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2949951 No.2949951 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy bitcoin now or should I wait until it gows down again?

>> No.2949983

Yes. Buy high, sell low.

>> No.2949989

Never buy bitcoin. Buy Ether.

>> No.2949992

Is it an amount you care about or just play money? If play money buy now, if you care stay out of crypto.

>> No.2950026
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>Is it an amount you care about or just play money? If play money buy now, if you care stay out of crypto.

I was thinking about buying one bitcoin and leave it for a few years. It's not a lot, but it's also not nothing.
Is there a chance it will fall below 1500 again?

>> No.2950042

There is a change it'll do anything, I would say under 2k is likely within a month but don't cry "/biz/ told me it would dip" if it rockets to 5k and never sees 2k again.

>> No.2950046

Ok, I will buy some, since it's relatively cheap atm.
What's the best place to buy? Everyone and their grandma seems to be selling cryptocurrency now.
Also what wallet should I use?

>> No.2950052

foolish advice

>> No.2950056

I think the smartest thing to do is buy 1 Bitcoin and 1 Ether and let them soar, once they soar once which I say is about maybe a little over $1,000 in profit, sell half of that and put that into the stock market using Robin Hood or another commission free trading platform. It's the safest route in my opinion, stock market is less risky than holding onto cryptos for long periods of time, assuming you know how to perform in the stock market. Best part about it, cryptos is here to stay, you can repeat this process endlessly.

>> No.2950062

Coinbase is fine

Paper or brain wallet

>> No.2950063

>There is a change it'll do anything, I would say under 2k is likely a month

What are you basing this assumption on?

>> No.2950073
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>> No.2950089

Everyone is talking about dumping Bitcoin Cash and crashing etc. A lot of people don't really get why the Cash part shoeld crash so the Segwit part can moon. They are just waiting untill 2018 when the big Bitcoin Cash dumping is supposed to happen.

Uncertanty is lower prices

>> No.2950092

That sounds good. I still would like to buy btc when it's low

>> No.2950116
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I always thought coinbase also functions as a wallet? Is it safe?

>> No.2950173

"If someone else has the private keys to your bitcoin, it's not really your bitcoin"

>> No.2950190

You are looking at the wrong scale, change to logarithmic

>> No.2950193
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>> No.2950240
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Do I buy it on coinbase and then transfer it to a private wallet?

What is everyone else doing?

>> No.2950255

If you plan on holding it long term and not touching it, I'm talking 1 year or longer, then absolutely. Learn best practices for securing your own wallet and transfer your buttcoins to it from wherever it is you buy them.

>> No.2950261
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>> No.2950269

Alright, which wallet is safe and easy to use?

>> No.2950283


>> No.2950300

Not too well versed on that myself, as I'm daytrading nucoiner scum, so most of my coins are on an exchange, but Electrum seems alright from my experience. You can also check the bitcoin site for other alternatives.

>> No.2950311

Exodus Wallet is pretty awesome.

>> No.2950411

If I'm not storing anything on there I'm going to use Kraken, since they are cheaper than coinbase.