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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2954519 No.2954519 [Reply] [Original]

>finally rich
>she left me anyways
How do I buy happiness

>> No.2954531

God damn do I know this feeling.

>> No.2954540

>not rich
>getting sick of gf

whatever man

>> No.2954542

>tfw poor and stuck in a relationship

Be free my bros

>> No.2954547

i feel ya anon. i feel ya

>> No.2954553
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>make near six figures
>she married some guy that works in a warehouse

>> No.2954556
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>she left me when i was broke
>now 10x richer, more attractive, social

>> No.2954557

The age old saying, money doesn't buy you happiness, but it can buy you the things that make you happy.

>> No.2954565

Buy land and grow a dick faggot.

>> No.2954568
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All those sleepless nights looking at meme charts lines and refreshing /biz instead of laying the pipe down.

You can use your newly acquired massive proceeds to buy spikes of happiness in terms of whores and drugs. Also, do not believe the dirtpoorfag hype about "money doesn't make you happiness, indulging in whores and drugs will ruin you".

Don't trust those faggots. You have to see it for yourself, try it out, spend money on sex services and brain altering drugs and you will reach spiritual happiness that will fulfill your financial situation.

Good luck anon-kun!

>> No.2954585

if you feeling sad because a woman left you, you don't know shit about being happy. i'm serious. now you can do what ever you want. get some monero, buy a toddler and fucking kill it. enjoy to be free, idiot!

>> No.2954598

nah tried it for years its good at first but then you are even more miserable after

>> No.2954615

get jewish prostitute just to fart in her face

>> No.2954618
File: 363 KB, 1200x1012, 2017-06-01_15.05.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 22.
>tfw 500k networth and over 150k in savings/checking.
>zero debts obviously.
>drive a BMW convertible.

Still a dateless KHV that's been rejected 6 times. When does it get better /v/? Is this enough money to buy a Russian whore or some Asian slut to be my wife/slave? I'm almost 23 and I'm tired of being a KHHV dateless touchless.

>> No.2954625

sell the car and buy a bike, then you'll get so lean you can't keep them off

>> No.2954639

I already am fit, not super ripped or anything but a bit above average.

>> No.2954643

its probably because you are short. like 5'7 and below. short guys are like fat women. except fat women can lose weight and you cant do shit about yourself.


>> No.2954644


oh shit i know this one! cocaine dude

>> No.2954656

how did you manage to get 500k networth at 22? did you have a headstart thx to your parents?
what did you start with?

>> No.2954668

Yes tell us OP

>> No.2954673

no he is larping thats so fags pic dont gib him yous

>> No.2954678

Get a woman who stupider than you, poorer than you.
You need to make it so that she depends on you and not the other way around.

>> No.2954680 [DELETED] 

you have no game
das why

>> No.2954684

Yes I did have a head start with parents. I also was an early investor in bitcoin, and ended up doing great in the stock market. My parents paid for all my expenses in college and tuition, they also bought my car for me. When I start working I also plan on living at home so I will have nexy to zero expenses. Then after a few years of working I will buy a house in cash and rerire early.

>> No.2954689
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But I'm 5'6" and he's 5'5"

>> No.2954725

Yfw 10x broke is still broke

>> No.2954848

Start lifting and get /fit/. Three days a week in the gym to better yourself, just fucking do it.

>> No.2954874

>he fell for the women meme

>> No.2954914

If you're rich you have freedom that 99% of the world doesn't have

Use it

>> No.2954993

Hey I'm rich. I want to bang some hotties on instagram. How do I figure out if they're escorts or not? Do I need to have a douchey IG profile as well?

>> No.2955015

Don't call us /v/ faggot

>> No.2955026
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I love capitalism so much that's it's consumed my life. Even my sex life. I'm unable to get off on sex without paying. I have a gf and I pay her to fuck me.

>> No.2955325

your idea of freedom is a bit fucked up

>> No.2955346


I'm poor and I know that

>> No.2955370
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go to russia

>> No.2955397
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>no car
>no gf
>dont drink
>small apt in the city
>easy job
>$200k of index funds

comfy as fuck not having to constantly worry about pleasing some dumb roastie

>> No.2955410
File: 80 KB, 1200x1078, DCOE47OUAAA-fc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#findom has fucked up my mind so much. Haven't payed a girl yet, but the temptation is strong.

>> No.2955416

Holy shit dude kill yourself

>> No.2955419


thats probably a guy

>> No.2955434
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happiness =/= relationship

wtf learn to life

>> No.2955439
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The only proper response, but the depravity is the whole attraction of the fetish.

Only if they haven't verified their twitter

>> No.2955462

Why would you pay for Findom? At least get something out of your wasting of money, whether that be porn<1$/minute, or actual domination session(~$100-300 an hour, cheaper for older less desirable dominatrixes and more hours).

But Findom? Fucking why. If you're actually attracted to that shit, you might want to quit the internet and/or porn for a while. Or turn off the fucking sound, or tell yourself that they're fucking money-vampire bitches.

>> No.2955473


I always wondered what sort of pathetic fucks were into findom

Sort yourself out

>> No.2955478

>tell yourself that they're fucking money-vampire bitches.

That's exactly why it's hot. Also, I haven't paid for anything yet, I just leech off twitter.

>> No.2955483

>all these memers posting hilarious stereotypes etc
so many of you are so god damn pathetic

>> No.2955488
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>BMW means I should get women
What's up, Elliot?

>> No.2955537

>no gf
>no life
>no lambo
>no nothing
Fuck off, OP.

>> No.2955539

Wow what a site

>> No.2955541

What's so hot about a woman demanding your fucking money and calling you small dicked and a cuck? Maybe go bathe in some R9K loathing for a little.

At least go for actual sexy-vampires, that drink blood, and so have some intimacy to jerk it to.

>> No.2955563

Only thing I can think of is you must be boring ass fucking normies and\or unfit

>> No.2955612

This video will help you out, Discipline yourself and youll get there mate.


BTC: 1PMGW4icjrFgnQP5b9yX91dbXxYLyA9hC3
> Incase any of you lonely lads want to thank me for saving you.

>> No.2955647

Any time I need my faith in women reduced I remind myself that there are instabimbos who literally get pooped on by arabs for cash

What a time to be alive

>> No.2955668
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>Making 110k after taxes
>Got a pity sucking from a mexican friend I literally had to beg
>Only one gf who strung me along and dumped me for a literal criminal thug

It wasn't supposed to be like this

>> No.2955695

I'd rather pay for pussy then get married or date. Your co-dependent and until you change you'll stay unhappy.

>> No.2955705

Yo nigga if you go to Asia you are guaranteed a fuck/cook/clean maid if you play your cards right. They got white fever big time just wait in the right bottom bitch. No one else values whiteness/wealth just be prepared to deal with the downsides.

(If you pajeet you screwed tho)

>> No.2955717

It's not about the sex, anyone can get sex

We want love

>> No.2955769

Jesus this is sad

>> No.2955777
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>behind ever great man is a great woman
Bullshit most men do it to spite there wives and pay for pussy
> we want love
Is co-dependency honestly, and after you've had "love" and lost it you will be even less whole until you find another "love"
I might be biased against love I was unknowingly cucked by a rich trucker and lost my love.

>> No.2955807


What really is broke? I'd say a lot of people who after they pay all their bills for the month only have a tiny bit of money leftover would say they are broke.

Even if he only made 500 bucks a month, 5k is very decent.

>> No.2955821
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>not rich
>no gf
you have no right to complain

>> No.2955829
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>Girl of my dreams left 10 years ago.
>Dated several girls since, no one ever compares. Most American women are degenerate scum.
>Sleep with other women but shes always in my dreams.

It's not looking good for me, anons. Current plan is as follows:

1. Get law degree utilizing military GI Bill.
2. Simultaneously, earn mad bank on daytrading memecoins and hodling the ones that are actually worth something
3. Spend 2 years studying at prestigious Polish university.
4. Find Roman Catholic Aryan cutie to bring back to the States.

Rate my life plan anons.

>> No.2955836

This is how things should be, how they could be

>> No.2955912

Everything sounds awesome except for the Polish university; how come? But I'm also just an 18/yo PT so what do I know.

>> No.2955995
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Go spend some time on /pol/ to be redpilled on the poles. Strong national identity, strong family values, strong moral compass (religious), refusal to bow to their Eurotrash masters, 0 terrorist attacks while everyone else on the continent sees multiple a month. Everyone below 30 is conversational in English.

Only real downside is that since they're former soviet they're still trying to recover economically, so there's still some parts that are considered european white trash. But Poland was one of the very few nations to actually grow their GDP during the 2008 crash. To borrow this board's parlance, Poland is going to the moon.

>> No.2955998

Same thing happened to me. I flew to Vegas next night and did completely degenerate things in an expensive hotel room and felt near immediate satisfaction. Then I lost 35k on black jack because I was demolished and decided I made a rash decision. Minus the black jack and you should have a great time. If you're cheap like me, old Vegas has the cheapest prices for alcohol/food family

>> No.2956024

Wear it.
(Buy better clothes, anon)

>> No.2956036
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welkime to azia

>> No.2956038

You were never worth being loved OP. You were never worth anything

>> No.2956460

start lifting......... your feels

>> No.2956478

this happened to me except she left after i spent all my money on her

>> No.2956488

>has money but doesn't know how to spend it

>5k a month is decent

wtf is with this board. if you have so much brain damage that you suck with girls, just do drugs. lots of drugs. fuck off.

>> No.2956495

So underrated

>> No.2956498

and start feeling.......your lifts

>> No.2956501

>BMW convertible
Are you a woman?

>> No.2956507

You could invest in the best personal trainers, doctors and coaches. You can travel anywhere, do anything you want. In fact your situation is so easy and yet you seem so clueless that I don't believe you