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29528369 No.29528369 [Reply] [Original] [archived.moe]

Besides BTC and ETH, what is a relatively safe bet to buy and hold now for a few years?

>> No.29528469

GRT, The Graph is the future. Even if you are a nigger

>> No.29528518

She doesn't know lmao

>> No.29528535


>> No.29528622
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This. My GRT been doin sumn for a few months now.

>> No.29528822

U aite yboi
Get u sum chainlank nigga

>> No.29529015

its the official rice dick coin.

>> No.29529043


>> No.29529064

BNB,ADA,DOT....if you’re really risk averse put it into a stablecoin and earn good apy

>> No.29529087

Y'all makin me question whether or not I should fucks with that.

>> No.29529112

LTC is also safe, maybe LINK and XMR

>> No.29529129


>> No.29529137

BAT is the only real answer

>> No.29529170

LTC shiiit homie that jaun go crazy? Say less

>> No.29529183

>centralized chinkcoin only traded on a single exchange
>up 1000% in 3 months
idk anon

>> No.29529415

it's literally the only alt that was always in top 10 since its inception apart from ETH but since LTC is older this is even more impressive
other top 10 coins come and go but LTC is not going anywhere so yeah, it's safe

>> No.29529533


>> No.29529632
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Why y'all so into that Chainlink?

>> No.29529653

As always has been since the 2018 dump: 2/3 in Pnk and 1/3 in Link. Makeit stack for 2021/2025

>> No.29529700
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Holy fuck, this is truly the pinnacle of wojaks. Can this possibly get any more based?

>> No.29529742


>> No.29529861
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Buy Algo ya dumb ho

>> No.29529993

Why not polka dot?

>> No.29530136
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in short. A smartcontract is only as good as the data that is provided to execute it.

Chainlink provides data to smartcontracts and makes them useful. For example, Defi. The only reason why Defi is able to exist is Chainlinks oracle network and this is just one application.

>> No.29530197

Over my head... I'ma have to do some readin!

>> No.29530221

LINK and GRT for me.

>> No.29530232

This is an absolutely horrible list.

Link, maybe ADA.

>> No.29530299


>> No.29530303
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Sorry sir, I only deal in shitcoins.

>> No.29530350

Just trust Sergey.

>> No.29530404

Stop posting these ugly niggers

>> No.29530553

Thanks hottie

>> No.29530623


>> No.29530759

Think of it this way.

Blockchain, smartcontracts, 4th industrial revolution is all about automated contractual labor. Robots. yes seriously, these applications (smartcontracts) will be replacing pencil pushers much in the same way robots replace manual labor. Hence why we can use SC in Defi and banking and insurance, etc....

So, back to robots. A robot is only as good as the information it uses to make decisions. Chainlink makes sure the information that is fed to the robot is trusted and the Truth. It does this through its Oracle network. Not gonna explain it here but there is plenty of reading material out there for you. But, in short, the oracle network is the like the internet in which smartcontracts can tap into for data.

As Stani from AAVE put it. The larger Defi gets the more reliant that sector will be on Oracles. Once the total value of defi surpases ETH marketcap the greatest security, the greatest value will be in Oracles because all of Defi will rely on Chainlinks data.

And that is only one sector.

>> No.29530854

newfag here. /biz/ shilled grt to me and I'm holding it forever. Literally I'm never selling until grt can buy me a 4 bed 2 bath house outright. So grt.

>> No.29531083

Damn, you knowledgeable as hell. Thanks for the explanation!

>> No.29531315
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This one's on the house.

>> No.29531506
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Physical Silver and Gold

>> No.29531512
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>> No.29531752

Why does the real life one look so much uglier?

>> No.29532431

So you're saying that ultimately, ETH and LINK can't co-exist if LINK takes off?

>> No.29532440
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>> No.29532560
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Because 2d > 3d

>> No.29532773

She doesn't? Holy fuck just admit you're gay to yourself.

>> No.29533233

niggerlover cope

>> No.29533955

No, its not either or.

ETH and LINK will definately coexist. ETH will be the defacto ledger keeper. What is in question and where the value lies is the computation in which will happen at the oracle layer.

>> No.29534011

Your loss faggot black women are gorgeous as fuck in real life. Look at those cute little dimples. Seethe more white roastie

>> No.29535148

lol enjoy your aids

>> No.29535289

NIG coin in your case

>> No.29536368

this nigga

>> No.29536395

source on this? She's 100% pretty damn it's been a long ass time since I've seen a woman

>> No.29536623


>> No.29536692


>> No.29536880

buy cotton

>> No.29537082

nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project
another recent beatdown https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S28670476

>> No.29537438


>> No.29537890
File: 23 KB, 512x512, cardano_ada-512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano, top 10 since it was released. Growing community. Safer than shitcoin gambling. More upside than BTC/ETH. It's pretty much blue chip now.

>> No.29538015

Eth will die. Simple as

>> No.29538059

Eth is the next bitcoin, ironically

>> No.29538166

ADA is a good long term play

>> No.29538179

holding for a few years; my almost guarantee pick is Harmony ONE. I foresee $1.00+ in a few years.

>> No.29538336

This is why no woman will ever even look in your direction.

>> No.29538503

Any exchange token

>> No.29538515
File: 41 KB, 1016x338, 83vmmex0s3h61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally only btc.

all alts that try to infringe on the use of blockchain for currency are redundant cashgrabs that offer absolutely nothing that couldn't be added to or improved within the bitcoin protocol.

until an alt does something uniquely different, like an NFT, or something thats not a "coin", its a waste of time.

>> No.29538623

Literally nothing will perform like xlm the next few years. Its completely flown under the radar. Is like ripple but substantially better in every conceivable way and its dirt cheap. 10-20 years from now it will be like IBM

>> No.29538826

if you want to hold for a few years or even why not make interest with some of the stablecoins or hex

>> No.29539823
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>> No.29539931

ignore these niggerloving mutts. your digits confirm. shes got a horses mouth and teef

>> No.29539941

want the truth? only Bitcoin is safe for more than 1 year. you should be selling every coin you own at the top of the bubble and waiting a year until it crashes 80-90% after the bubble deflates.

>> No.29539995

lol sheboon cope

>> No.29540057

These testicals you cunt

>> No.29540217

name checks out

>> No.29540272

bnb the only safe one

>> No.29540352

Honestly if you’re holding for a few years then bitcoin only.

>> No.29540420


>> No.29540623


>> No.29540861

Hex and xmr

>> No.29540985


>> No.29541895
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