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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29511903 No.29511903 [Reply] [Original]

Who managed to get a spot in the presale?


Here's the contract address if you want to snipe it on listing. Double check on the Telegram channel. Good luck, anons.


>> No.29512440

Such a shitshow with all the delays. I don't expect this to pump as high as OXB did a few days ago. I still managed to enter with 1 BNB, right before it was over.

>> No.29512619

>Such a shitshow with all the delays. I don't expect this to pump as high as OXB did a few days ago.
I agree with you there, they killed the momentum in my opinion which is why I'm expecting a slight presale dump

>> No.29512913

We'll see. I hope i'll manage to sell the top and forget about it like the others. So far on my end only getting in presales early me gains with bsc tokens.

>> No.29513000

Listing is taking way too much time

>> No.29513993

You have the right mindset. BFI is advertising itself as one of the only legitimate projects on BSC when it's just a ponzi-tier RFI fork so profiting off the hype is the best strategy Nonetheless it could print money for a little while after listing hence why I'm here.
Nice trips and yeah presalers must be worried now

>> No.29514441

based pajeets in TG

>> No.29514769
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Yeah it's hilarious

>> No.29515863
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>yet another delay
Think I'm going to drink myself to sleep, it's not as if I'd miss anything. Who'll join me? I'm sure presalers will dump hard on listing seeing how incompetent these retards are. I feel like I've wasted my time trying to enter into this botched presale to fail and wait an hour for nothing. Good night anons.

>> No.29516245

the absolute state
I pity presalers

>> No.29516432
File: 2.39 MB, 400x500, Brapp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black nigger dick eater joined the group
who was it

>> No.29516461

Consider your money rugged

>> No.29517140

>So far on my end only getting in presales early me gains with bsc tokens.

Lmao there was CAKE, WYNAUT, FSXU, BFI and literally any token released in the last two weeks who pumped hard
BFI in fact made me 4k USD just by swinging

>> No.29517211

Fucking incompetent scammers I want my money. I got in presale with 5 BNB

>> No.29518784
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>> No.29519087
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Scammers like OP are using token generators which can be found on GitHub (example: https://vittominacori.github.io/bep20-generator/)) to create these rug pull, PnD shit tokens. They then organize raids of /biz/ via telegram to spam their copy-pasta'd shitcoins. That's why you get so many canned responses in broken English when you tell them their "project" is a scam.

To any newfags around here that cant understand this bullshit: The vast majority of people who ape in to PnD and rug-pull tokens LIKE THIS ONE, end up losing everything they put in. Only the first handful of people that buy in end up making money, which is facilitated by rapidly dumping all over everyone who got in later. All you are doing with these "projects" is increasing the net worth of a bunch of lying, subliterate, third worlders, while risking your money.

This is how anything .finance works. This is how anything .money works. This is how PUMPKIN works. This is how POLONIUM works. This is how YIMPS works. This is how GBOI works. This is how YPANDA works. This is how KEBAB works. This is how SWOON works. This is how HODL works. This is how HOGE worked. This is WYNAUT worked. This is how MCDC worked etc... Et al. The people shilling it were early, and the people buying it now, will be dumped on at some point (often in minutes, but some very crafty scamniggers can make a PnD operation last for days, and in very rare situations, a couple of weeks). Stay away, and thank me later.

P.S. A "listing" on CoinGecko, or Poloniex, or any other exchange is not a sign of legitimacy. CoinGecko and Poloniex will automatically track ANYTHING with a certain amount of activity. It is only when you can buy and trade a token on a major exchange that you can be relatively certain it is not a scam. EVEN then you still should research the project.

PRO TIP: If you can't buy something on a single major exchange, if it is being vigorously spammed on /biz/, dollars to donuts it's a piece of shit scam.

>> No.29519410


>> No.29520115

What a scam