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File: 33 KB, 600x600, 91CABEDC-03A0-428C-9A92-0259D1CC6EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29530061 No.29530061 [Reply] [Original]

Some anon said they invested in this crypto all because it was cute and blue. Seriously wtf he said he was up 100k, are people this retarded? Are these the people I’m sharing this space with right now. Fucking ridiculous.

READ THE FUCKING WHITE PAPER AND DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE IN RESEARCH! And yes I’m fucking seething. I’m literally getting out played by NEET retards

>> No.29530224

i just bought because green froggys told me to and never sold
I don't even know how to send my link from binance to my own wallet. crypto is for fucking nerds. I dont mind getting rich of you nerds though

>> No.29530227

Haha funny blue box I will buy you :)

>> No.29530351

> mad cause he bought ugly bitcoin stocks instead of the pretty blue one

>> No.29530356

the chad gut feeling and aesthetics crypto picker


the virgin logic and analytics & research crypto picker

>> No.29530458
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I don't read, only buy.

>> No.29530535
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*sucks teeth* he cute

>> No.29530620

Link always eventually goes up. That’s all you need to know.

>> No.29530789
File: 54 KB, 221x258, SubHumanSlaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a buddy who is up a quarter of a milli on FTM all because he thought the name was cool. Can't fault the bro for a winning investment strategy.

>> No.29531002

Bro, exact same thing here. I bought 60k LINK in the 2017 bullrun because all the nerds were talking about it so much saying it was going to be the new ETH or some shit. Kept it in my binance wallet all these years because I've never had a private ETH wallet.

Sold half at $20 and other half at $30. Thanks nerds.

>> No.29531022
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Thread theme

>> No.29531114

200k link, 200k avax, come at THIS NEET

>> No.29531237
File: 203 KB, 750x569, 908E526F-FF13-4E48-84BC-295CEDDE9CC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t the fact that link has a dedicated following of overly loyal retards actually a good reason to buy?

>> No.29531311
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>> No.29531558

>getting out played by NEET retards
maybe you should have played more video games then

>> No.29531692

I hate biz so fucking much. Is everyone here pretending to be retarded? Came here from adv because I’m sick of being poor. And seeing all these literal retards makes me sick. I work more than 40hours a week and some fucking low IQ is making more than me, a fucking welder. Seriously what the fuck. I honestly don’t see how that’s fair. My gut tells me to research all this shit before I buy and honestly all this is a fucking scam and gambling. Wish I never found this place.

Fuck you rich retards. I hope you die. At least you’ll never be able to use that money for good. Ganna stay in mommy’s basement? Fucking faggot.

>> No.29531710

I bought about 2k because I saw a meme I liked.
Then I read the white paper and bought another 14k over the space of a year.

>> No.29531865

I'm up 2M because I liked the Sergey memes and believed in AssBlaster

>> No.29532160

Calm down dude. Just be yourself and you'll get rich too.

>> No.29532714

made 180k in a couple of months because i bought link 3 years ago because of the memes, i have no idea what it does lol eat shit

>> No.29533800

i bought for the memes 20k at 44 cents

>> No.29533870

if you're a programmer the whitepaper actually exposes that Chainlink is a scam and they have literally no idea how to make it decentralized.

we've known this since 2016, been telling you retards for literally 4 years that Chainlink would never be decentralized. It's now 2021 and Chainlink is still just KYC centralized oracles and the specs for staking or anything remotely decentralized still not released.

If you thought the whitepaper was good, you're a brainlet. It was an obvious scam.

>> No.29534010
File: 773 KB, 2518x1134, 1613322047930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo you have to read the heckin white paper
>noooo you can't just buy a coin because you like the logo
Stay poor faggot.

>> No.29534218

not doing god's work

>> No.29534401

That is me on the right and I'm approaching 8 figures right now.

LINK, AVAX, GRT, ADA. I have no idea what any of them does but they've been good to me.

>> No.29534943

My first purchase was ETH at $700. I'm pretty happy so far. GRT has been good for me too. It made my portfolio go up $3000 in 48 2 weeks ago and I never made that kind of money before. I want to get a 100k stack of ONE but only at 35k right now. I only glance at white papers if that but I really don't understand much of it either. To be honest I don't really care about crypto, defi, new paradigm, or any of the other stuff. Honestly the whole thing seems stupid but if it works out then cool I guess. All I really care about is that my internet monopoly money turns in to a lot of real money. Crypto is the closest thing we have to an IRL money cheat so I do hope it continues to work its magic.