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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29487189 No.29487189 [Reply] [Original]

> 0.50$
Will it go up bros?

>> No.29487345

I am all in on Everest

>> No.29487448

>doubting bob

>> No.29487521
File: 83 KB, 999x1280, 1613515968076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros give me some hopium.. price eoy?

>> No.29487706
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Please stop dumping I will eat ze bugs I promise

>> No.29487814

I don't know if this project will be around 1 year later

>> No.29487929

This project won't be around in a year lol

>> No.29488007

You should have known it was a scam when you got dumped on by early investors with supposedly locked funds

>> No.29488076
File: 296 KB, 1263x1361, everest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10$ EOY.

>> No.29488141

This nigger is still holding so idk really.

>> No.29488377

My question is why is the market cap so high already

>> No.29488405

did you just give hopium to yourself ?

>> No.29489886

>if the price of an asset goes does it means it is a scam

There is a reason you retards lose your money, and its because you are stupid.

>> No.29490764

scam alert

>> No.29491028

lmao you retard

>> No.29491450

Everything is a scam. The question is which is a scam that can convince enough losers to buy creating a selling window before they realise it is a scam.

>> No.29492329

This guy gets it. But Everest is already failing in the first weeks to deliever anything...big, big RIP

>> No.29492522

the telegram is so fucking annoying dude. banning people for being realistic about the alpha release for "FUD." are all crypto telegrams like this?

>> No.29493070

If a project has an official telegram it's a scam

>> No.29493576

No, but this project is especially retarded, especially the current SS regime of the admins.

>What do you mean no deadline? Bob set himself a deadline

>> No.29493819

And you expected a different kind of response from a literal NWO token?

>> No.29493927

Not really, but I expected less damage control and more self reflection from a NWO token

>> No.29494234

Instead of asking the same questions in a fucking telegram with retarded admins chill out

>> No.29494602

Kek, to the anon talking shit the other day talking about ID being $1.30 eat shit faggot.

>> No.29495712

>Nooo they banned me I will show them by fudding on 4chin

Bob already said it wasn't supposed to happen why the fuck are you spamming the same questions ? If you don't think it was a good answer sell and leave if not shut the fuck up and hold nobody has to listen you whining because you lost your lunch money

>> No.29496245

1. this is /biz/
2. stop being emotionally butthurt - you are clearly overinvested
3. Bob failed
4. sold my bags at 0.95, so clearly enjoying the shitshow

>> No.29496423
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can someone help me?
how isn't this vaporwave dogshit?

>> No.29496839

Lmao this rug pull is already happening, zero delivery in anything

>> No.29496990
File: 585 KB, 900x863, 1613553674552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not the one wasting my time fudding a project that I have no money invested in kid. Grow up, ones that are butthurt are clear. Did it hurt your feelings that the admins banned you ooooooo fucking imbecile.

>> No.29498053

Should I buy the blood?

>> No.29498497

Beat me to it

>> No.29498564

It's a product designed to bring Africans into decentralized banking. I'd rather it be a scam than legit desu. Everest is the George Soros of crypto bringing Africans where they don't belong to destroy working systems.

>> No.29498642

I think it's an originally legit project which has become vaporware but everyone is still keeping up appearances.

>> No.29498881

why are you guys so attached to this? it had its 15 minutes of fame and then didn't deliver.
people were telling you to get out and that it would be a bloodbath this week.
you all are going to miss out on other oppurtunities now while this crabs downwards for however long it takes the company with no dev team to release a product, if they even do

>> No.29499081

I'm just gonna buy more on the dip.
If I lose money, oh well, was a fun hype train while it lasted