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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29498683 No.29498683 [Reply] [Original]

Most of you will never make it
you will buy foods and and pump n dumps.

This price point for Everest I'd normies and pajeets and retards best chance at not being a wagecuck ever again.

Just buy ID and Hold.

It really is that simple.


>> No.29498848

I have 2k buyded at 90 cents but don't really care I didn't go all in I hope it recovers soon

>> No.29499512

it'll be back once alpha is out
plus everything is taking a hit for the past few days
praying to Allah that this alpha is released

>> No.29499670

i hope so or will have to back wageslaving

>> No.29499715

alpha "coming soon"
and has been "coming soon" for 3 years

>> No.29499893

Have you been in the telegram? It's almost ready they showed video of it being used

>> No.29499921

Are you the same guy fuding everest on every thread ? Get a life, seriously

>> No.29500030

you trying to pump your bags?

>> No.29500101

Try 2 weeks retard

>> No.29500135

I ain't a wage slave now, but I do have a good amount in this project
Luckily, I bought at 0.5, so not too great of a risk.
nice try, but no. They've been dotting their I's and crossing their T's for three years. making sure this doesn't fail. so, yeah, nice try
I did see that, hoping for the best

Also, everything has been down for the past couple of days, so I'm not too worried about being at 0.55

>> No.29500227

why are you guys so attached to this?

>> No.29500285

because we bought the top and want to unload our bags

>> No.29500370

I invested a good amount, and I really like the idea of this project. And since most of the people I know aren't into crypto (and are pretty much the opposite of tech savvy), this is the best place to talk about my common interests with people.

>> No.29500430

and you are this guy >>29498881
why does this project have a dedicated fud team ?

>> No.29500573

Shitcoin, going nowhere
I own 67k
Do not buy this
I will gloat here every day when we hit $5 this year

>> No.29500608

stay mad faggot, im a bag holder since 35 cents and im pissed because i'll be holding them indefinitely

>> No.29500616

dedicated fud because this is a very good project, and they want in before they're priced out. Also, it's 4chan, people do things just cause

>> No.29500859

I want this to moon just as much as you but it’s kinda looking a bit like vapourwave

>> No.29500877

but I am not mad, you are
It's really obvious tho I don't even hold much ID and I don't really check the ID threads that often but there is like 2-3 guys typing the same shit on every everest thread it really sticks out

>> No.29500922

yeah, just wondering why you guys won't let this go. youve been raped in unrealized/realized losses because you keep holding on to this, its sad, i imagine you guys are all newfags like me

>> No.29500929

Do not fall for the FUD. Same as LINK. This is a top 20 crypto in 1-2 years. It is world changing technology. If you sell now or do not buy you're selling the bottom and missing the best entry price you will ever have.

Check etherscan you can see it is being heavily accumulated.

Prior to bitcoin dumping the whole market any dips were instantly bought up.

Alpha is about to be released.

Just buy now and hold and you will be wealthier than you could ever imagine.

>> No.29501304

it's going back to 0.15 isn't it?

>> No.29501353

kek im not happy either . Bought this shit on margin. Spent more money on gas makeing this trade then then buying the actual token

>> No.29501818
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>This is your best moonshot
Are those bags getting heavy OP? lmao

>> No.29501885

Alpha is about to come out, and I'm staking a shit ton
But if I lose too much money on this, oh well. it was fun while it lasted, and I'll probably be sucking on car exhaust within that month.

>> No.29502006

>Alpha is about to come out
.....any day now
have fun getting dumped on by supposedly locked tokens

>> No.29502101

Can you make a webm?

>> No.29502203

First time lurking an Everest thread, huh kid? I know we may look a zany lot to the rest of /biz/, but you’d be surprised at what you’ll find. Round these parts, those of us with enough hair on our balls to discuss the intricacies of biometrics and Estonia, like to kick back, and enjoy knowing the kind of leverage we’ll receive when it comes to moving around or participating freely in society. Part of the, yeah, I guess you could call it fun, is how we IDiots are still so fresh, yet are at the forefront of /biz/ memetics. Chyeah, stick around and maybe you’ll come to know what’s what, kid.

>> No.29502392
File: 167 KB, 1202x750, Screenshot 2021-02-23 at 16.09.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official crypto-fiat bridge for whole AAVE (for now) DeFi ecosystem nad INTEGRATED FTX code to provide enormously liquidity, biometric blockchain-based KYC/AML, one of biggest partnerships in industry and all this wrapped into tons of top trier certificates and licenses

this is next level shit with proven use case

>> No.29502567

Quote from Bob on Telegram

Hi all, just a quick update that we are making progress through QA on our alpha wallet with staking. Again, although Everest has delivered biometric ID with programmable fiat and integrated with banking systems (settling with our own ledger), implemented eKYC/AML to a central bank, performed organizational identites and tracked transactions per FATF with integrated reporting......putting staking in across our bridge to mainnet was new - and it's a new UX. And to those I disappointed on Sunday, I'm sorry. I've been doing this for 25 years, and have a pretty good feel for the debugging process - this issue was unique, and needed to be solved before releasing. We're doing some final testing, and I'll update you again shortly. See this video from yesterday of Brad testing the web alpha with staking. Thanks.

>> No.29502809

where has it been proven, anon?

>> No.29502955

>Hi all, just a quick update that we are making progress through QA on our alpha wallet with staking. Again, although Everest has delivered biometric ID with programmable fiat and integrated with banking systems (settling with our own ledger), implemented eKYC/AML to a central bank, performed organizational identites and tracked transactions per FATF with integrated reporting...

sure, let's see it bob

>> No.29503097

>https://id2020.org/projects.. also check who is backing it

>> No.29503297

I'm just quoting TG dude

>> No.29503612
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>> No.29503729

I'm really hoping this survives the correction, because I like this project.

>> No.29504092
File: 949 KB, 1280x720, My Movie 19-VideoToMp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vid from telegram. I used a phone converter, sorry for that.

>> No.29504157

you know that you can download media from telegram right?

>> No.29504217
File: 464 KB, 1072x1312, 1614092843110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HTML made in 15 minutes
>During which time you will learn

>> No.29504242

its shit

>> No.29504249

Mp4 format, had to convert it, also over size since it's 4.5mb

>> No.29504300

Either this project is going to 0 or to top 10, nothing in between.

>> No.29504321

this actually looks like such shift. what the fuck.i was about to buy this shit cause i think it can be an easy 2x but damn

>> No.29504426

AHHHHHHHHHHHH - wtf is this shitty UI

>> No.29504550

yes and I am willing to bet on it
With all that covid shit, blue chips like this will have higher priority and as it was in development for 3 years and got all licenses its ready to scale

>> No.29504553

True, it looks worse than everything I ever made in react.
> text not centered
> horrible padding / margin on divs
> amount input and surrounding text not styled
> wtf is that overview about how much is staked

>> No.29504730

I'll take an ugly but functional wallet over a fancy but useless one, but yeah, it's not the cleanest thing I've ever seen

>> No.29504880
File: 146 KB, 458x477, 1612857264774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why. why couldn't they just not name any deadlines. maybe the fud is true. boomers with 0 experience are heading the project.
i am financially ruined

>> No.29504916

I just doubt the product if they don't give a damn about spending one day on some simple css. I'm a bagholder but damn am I close to selling

>> No.29505314

Too be fair they did admit it was a shit UI which they will improve and it is an ''alpha''.

>> No.29505384

so this is the power of Everest

>> No.29505604

fair enough, I have my doubts too
But I think there's enough behind this project for me to be confident until the wallet is released. And plus, idgaf about how nice things look, I care about the idea of the project and the tech and people behind it. And if this tech is legit, and all these entities and people support it, I'll hold out until staking is open to make a call on selling or not.

>> No.29505791
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this but unironically

>> No.29505877


>> No.29506107

Such an enormous project with crazy partnerships, serious people behind it, tons of money there. Looking like this will shoot up to $50 and leave none alive.
And yet, they can't release on time what they gave us a date for.

I have this feel this is gonna be a thing in some years, they just wanted to cash in on the bullrun and started to trade it now. Likely will use the funds to continue with the project.

But its crypto, there's 5 others that aim to do the same. Be as critical as possible

>> No.29506409

sounds about right
I just don't think those other five are going to have the backing Everest does within the next two years, so this is probably the best bet.

>> No.29506888

It has a lot of backing but for all you know, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft etc. etc. are thinking of getting into crypto and suddenly one day project will pop up with any of their's backing plus backing of say, German or American government.

You can have the idea of universal basic income taking form of untaxed cryptocurrency distribution in say, Sweden, through e-wallets using brand new non existing crypto. Keep your eyes open in the next decade, these things will come to pass

>> No.29507339

There are other cryptos that do "ID stuff", only this one is based on your own phone though. But whatever, if it doesn't actually work then it's still vaporware

>> No.29507411

All of that is very true, and good advice.
There's very likely going to be other projects like Everest, and I bet af ew of them will be made by Apple or something. But I don't see anyone feasibly competing with Everest within the next two years. Then again, everest kinda came out of no where, so I'm remaining vigilant on similar projects. Plus, if this is where it's supposed to be in two years, I imagine the big corporations would just buy Everest and save on years of development

>> No.29507454
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>> No.29507547

This and nothing else. IF and that's a big IF since Everest is still a vaporware at this point, but Apple and Co. don't dev and create their own shit, they are just buying it all up.

>> No.29508056

Fuck i really want to get 2x my investment, I fucking lost half of what i invested so far. this performed poorly, but I don't believe its anyone's fault. releasing alpha wouldnt do shit for the price anyway, but I do hope for the marketing to happen

>> No.29508084

Why is everyone saying it looks bad?

>> No.29508195

because it literally do?

>> No.29508356

Once the alpha is released, that should be the fuel we need for lift off
plus, the deals with AAVE and FTX coming soon

If this isn't vaporware (I'd give it 30/70 odds in favor of being legit), you'll make you 2x

>> No.29509373

was ist price prediction?

>> No.29509575

I'm not a wizard or anything, but I wouldn't say 10$ EOTY is out of the question. It'll more likely be 7$ EOTY imo, high as 8$, but 10$ is a possibility.

Then again, I'm just dude on /biz/, so take that with a grain of salt

>> No.29509782

Welp.. im never buying this shit. I could make better looking sites when I was 12. Lmao this looks like the work of a pajeet on fiverr. Actually embarassing

>> No.29509959

the most undervalued coin right now is clearly Alpha. The exploit combined with the market crash have reduced its price to comically low levels. I bought 45k worth

>> No.29510066


>> No.29510184

I don't really see why wouldn't it skyrocket on some listing or proper release, when it crabbed till $1 it was p obvious price surpression. this simply isn't something that doesn't go wild upon recognition, simple tokenomics

>> No.29510398
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>> No.29510784

Good project but still too many whales holding that bought shitloads off Kyber at 0.15

>> No.29510891
File: 93 KB, 1024x1001, 1612158336615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire crypto investment philosophy revolves around finding coins supported by globohomo entities and then buying as much as I can while it's cheap.

>> No.29510991

You're correct, it's going to skyrocket, but I'd say give it 6 months before you can make a solid EOTY prediction. Given the data we have now, and on the good chance it isn't vaporware, it's 10$ EOTY. I could see it going to even 100$ EOTY if things really play out in our favor. I'd say the most conservative estimate is 7$ EOTY, so 10$-12$ is probably a very good bet.

>> No.29511342

it will hit $10. once it will be listed on ftx

>> No.29511353

ill take that, not bad. i also expect it, but we may as well have this till summer

>> No.29511358

Microsoft is funding everest, as is the rockefellers. Mastercard is a general partner with id2020, the group that funds everest (microsoft is a member). And visa is onboard. Everest has worked with 3 governments, has a banking charter, and has the former president of Estonia as an advisor. Not many know that Estonia has had a hugely successful blockchain based identification system that streamlined a lot of costly and time consuming government programs. What everest is doing is an improved upon version of estonias KSI chain they want to deploy globally and ID2020s entire purpose is to deploy digital IDs across the globe. Sure a new project could surface but this one is already here, has partnerships many projects dream of, and is beginning to roll out. It seems to me that all the pieces are falling into place regarding everests success. If another comes along, I'll reevaluate and possibly invest but for now, this is the clear leader in the decentralized blockchain identity sector.

>> No.29512351
File: 156 KB, 1192x647, everest_bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it all looks like shit. here's some highlights from the TG this morning for you all foreverestors

>> No.29512547

>Bob looking like he's about to pick his nose
just sold everything, holy shit

>> No.29513003
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>> No.29513017

>6 months

im not holding this shitcoins that long