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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29529350 No.29529350 [Reply] [Original]

Why is tulip holding up so well?
Even if these shitcoins end up following through on a feature, there's always a big dip immediately after the initial pump.
What the fuck is going on? What's with all the cryptic bullshit about a government psyop? What's with the constantly active mods and "devs" in the telegram? Why am I holding some trash bsc altcoin after doubling my money? Am I losing my mind?

>> No.29530201

Psyop or not feels comfy to hold

>> No.29530231

You are in for a ride anon. Hope you dont sell. When have u seen a shitcoins give airdrops worth more than 2bnb at the get go of the project?
Not to mention that it is impossible to be rugpulled since all the supply was airdropped

>> No.29530422
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Poo thread. sage

>> No.29530498

Still mad u didn't get the free gibs?

>> No.29530547

>When have u seen a shitcoins give airdrops worth more than 2bnb at the get go of the project?
Never. But I wouldn't expect that to happen without liquidity being drained in hours, let alone hold at around 1.5 bnb.
Something's fucky. It was enough to buy more at 1.4 to bump my stack up above the airdropped amount, which I normally never do on these shitcoin gambles.

>> No.29530562

Actually worth about 1 bnb on release

>> No.29530725

Nigger look into a project for two seconds before diving for the wojak folder. The only way this can rug is if the devs airdropped 80+ wallets they control, which is the most insanely roundabout way of implementing an exit scam I've ever heard.

>> No.29530726

it's literally dumping

>> No.29531225

Dev said he would release a farming method today guess what, it was a lie

>> No.29531998

It's not dumping, it's had an established floor of 3c for two days now faggot.

>> No.29532971

It should be done soon

>> No.29533123

How high realistically do you think it will go when farms are up?

>> No.29533263

it will go to ath again probably, so around 0.09, then it will keep pumping

>> No.29533386

It needs more volume to really take off tokenomics-wise and team doesn't seem to be doing much to generate hype.

>> No.29533918

i think it stagnated this last two days because of the market crash
but still, it didn't really dump that much comparing it to the market in general

>> No.29533919

jasonlovehard at protonmail


>> No.29533982


>> No.29534779

So this thing had no pre-sale? Does that mean it is rug pull proof?

>> No.29535104

the only way it could be that they could semi rugpull, is if they gave to themselves lots of airdrops, but it seems unlikely

>> No.29535584

SHIT SWAP TOKENS LIKE TULIP exist in their own bubbles, and are not significantly affected by general market trends. This is basically due to artificial price action (like transactions between devs and marketers) meant to keep the project looking "legit", and having armies of shills on telegram who spam the shit out of 4chunks and other platforms. Use your fucking brain. A token you can only procure via Pancake Swap or some other bullshit, is not subject to the same movements that an actually legitimate project in the greater crypto-sphere is.

>> No.29535925

you got rugpulled by a pokemon coin, didn't you?

>> No.29536376

Grapeswap about to drop socials/website soon. Get in asap and you're inb4 launch!

>> No.29536531
File: 16 KB, 88x88, RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dev of tulip is the same one who did clover. take that as you will

>> No.29536675


>> No.29536777

Where did you read that? Is it on telegram?

>> No.29536802

This is why I'm holding a stack of CAKE - there are millions of these shitcoins and normies will definitely start to get into them due to ETHs absurd fees

>> No.29536917

delete this anon

>> No.29536971

I'm not talking about its price action in regards to the market you brainlet, I'm talking about it in regards to the standard bsc shitcoin.

>> No.29537176

whats that about? the email doesn't even exist

>> No.29537397


>> No.29538371

Fucking scam
As soon as i recover what I have invested i will dump my bags on you

>> No.29538465

>As soon as i recover what I have invested
Anon, I...

>> No.29538542

You what? Complete your sentence idiot

>> No.29538545
File: 86 KB, 611x408, Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 10.01.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a mod in the tg chat fucked up and posted this in the wrong group kek guess they're planning something like crypto punks

>> No.29538647

>The only way this can rug is if the devs airdropped 80+ wallets they control, which is the most insanely roundabout way of implementing an exit scam I've ever heard.
this is literally standard MO now for pajeets what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.29538656

The farming will be deflationary so infinite

>> No.29538825

Fucking idiot is going to rugpull soon
This, tulip is a scam
You're an idiot if you really think that

>> No.29538951

1000x imminent what the fuck

>> No.29538957

are you guys in the tg group?
what is going on?
they seem very cryptic about something

>> No.29539021

I don't really take it that way. I think they're making tulip equivalent of those nfts collections.

>> No.29539034


>> No.29539073

Stay poor

>> No.29539092

You realize there was a binance ripoff of cryptopunks (literally copy pasted) and it sold for 10k bnb( each punk 1 bnb)? That's 2.5 mil for pixels

>> No.29539266

retard and bluepilled

>> No.29539349

so, that means this isn't a scam or what?

>> No.29539378
File: 42 KB, 500x750, photo_2021-02-21_19-50-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir I didn't get my airdrop

>> No.29539457

Nope. I don't hold or trade in anything but non-ETH and non-BNB based DeFi crypto.

>> No.29539559

This will easily hit .12-.15 and I'm being realistic.

Could do more.

>> No.29539575

Its a scam anon, open your eyes.
Dev is telling "tomorrow there will be great news" but he never delivers

>> No.29539579

I dont see how it can be

>> No.29539707

He literally gave out 1mil$ in tokens for free with no special dev fund

>> No.29539710

Sell them to me now anon. It's only up from here!

>> No.29539881

Is /biz/ this dumb?
>he gave away free money, its legit
Yeah he gave some of his money so that retards like you buy it.

>> No.29540054

yeah they are definitely larping in the telegram chat as some kind of psyop

>> No.29540214

Wow I feel so scammed

>> No.29540790

20 cents end of month. Calling it here.

>> No.29540924

Mod typed how he wanted people to dump due to not buying enough but quickly deleted it saying sorry wrong group. Take that as you will

>> No.29541135

take your meds schizo

>> No.29541202

The standard pajeet mo is to just leave liquidity unlocked and have a wallet with 20% of the supply, because retards will still buy if you slap a Pokemon on it.
I can't name a single coin that bothered to rug via airdrop

>> No.29541385
File: 730 KB, 1280x944, CloverVrcTulip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29541467

If you're not planting tulips you won't ever make it brainlet

>> No.29541503

Then you must be new

>> No.29541650
File: 186 KB, 1106x1467, 1522128716149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anons, did we actually just dox the dev? I swear I've seen that exact name somewhere from a project in December. The dude literally had a master's in programming or some shit. I could just be thinking of a completely different thing though.

>> No.29541697
File: 38 KB, 640x640, VRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29542708

but the email isnt real, is it?

>> No.29543298

I'm gonna piss myself laughing when a non-zero number of people get rugpulled by a coin literally called Tulip

>> No.29543564

does anyone know how difficult is for new projects to be listed on coingecko?

>> No.29544164

I've made 2-3x on like 3 rugpulls in the last 4 days
I doubt tulip will rug because they already had a perfect chance

>> No.29544449

the fact that there are still more than 400 wallet addresses that haven't sold their tulips worries me

>> No.29544574


>> No.29544706

idk, too many possible weak sellers

>> No.29545080
