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29551423 No.29551423 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on viking? I looked over the contract code, saw no difference from EGG, have been following their channels and I'm thinking of buying the dip. What do you think /biz/? Will this go the way of the Goose?

>> No.29552228

Seems solid, dip to 40 was just egg fomo, it will rise back up as the week goes on and more is released about nfts

>> No.29552327

its a goose fork so its safe and basically egg but with higher apr and less recognition

I suggest you get into it before its too late right now is perfect while its still $40

>> No.29552351


>> No.29552698


>> No.29552759

What's the price action of this thing been? Does it have any new features in development? Or is it the next donut?

>> No.29552863

i was one of the first to nest my CAKE there days ago when the apr was 1800%...made a lot of money because i put in like 3700 CAKE, but just moved that to bunny to diversify my nesting rewards into more CAKE. still have a good bit in VIKING nest at 1800% because i can't find a safe project that pays that much. the tg is good at viking too and they care about the project.

>> No.29553037

>price action
>new features
they're working on unique NFTs to keep the coin burning and apr high while the cap goes up
>is it the next donut?
it's on coingecko dappradar and viking devs and goose devs are friends

>> No.29553048

Devs are active with the burning so I'm not too concerned about the dip. Farm still has sky high APY which makes me a happy holder.

>> No.29553168

Qhat was price action before the CG listing? ATH and ATL?

>> No.29553280

ATH is $53 coin was steadily rising for days till now

>> No.29553324

yeah, that apy saved my portfolio during the dip...i was like, what dip?

>> No.29553396

Just a copycat from Goose!
Why don’t you buy the original??
I hear the dev. have no coding skills, and the code has added a code line that can remove LP from pools...
Really make you think

>> No.29553448

no it wasn't...it was at least like $90-something ath...where are you getting 53? kek. price action was good a couple days ago, i'd harvest and sell in the 90's for bnb, then i bought stuff like salt with the free money and ride the wave there, then buy more viking and nest it...then btc had a temper-tantrum

>> No.29553526

piss off you liar...go back to your village. nice plebbit spacing

>> No.29553577

>why dont you buy the original??
because the original is squeezed to the fullest

>> No.29553980

I believe multi-layered farming is in the works

>> No.29553985

Yeah I saw that ATH at the beggining and it made me not jump in. I think the other anon was talking about the ATH on coingecko, which is only a day old. Jumped in at 40 something, let's see where this goes

>> No.29554117

Definitely buy the dip bro this is a safe 100x

>> No.29554241


>> No.29554882

i actually aped in only because of the CAKE rates...then just started swinging the tokens but i'm going to hold until $90's again

>> No.29554976
File: 10 KB, 222x227, 68467645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking bought at 80 thinking that was a dip. Now it's 40. Everything is poomping except Viking. WHYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> No.29555162

Hodl and farm

It is a comfy coin

>> No.29555207

Its going back up to 200 at least don't worry brother
Buy the dip

>> No.29555691

It’s a scam, and dev. have a very bad reputation.
Soon will leak for screen.
You better getting out, because it’s about to go down pretty soon.

>> No.29555792

Explain why you added migration code when Goose removed.
It is no a 100% fork from Goose Finance

>> No.29555809

I dunno if this is ironic anti-fud, but what reputation?

>> No.29555841

Please elaborate

>> No.29555948

Security team message team on telegram and they ignored them. They contacted them on public group, and got ban from group.
Something fishy is going on

>> No.29555978


>> No.29556039

what migration code retard there is no migration code

>> No.29556104

Apparently they was involved on some rug in UniSwap few months ago (october/november).
Saw screenshot been shared on tg, but got insta removed

>> No.29556126

The TG says they're being audited by Hacken right now.

>> No.29556187

Is this some ESL retard ip hoping?

>> No.29556278

KEK saw it last Sunday

>> No.29556312

Yes, but what would he get out of fuding this? Ranjesh, what fork are you shilling?

>> No.29556977

Viking is a scam
Go back to the orginal : Goose

>> No.29557024

Nigger show me the proof

>> No.29557045

he literally cant

>> No.29557736


retarded fud, hacken audit incoming tomorrow

>> No.29557826


Security team? Some random who could barely speak English sent something, Hacken audit incoming

>> No.29558826
File: 9 KB, 161x56, Screenshot 2021-02-24 123616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems OK, going back up to $50. It looked very stable so I got in at like 80, so oh well. On the other hand I got in at 80 on Goose.

Does anyone use Icecreamswap? I tried it when it was ~100 but then it massively started dropping so I yeeted myself out, got burnt a bit but it's 30 now (up from 15 yesterday), so I could have been burnt worse.

>> No.29559130

I've entered yesterday at 14, it's now 35.
The Daily Roi is retardedly high.
Supply seems low, lower than goose, and the liquidity seems to add up constantly.
It wouldn't surprise me to see GLTO at 80 USD or 50 at least.

>> No.29559557

how long are people usually stay in those farms?

>> No.29559729

It used to be 400. I thought it had stabized at 100 but I was wrong.. very volatile, watch it.

>> No.29559835

we're not going to the moon WE ARE GOING TO VALHALLA

>> No.29560385

The new GLTO used to be 100?
When was that?

>> No.29560644

Highest I saw was $85 like 4-5 days ago. It was kind of bouncing between $70 and $85 a couple of times. This was when EGG was hovering around $145. So it hasn't recovered quite as well as EGG, so there is potential for growth now that TVL is growing again.

>> No.29561814

1 day 11 hrs ago, I paid $508.93 for 5, then it immediately dropped like a rock to 80, so GTFO'd because it looked risky AF. Checked later and it was 20. Someone said it was 140 earlier, and some guy who appparently got in just when it opened said it was 400.

>> No.29561983

Signal to sell now
Tomorrow Rug Pull day !
Viking will rape and take everything !

>> No.29562050

every viking go join @SquirrelDeFi tg and ask for a viking farm on squirrel.finance

dev seems responsive

>> No.29562113

>looked at the code and saw no difference
Now look at the devs and roadmaps. Be more forward thinking. Who is better in a position to innovate - the original creators who built the platform and tokenomics with a specific vision in mind or s copycat who just wants to ride the tailwinds? It can work out - look at SUSHI, but so far I don't see any long term promise in their approach.

>> No.29562123

Don’t you get it retard, it’s a scam (team have 70% of funds and dumping on you)

>> No.29562261

not true, bought at 63 sold at 61

>> No.29562524
File: 90 KB, 480x615, 86874e7785eee45cf54cd4c388c75c20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find a safe project that pays 1800%
wonder why anon

>> No.29563707

No shit genius, the point is getting in and out while there is a frenzy. Unfortunately that frenzy got wrecked because crypto tanked just at that moment. GLTO has been on a stable 35 bux all day, so you could have made some profits off that. Only greedy idiots who overstay get burnt by this.