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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 900x900, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29487200 No.29487200 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck what's going on? Shouldn't this guy be happy the Bitcoin price goes down? Why is he throwing such a tantrum?

>> No.29487294

hes secretly balls deep in bitcoin. his son likes bitcoin, his website takes bitcoin. i guarantee you he's had at least a bit of bitcoin for years.

>> No.29487342

look at that face, it is a jewish face

>> No.29487410

just admitted that #Bitcoin is not a currency for spending, it's only for saving. His comment is the equivalent of the classic expression used to describe bubbles,"these sardines are for trading not for eating." A currency that can't be used has no value.
>go to walmart
"Uhhh Ms. Shaniqua, does this register take gold? or perhaps silver? w-what about palladium? Oh ok I guess ill just leave my groceries here... th-thanks"

>> No.29487509

I believe that. It looks like he's trying to intentionally create a shitstorm and purposely makes himself look like an idiot so people buy the falling knife

>> No.29487514


>> No.29487530

everything he does is cope. ignore him

>> No.29487595

apart from gold has a million and one uses and has been money for thousands of years with the only exception being the last 50. bitcoin on the other hand has no use and is too expensive and slow to even send

>> No.29487697

It doesn't look like he's celebrating though. It rather looks like he's panicking. I think >>29487294 is right

>> No.29487708

musk, schiff, ADA guy, ... can't we just ignore these fags?

>> No.29487850

He was in by a good amount

>> No.29487876
File: 502 KB, 1080x1827, IMG_20210223_174229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this conversation even

>> No.29487922

lmao he put the eggplant in his name
not mad at all

>> No.29487979

>Underperform holding cash with your fund that literally just buys gold
>Somehow lose money investing in gold
>Also somehow lose money on the btc you accepted for gold on your website
Kek, you literally can't make this up

>> No.29487982

> has been money for thousands of years
I love the idea of a currency backed by Gold too, but assuming society doesn't completely crumble, it seems inevitable that humanity will mine an asteroid in the relatively near future.
Just one small asteroid might completely change the supply of precious metals on Earth overnight and make Gold a bad bet.

>> No.29488053

Take a good look /biz/. This is what happens when you trade on muh fundamentals. Literally nobody gives a shit what bitcoin does or how it's used. Nobody cares whether or not it's a store of value. People want it and they fucking buy it. End of story.

>> No.29488132
File: 20 KB, 342x480, soyjak-neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market will crash tomorrow
>nothing happens
>market will crash tomorrow
>nothing happens
>market will crash tomorrow
>nothing happens
>market will crash tomorrow
>nothing happens
>market will crash tomorrow
>nothing happens
>market will crash tomorrow
>market crashes
guys omg i'm a genius

>> No.29488162

If he was trading on fundamentals he would have been buying silver not gold. He's trading with 90% emotion

>> No.29488536
File: 133 KB, 300x286, laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29488629

im well aware, i just think it's dumb to make fun of bitcoin for peoples desires to only accumulate it and never spend it because that's what people do with gold too. no one really spends gold as every day money.

>> No.29488725
File: 1.80 MB, 2018x2600, stock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying Bitcoin when you could buy BHS

>> No.29488898

>put the eggplant in his tag

never thought id say it with schiff but holy fucking based

>> No.29489109
File: 111 KB, 493x377, bitcoin more like buttcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's been based all along

>> No.29489146

Ya this was also the most based thing I've seen him do. Sucks that the shiff indicator is moving into sell signal territory though

>> No.29489160

Kek based. Elongated musk shill btfo.

>> No.29489162

That's a really good point. And what about when they genetically modify humans to shit gold. Imagine what happens when everyone defecates gold and tries to pay for things. Just gold nuggets exiting everyone's anus. Big gold nuggets, maybe a little corn tucked in between. That would surely drive the price down as well.

>> No.29489396

Except weve already landed on astroids and brought material back. I haven't heard of any groundbreaking anal gold extraction proofs of concept.

With that being said though, asteroids would most likely be iron/nickel/zinc/etc rather than gold. There's a higher chance of them containing diamonds (carbon) than gold

>> No.29489399

rent free

>> No.29489466

jews are schizophrenic, so this is normal behavior from them.

>> No.29489553

>gold has a million and one uses
i'll give you ten bucks per kilo for all of those. You have to delusional to think that practical application of gold would warrant the price it currently is at

>> No.29489605

He lost his bitcoins in a boating accident, i am not even kidding.

>> No.29489613

Bad trip huh? Not a pretty thing.

>> No.29489727

mmhmm the nose is always hungry for more

>> No.29489742

his son literally shills bitcoin, schiff is long gold and btc, he might had fomo'd some alts or just butthurt from losing quite some gains

>> No.29489821

These are not only adults, but major Western industry players.

>> No.29490032

Fucking kek. I'm starting to get used to this clown world thing

>> No.29490239

only because its massively undervalued now and will be money again soon, not because it only goes up. once its money again it will be money.

>> No.29490361

then why is it at that price and historically has been the most desirable and liquid commodity

>> No.29490389

Day of reckoning for the crypto fags is coming. I can't wait for his 'I told you so' episodes. Serious I genuinely can't wait. He needs to start taking selfies with his vast amount of gold bricks.

>> No.29490516

reminder that this guy's trading underperforms the US dollar
literally more profitable to stuff cash under your mattress than listen to anything he says

>> No.29490634


He's admitted he was wrong about calling for hyperinflation to have already occurred years ago, his reputation is not imperfect.

>> No.29490717

everyone fuds their own coin, we fucking wish we could shitpost at the epic levels PS is capiable of

>> No.29490818

BSV is the real bitcoin anyways.

>> No.29490893

Fucking kek. Nice one m8

>> No.29491052

bros why did he put an eggplant emoji in his name?

>> No.29491138

I'm secretly gay and I would unironically suck him off. I have a thing for German daddies.

>> No.29491236
File: 9 KB, 320x180, 37A891E3-90A6-4F94-A6FD-8E2A4F063D0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schiff is literally behaving like pic related here lmao

>> No.29491373

old rich white dudes make me so fucking horney

>> No.29491517

That's what I'm talking about. There's nothing better than sucking off a suited white daddy.

>> No.29491647

Wtf is this clown world we live in

>> No.29491675

he is an npc and part of our simulation

>> No.29492132

Unironically remain gay, it’s for the best that you don’t reproduce and pass on your genes.

>> No.29492227

race & gender ? pls don't lie and say female

>> No.29492693


I'm a 22 y.o. white gay man for mature daddies.

>> No.29492865

Probably because gold still isn't moving lmaooo