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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29558508 No.29558508 [Reply] [Original]

God tier: Avalanche. EVM compatible, super decentralised, super fast, super scalable, new consensus mechanism, ability for permissioned subnets ideal for corporate use cases

High tier: Fantom. EVM compatible, super fast

Meh tier: Polkadot

Shit tier: Everything else

>> No.29558814

I wouldnt be buying anything other than Polkadot or Kusama right now. Avax was a good buy under $10. Its not in the same league in terms of developer building and funding that Web3 Foundation has created for Substrate.
I got a 1st in Computer Science and i'm a qualified Software Engineer in C# and Java. I can tell you now to only buy Ethereum and Dot for the long term, nothing right now comes close to Substrate. Do with this information as you choose.

>> No.29558863

>I got a 1st in Computer Science and i'm a qualified Software Engineer in C# and Java.

Doesnt mean much.

being a good programmer doesnt make you a good investor.

I am a good investor. It's my full time job. Polkadot is not great.

>> No.29558875

Trash thread, saying that as somebody who hold AVAX

>> No.29558900


>> No.29558945

What i mean by this is that you will be 100% better off investing your money in the Ethereum Foundation and Parity Technologies than you would giving Ava Labs or Andre Cronje your money

>> No.29558971

btw i don't bother anymore trying to explain why AVAX is *marginally* superior to anything else, The bull market sought the life out of reasonable discussion. Scams pumping left so it doesn't matter anyway..

>> No.29558985

I have put my money where my mouth is so we will see soon enough.

>> No.29559002

Eth competitor true power rankings
High tier: The one I'm holding in my crypto portfolio
Shit tier: Everything else

I have a PhD in Computer Sciences and I'm a Mesa member btw, do with this information as you choose.

>> No.29559047
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>> No.29559069

Tech wise it might be marginally better but Web3 Foundation have spent hundreds of millions in grants and have thousands of projects building on Substrate stack. Avax won't be able to compete.

>> No.29559308

I also put my money where my mouth is, and I have already retiered from repeatedly putting my money where my mouth is.

>> No.29559432

You should be looking at crypto more from an investors perspective. I've been around for many moon missions, and crypto isn't a zero sum game. The value of coins is often relative to each other. If A goes up, the second best coins follows with a certain margin. And you can make a lot of money from that.

>> No.29559563

Holding AVAX is the easy part. Holding ZERO is the smart part.
Unironically, who is not going to use Zero.Exchange when you can trade assets for cents on Avalanche, Ethereum, Polkadot and BSC?

>> No.29559583
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>High tier: Fantom. EVM compatible, super fast
also need $1M to run a validator, basically a centralized piece of shit

>Meh tier: Polkadot
over-engineered piece of shit, slot auction because it can't scale

>> No.29559586
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>> No.29559711

it's not cents tho, it's eating quite a lot gas in avax atm

>> No.29559712

>I got a 1st in Computer Science and i'm a qualified Software Engineer in C# and Java
memes aside, software engineers rank incredibly low in cryptocurrency literacy
largely because 1) SEs have a tendency to be autistic and overestimate their own skill 2) they especially do that with anything they deem tech 3) they confuse crypto for tech when it is in fact economics/politics at core, with an underpinning of advanced cryptography which most software engineers do not truly understand anyway
good on you for being above the standard "heh, crypto is just an overhyped inefficient database"

>> No.29559726

Why would people want to put their money into a 1% inflation coin where you can't afford to run a node?

It's mental. Ultimately it won't be fucking development foundations or code monkeys who decide what is worth putting money into, it's more about economics than tech and even on tech Avalanche is incredible.

Imagine your average person wanting to use crypto. You can put your money into this low fee, instant tx system and by the way your money goes up in value over time, or you can shove it in a similar system that slowly inflates away over time. Nobody is in it for the tech, the use of Blockchain tech is mostly just useful as a decentralised permissionless currency and even then it appears that everything other than Bitcoin is mostly just gambling beta plays against Bitcoin, the DeFi shit is pretty much just a casino/pyramid scheme hybrid, the vast majority of businesses are not sitting around dying to get involved with any of this stuff.

I like Avalanche because it does all the smart contract shit if that is useful to anybody but on account of the fact that the supply of the underlying token is more deflationary than Bitcoin and doesn't suffer from the selfish mining/bdos/51% attack stuff and the txs are instant and incredibly low cost, from a consumer perspective it is hard to see why I would put my money on any other competing system.

>> No.29559843

Their site is so cringe and it looks like it was made by an edgy 13 yo.
That alone discredits the coin for me

>> No.29560029

That’s only because fees are hard coded until Apricot launches.
After that, we return to the cents range and everyone is cool with AVAX climbing to $1k or more.

>> No.29560300

I know, it's not a big issue but just an information to others. It's working way better than eth.

Fuck, I owe this board for shilling avax to me few months back.

>> No.29560733

>has AVAX bags
>constantly talks about Fantom

>> No.29560814

Zero is an embarrassment to AVAX

>> No.29560993

Still accumulating ZERO?
Only $0.21 right now, should soon be back to $0.30 before it takes off to the multi-dollar range.
You maybe have a few days left before the news, though, so factor that into your strategy.

>> No.29561427

>You maybe have a few days left before the news
You heard it here first people, the rug pull is in a few days. Thanks for the tip anon.
I'll stick to Pangolin

>> No.29561589

Are you like literally 12 years old?
Sure sounds like.
Imagine investing in a rat/lizard hybrid when you could have a cool ZERO stack.

>> No.29561806

> Are you like literally 12 years old?
I wish, unfortunately I'm an old fag.
Are you affiliated with Zero? I don't understand my you would invest in extremely suspect and risky Zero over safe, promising Pangolin.
You do you though fren

>> No.29563017

Well, there’s the explanation, anon. You’ve been gaslighted to believe ZERO isn’t the safer and better alternative to Pangolin, which, let me remind you, launched last, isn’t as powerful and is more expensive than ZERO.

>> No.29563592

Lets say you are right for arguments sake. It doesn't change the fact that Zero is a failed project. It has no liquidity and the liquidity it does have is all in Zero and WAVAX. The devs tried and failed.
Not to mention the scammy looking contract and the awful shill campaign on biz.
Good luck to you fren but Pangolin has already won

>> No.29563727
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tüm inanmayanlara ölüm. Para iskeletini sikeyim

>> No.29564083

>manufactured rivalry for FTM shilling purposes