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29498519 No.29498519 [Reply] [Original]

>bought BNB @ 330

>> No.29498617
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I bought at 317

>> No.29498756
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I hope you didn't sell yet.

>> No.29498874
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$305 here
we are never getting our money back

>> No.29498875

Nah I bought BNB after a 3x but seeing that vanish is hurting

>> No.29498914
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>bought bnb at 37

>> No.29498981
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>about to flip ETH

>> No.29498990

oh my gosh she was made for the BBC

>> No.29499011 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1066x1200, 1517387592351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course no. This is not my 1st bull market.

>> No.29499038

Me too and at lower prices so I sold it for a profit.

>> No.29499146
File: 236 KB, 840x913, 600-6005090_7190485-pink-wojak-screaming-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went all in bnb at $330 and btc at $57k

>> No.29499162
File: 1.09 MB, 1066x1200, 1517387592351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course no. This is not my first bear market.

>> No.29499187

>bought BNB at $325
>bought more at $310
>bought even more at $280

I'm not selling at this point, but I know I won't get that money back until 2023 at least. Will probably buy more if it goes back to $190 and just hold

>> No.29499200

hahaha what a pathetic scam,

>> No.29499333

How do I get a girl like that anon

>> No.29499445

be black

>> No.29499650

>didn't sell at 300
Why is selling the top so goddamn hard?

>> No.29499761

>I know I won't get that money back until 2023 at least

You mean until 20:23, yeah?

>> No.29499892

Because you are greedy and have no long term plan?

>> No.29499927
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you really thought it was THAT easy?

>> No.29499961
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bought 70+ around 30usd for card cashback and fees

>> No.29500000

>bought at 130
>was nervous it was the top
>sold at 331
Feels good man.

>> No.29500194


>> No.29500251

checked and based

>> No.29500392
File: 63 KB, 700x559, LAMBO_HODLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay hodlin bnb

>> No.29500431

I bought bnb at $8

>> No.29500637

Checked for good gains luck

>> No.29500693
File: 24 KB, 220x229, 1584641521760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought BNB at 295
>bought BTC at 57k
>bought ETH at 1.7k

at least I know better than to panic sell

>> No.29500914
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>> No.29501311

These last days were an anomaly. I'm pretty sure you will make that money back in march.
Ethereum won't be solving their issues anytime soon, and nobody wants to wait until they fix that shit

>> No.29501459

Btw I just bought $10k more of BNB. It won't get below $220

>> No.29502137
File: 312 KB, 797x984, bobocuttingpinkwojacksthroat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will go even lower

>> No.29502198

>look mom I drew some lines

>> No.29502322
File: 94 KB, 622x622, 4271AB7D-FD85-444B-A066-23C8552C6DD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally bought at 328 and want to fucking stab myself

>> No.29502593

diamondolic support at 200. this game is fucking terrifying

>> No.29502742

i dont even give a fuck anymore lmoa.

>> No.29503328

Imagine trading cypto and not immedtiately recognizing that indicator.

>> No.29503371

nice try kike

>> No.29503926

Didnt age well

>> No.29504071
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>> No.29504129

You’ll be fine lad

>> No.29504317
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>> No.29504643

I feel sorry for you bro.

I have seen Machimo over 4chan biz boards is it a good coin?

can you check

>> No.29505494
File: 80 KB, 800x684, 1585051684562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never selling

>> No.29505696


No sympathy for anyone that aped into this scam.

>> No.29505759

The only scam is your gas fees ETHkike.

>> No.29505942

>pays 400$ eth fees
keep coping ethard

>> No.29506286


>> No.29506610

What? It's sitting at $210 right now, I wasnt that far off.
And BNB has a lot of functionality, it's actually worth a lot more. It's going up soon enough.
It's dumb to be pissed about crypto dipping for a few days