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29494580 No.29494580 [Reply] [Original]

I still go to the public stadium to workout, I didn't change apartment, I still eat the same 3 euros pizzas everyday... Absolutely nothing changed in my life, sometimes I watch cars for sale but I immediately feel stupid and superficial so I close the tab... I will invest my money into making 3-4-5 kids with my gf, that's all.

>> No.29495139

and that's exactly what you should do
now your new job is simply maintain your wealth
>let it sit in fiat
>spend it on things that dont last
>waste it on 3 eur pizza
>invest in assets immune to inflation, such as land or property
>buy quality clothing that lasts and gives a relatively positive image of yourself
>make your bed every morning
>learn to make better pizzas than the ones youre buying

>> No.29495589

my life is fucking boring and I'm way too lazy to cook

my gf actually cook but it's too sophisticated, I like pizzas...

I'm DCAing in dividend kings since last month and planning to buy my grandma's house on the coast

>> No.29496434

go on a >>>/trv/ with minimal budget
>different than the norm, I will stress on this, different as in social, environment, climate, architecture
>you already are frugal so no need to splurge money
>see shit
>do shit
>may find a place to live for 1/5 of your current cost of life

>> No.29496878

I already traveled a lot in my life, met my gf in eastern europe and I'm on the way to get her some neetbux so I don't have to pay for her manucures and clothes

I think traveling is over for me, I want to fund a family now

>> No.29497207

Do something you like now. Start a small business (not with your make it fund, though) doing something you genuinely enjoy and work what hours you want. Start a charity. Write a novel. The only thing you shouldn't do is waste your opportunity to not wage slave. That's why I want out. I have tons of projects I want to work on but never any time.

>> No.29497249

Travel the world

>> No.29497479

I don't like working
my ideal day is : eating pizza, taking the sun, working out, having sex, having massage and... no work

I did asia, australia, southern america, eastern europe... even africa
I used to like travel all over the world, book a suite and fuck the local thots but I'm too old for this now, I found a girl who want kids so I won't leave my chance this time

>> No.29497687

take up a craft, learn to code and build a simple app, that you can tinker on everyday, thats what i do.

>> No.29497724

Then do that I guess. You'll be able to spend lots of time with your kids, which is something you will really enjoy. I've got 4 and it's great. Being a father really will give your life a whole new meaning.

>> No.29497887
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I like doing jetski though, with my best friend it's even better but he is not going anywhere

spent all his money on a wedding (told him to buy Bitcoin at 5K EUR) and he is now divorced and back to his parent's houses, always wants to smoke weed and sleep on my sofa

my dream would be to own a villa on a greek island, 2-3 jet skis, feeding the stray dogs and make my garden their homes + 4 kids with my wife

but I didn't make 10M... I'm just made the price of the house so it's not possible atm

>> No.29497996

I tried to code once, not my thing
I don't like to work

>> No.29498045

Unironically you're living my dream. I like my life how it is except work sucks up a lot of my free time.

>> No.29498129

your time will come, I missed 2017 it was my turn on 2021..

>> No.29498368

the teenagers at the stadium probably think I'm a poorfag, I'm everyday there jumping from bars to bars and running on my 35 EUR sportwears, some of their moms would assume I'm unemployed kek

today there was this 13 y/o girl always looking at me it was cringe she even came to make push ups near me (I often self isolate because I can't stand their stupid convos)

>> No.29498957

fair enough, well it's seems you have a plan then

>> No.29498966

Who cares what they think.
Have been working out on playgrounds with kids all around, and their overweight parents miring.
DESU you sound kind of lethargic. Are you consuming a lot of porn/media/video games?

>> No.29499066

they look at you because they think you're a pedo, especially if you do workouts shirtless in the summer

>> No.29499175

are you a hobo with internet connection?

>> No.29499770
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not a hobo at all

no netflix, no porn, no video games
im just lazy by nature but still workout everyday

i don't workout shirtless lol

>> No.29499949

congrats op, ive been shopping at thrift stores for the past 2 years. I don't feel any shame and I don't think anyone notices or cares.

>> No.29500112

Beans and rice anon? I know you’re not favelanon, I think he ded RIP. Glad you made it op. Hope your dreams become real.

>> No.29500330

hug me

not beans and rice
favelanon is not dead, he is studying in Brazil