for a few hours anon. First come, first serve.

>> No.2956752

nah don't feel like it
i'm a genderfluid androgyne neutrois demigender butch epicene feminist, hillary supporter and proud. fuck your non LGBTQA+ supporting shitcoin

>> No.2956764

>Girlfriend just broke up with me
>Feeling depressed and just got robbed walking home after
>Sees this new coin.
Do I have to wait for it to sync first OP?

>> No.2956774

Fuck bitches, get MAGA.

Nah, syncing will only take a few minutes but you can send over your address now and it'll become accessible when you fully synchronize.

>> No.2956785


Hey anon.

>> No.2956787


>> No.2956804


Please be kind to me OP. Have a nice day :(

>> No.2956811


>> No.2956861

Sent 50 to each address. Keep them coming anon.

>> No.2956864

Thank you very much op!

>> No.2956870

Thank you OP.

Make Magacoin Great!


>> No.2956943

Getting off the train in 20 minutes and going over to my hotel. I'll be going unavailable for about an hour, but keep sending those addresses guys.

>> No.2956947


why are u doing this?

>> No.2956997

Sent 50 over bro.

Coins are worthless atm, and for them to have any value in the future.. it requires circulation and a larger base.

Let me know when you get them!

>> No.2957183
File: 438 KB, 500x376, 1357843096868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gib MAGA plz

>> No.2957244

how was the WH anon?

>> No.2957481
File: 216 KB, 797x763, trump-frog-border2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send some magas my man I want to brick some walls here


>> No.2957593

Thank amigo!

>> No.2958140

Hit me OP

>> No.2958164

I like the feel of this coin. MAGA has the potential to moon mission in the near future.

>> No.2958197

I won't fail you OP.


>> No.2958201
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1080, i got a nice hot meme for tomorrow kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


has magacoin been added to an exchange yet?

>> No.2958246

Not yet.
But if interest grows and this upward momentum continues, it's only a matter of time before cryptopia adds it.

>> No.2958261

hit me up senpai

>> No.2958294

Just GPU mine some MAGAs. Currently low hashrate, so it's easy to fill up your stash. Get on the boat now.

>> No.2958308

L-lets make America great again!

>> No.2958331

Hope you deliver, I've been meaning to get into trading alts for a while now, this seems like a great start


>> No.2958375

give them here nigger

>> No.2958396

anon is good!


>> No.2958458

i was mining it a few weeks ago, but i only have a 970 gtx so the process of mining is pretty slow

~440 kh/s atm

>> No.2958480

What software do you use to mine obscure altcoins like this?

>> No.2958492

still here, OP?


>> No.2958500

Still better than idling :)

There's the CPU magaminer listed on https://www.magacoin.org/ but that won't get much hashing power. Try a GPU scrypt miner like cgminer and use the pool on https://onepool.online

>> No.2958502


Thanks OP

>> No.2958581

I'm going to try to set it up right now to mine with my GTX1080 (I'm using cudaminer, as per a recommendation for Nvidia users) I'm setting up the .bat file now but I'm not entirely sure how I should do it.

>> No.2958606

That should mine some magas :)
It's easy enough. Just use your wallet address as username and something random eg. "x" as password.

>> No.2958685
File: 4 KB, 778x58, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, bat runs for like 5 seconds then closes with errors. Never mined before, just thought I'd try it for the experience but can't get it working. Any ideas? Ignore the "pause" at the end, that's simply to stop the executable from closing so I could read the error message.

>> No.2958732
File: 5 KB, 896x89, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, I typed the url wrong. Here's what I have now (now using ccminer) and it seems to be working. my GPU is definitely under serious load.

>> No.2958744

You should also specify an algoritm (scrypt) parameter like so:

>> No.2958809

Alright I added that to the end. Last question, because it's getting late and I'm tired, is there something off here? If I'm not mistaken, from what I've seen at this point there should be several MH/s updates that show that it is properly mining? I'm not really sure if that's universally true but it seems like the miner has stagnated, unless it's still tuning my GPU or something.

Also, I definitely don't want to go too crazy with mining on my brand new 1080, kek. But I am curious so I want to check it out.

>> No.2958812
File: 13 KB, 644x165, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is where it has stopped.

>> No.2958818


>> No.2958825

As long as no errors show up, things are looking good.
Good luck!

>> No.2958838

Yeah it's going now (posting from my phone so different ID) thanks

>> No.2960121

just made a wallet. Please don't tell me I came too late.

>> No.2960178

OP you're a saint :)

MAGA: AWvkGDTDwDzspHryYveNGBcq2iyv672H6R

>> No.2960456

Sorry guys passed out last night. I'll be sending out maga shortly!

>> No.2960483


Thanks anon!!

>> No.2960811

WH was fucking good, Capitol and Library of Congress were far better though.

>> No.2960846

The wall is going to be YUGE!
Tradesatoshi is in the process of adding it. I'm sure others will follow short after.
Sent 50 MAGA to each of these addrs. If I missed you sorry, just let me know.

If you want to mine do not use the CPU miner. CPU mining days are long over. Use the following:

sgminer/cgminer - AMD
ccminer/cudaminer - Nvidia
bfgminer/cgminer - ASIC

Pool info can be found at https://onepool.online

>> No.2961848

Is this coin actually worth anything?

>> No.2961945

Not at the moment. But I'm extremely confident in its success.

>> No.2961961

Thanks OP

>> No.2961984

Gib plz. ALEF9CCwTvjpWRYKZUkpk2fLKKnxLmwXTK

>> No.2962042

Thank you OP !

>> No.2962199


You missed me OPsan

>> No.2962227

Thanks OP :) make crypto great again lul


>> No.2962365


OP is pretty cool, thank you for doing this

>> No.2962822


yeah, how about no.

>> No.2963407

I'm at independence hall right now guys, I'll be back at the hotel in a bit. Keep the addresses coming guys! I'll get magas sent over when I get back!


>> No.2963585
File: 48 KB, 321x304, Matter_Eater_Lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me great again OP :O


>> No.2964498

Almost back.

Let's go anon, DL wallets and paste addresses. Literally free MAGA

>> No.2964536

It's proof of making america great again

>> No.2964539
File: 584 KB, 836x678, 1478720823544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to get this MAGA wallet?

>> No.2964565
File: 46 KB, 228x239, 1456020936858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... just read the OP.

MAGA! AWCHrZkfyjNZg4BEAkfPkNLegrB8pryWFb

>> No.2964570

Website. https://magacoin.org

>> No.2964640
File: 1.43 MB, 1074x1036, 1455346031480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty kind anon

>> No.2964811

I dont wanna be poor anon,
drop me some maga


>> No.2965211

You still there OP?

>> No.2965397

Hook me up senpai


>> No.2965551

OMG, I got 50. Thank you whoever sent me!

>> No.2965573
File: 57 KB, 637x685, CURIOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 years of MAGA, please.


>> No.2965733

I'm traveling on mobile and wont be to a pc till tomorrow :(

Hope I will still be able to board this train tomorrow!


>> No.2965842


build the fucking wall

>> No.2965907

I have a tx that went out to you Aug 5 :P
Anytime baby.
No problem pede. I'll be around, on vacation right now in our amazing country's birthplace so I'm not around too often.
Damn right. This wall is going to be beautiful!

Sent 50 coins to each addr. Please let me know if I missed you!


>> No.2965915

Keep DLing wallets anon and post your addresses.

Wallets can be found at https://magacoin.org

>> No.2965924

this bro actually paid... senpai noticed me!

>> No.2965930


thanks kind sir

>> No.2965935

Sent 50 MAGA brother! Let me know when you get it!

>> No.2965943

Thanks op. I know next to nothing about shitcoins, what are the odds of this particular coin finding success? What makes a coin successful? Is bitcoin still just speculative meme shit or are people starting to use it for real transactions?

>> No.2965957

MAGA is currently a very passionate/big movement in the US amongst the conservative group. Conservatism is also making large strides in Europe and all over the world, mainly in immigration reform.

Magacoin is aimed toward this demographic.. basically meme magic.

>> No.2965976
File: 14 KB, 200x177, nido.org_o557acbk0101_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks again lad

>> No.2966061

Think I'm gonna start mining this instead of DGB from now on.

>> No.2966076

"We are digimarines!!!"

So fucking cringe, more like we are faggots.

>> No.2966098
File: 172 KB, 1016x1024, 1497736206433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting noice pool payouts now the difficulty has come down

>> No.2966160
File: 46 KB, 750x420, Article-1140x420_000000-264-750x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2966218

why do you have so much magacoin? are you the owner?

>> No.2966505

Kinda glad to see this is still alive after my attempt a while back.


>> No.2966734

Nah anon, mining is fucking easy right now and it's a really new coin.
Sent 50 MAGA to ea address.

I'm going to sleep now anon, keep sending your addresses. I'll check in the morning and will send out MAGA.


>> No.2966892

woah, thanks a bunch man

>> No.2966953


Bless you Anon!

>> No.2967007

I'd like to MAGA

>> No.2967026
File: 11 KB, 257x261, Bush to Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2967089


MAGA me!

>> No.2967565
File: 97 KB, 519x600, IMG_1950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothin' like scamming low IQ /pol/ subhumans! Doin' God's work, friend.

>> No.2967968

can someone give a total newfag pretty specific directions on how to mine this?

>> No.2968935

if you want a good answer to this, make a thread

>> No.2969026


Make us great!

>> No.2969027

thanks op, got the gibs, can confim op != faggot.

Mining this now, see 10 other miners on the onepool network, looks good.

Hope this coin stays off the markets for a while so I can mine a ton and hit that Maga millionair status.

>> No.2969035

Make America Great Again!!!

>> No.2969623
File: 266 KB, 884x903, magawoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2969813


>> No.2969853


hmu <3

>> No.2970028

Trying to set up sgminer, does this look right for the pool settings?

"pools" : [
"url" : "stratum+tcp://pool.onepool.online:5001",
"user" : "AYYbfzksxqMEiajGveRUARfmJ5gcqHiyey",
"pass" : "blahblahblah"

It seems to run fine, but I don't see my address listed under the workers on onepool and I didn't get any maga after letting it run over night. Although over night I had it set to https://pool.onepool.online:5001.. Do I have to set up an account or something on onepool? I didnt' see any option to do that.

>> No.2970187
File: 485 KB, 1274x942, 1497022794927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems to run fine, but I don't see my address listed under the workers on onepool and I didn't get any maga after letting it run over night.
This desu

>> No.2970680

50 MAGA sent over to all! The wall is rising!

I would anon, but I'm on vacation and I have no time. Hopefully someone can help out. Just google around, its like mining any other coin.

The port should be 5000.

>> No.2970694


Keep the addresses coming, I am sending out 50 MAGA to everyone. Start up the miners! Build this wall!

>> No.2970765


>> No.2970834


maga me good

>> No.2970882

Mining now

Don't gib already got, but i just want to show off my new "vanity" adress


>> No.2970893

So you're a millionaire of nothing.

>> No.2970942
File: 248 KB, 442x375, 102940215940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you! May good fortune come to your portfolio

>> No.2971217

Ok thanks, I'll try that.

>> No.2971530

>I know next to nothing about shitcoins, what are the odds of this particular coin finding success?

Small, he should had selected a better meme.
I am not anti trump, but after 8 years and when trump is gone, the maga meme will be gone, problably.

He should have selected, pepe, kek, kekistan, meme magic, so those kinds of memes that are still huge, despise all those years, and despise msm trying to shut down it (or the original artist killing pepe).

Maybe calling it kekel or something like that.

>> No.2971543

is there a way to just get the wallet without 7gb of shit on my comp

>> No.2972971

It's about 50MB currently. It's not really 7GB.

>> No.2973446

a litecoin-based shitcoin. hurrah. nothing new here, just a meme coin that may or may not be worth something.

I voted for trump, but didn't vote for more shitcoins.