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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 453x325, images-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2948389 No.2948389 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you got cosmetic surgery to give you an edge in your career?

Left guy is unemployed MGTOW virgin

Right guy is CEO feminist chad

See the difference packaging makes

>> No.2948395

It's not about your looks, it's about your attitude.

>> No.2948400

god fucking damn
can cosmetic surgery really do that?
that has to be photoshop too, the fag had tons of acne and other dirty dermatological issues

id pay 20 grand for a transformation like that though

>> No.2948403

Lol. Looks matter, my man. Looks give off initial impressions and subtle cues. People naturally let more attractive people take over leadership positions. There are literally thousand's of studies on this.

>> No.2948407

>feminist chad

>> No.2948408

lel there are actually people that
a) bought bth above $1,000
b) will not use cypto gains for cosmetic surgery

>> No.2948414
File: 51 KB, 605x316, 116337813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look better and have a thicker cock than the guy on the right anyways

pic related is my hog

>> No.2948415
File: 15 KB, 332x443, images-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2948417

>People naturally let more attractive people take over leadership positions
this is true.

also anon have you ever noticed how attractive people in leadership positions are always respected whereas ugly people in similar positions are hated by everyone

>> No.2948418

Left would look fine if he fixed his skin, not a hindrance economically at all

>> No.2948421
File: 13 KB, 333x441, images-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2948424

too true my CEO and top leadership are silver foxes who will age better than me

>> No.2948432

ugly people in leadersip have been strictly assholes in my experience

>> No.2948437
File: 1.22 MB, 1418x596, D8eQFYp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2948443

I want to get a chin implant since I am a mouth breather
Costs like 5k and Im neet. hopefully crypto will get me there

>> No.2948455

I'm investing my life savings on cosmetic surgery

>> No.2948456


>> No.2948476
File: 10 KB, 288x512, images-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.2948477
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1432520552328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminist chad

>> No.2948480

I had a rhinoplasty and a chin implant. Not really for my career.

Did it with a top NYC surgeon, looks so natural if the topic of plastic surgery comes up I can say "Oh well, I've had soooo much work done" and everyone just laughs.

If you have the money plastic surgery is honestly probably one of the best ways to spend it. Looking a constant +1 all the time for the rest of your life, whether you're dressed up or rolling out of bed is a pretty damn good investment.

>> No.2948486

Johnny Sanza 29...
I miss you.

Sincerely, Lifesucks.

>> No.2948489

why do most people who get plastic surgery look worse in general? got any pics of your face?

>> No.2948490


>> No.2948495

just b urself :)

>> No.2948500
File: 420 KB, 874x330, cirurgia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quoted, but...I got a nosejob and I like the result. It's not perfect, but I definitely improved. I wanna fix my macrotia though (hard surgery) and other stuff like negative canthal tilt and my chin/jaw retrusion. I need so much money to look average.

>> No.2948501

That's awesome dude, I have a question about rhinoplasty, did you have breathing issues after?
Is your maxilla recessed?

>> No.2948513
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20170803_19_47_36_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to get dentures ASAP and implants when my civic moons. Packaging matters a ton before a became a methhead/junkie I had great teeth, good credit, and comfy income. Now I have shit on top of shit on top of nightmares. But dentures will change it all. Would you hire me or buy a car from a person with a crackhead smile? Im going to find a dentist that takes XMR.

>> No.2948531
File: 142 KB, 1024x683, 6827849778_60e12566ef_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question: do my crooked teeth and busted upper lip prevent me from getting hired? I do my squatz and eat my oats, but nobody
wants to hire me except into back-of-the-store jobs... My upper lip looks like :3 and my teeth are white, but arranged like a xenomorph...

>> No.2948547

shave that horrible facial hair off while you are at it

>> No.2948549
File: 63 KB, 550x444, O5Oybda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your having confidence issues, you look like model, beautiful smile :)
I think you have body dismorphia go get that checked

>> No.2948552


dentist here. Try to save the teeth that you can, don't go full dentures unless the dentist determines they are hopeless. Even having just a few teeth on each jaw and getting partial dentures will be better than going full dentures. good luck.

>> No.2948568
File: 1.71 MB, 331x197, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are beautiful

>> No.2948585

Honestly.....who is insane enough to want to be a CEO? Or a feminist? Long work hours someone is always gunning for your position a job that would suck up your life and probably leave you divorced and paying alimony because you got her used to a lifestyle but were never home to be her husband so the pool boy and your ex wife live comfy on your money?

I get what you're saying hot people benefit from a certain level of privledge....but I personally do not like a lot of attention or a lot of bullshit.....all things more attractive people get a lot of. I prefer to fly low and make my money. If you produce something of value money will come to you. Whatever that may be....but your looks will fade no matter how much money you stick into your face....in not saying it's the wrong choice for everyone....if you like lots of attention it would be for you. But as a female....I don't wear makeup or do my hair in anything more complicated than a ponytail....my advice is to fly low on the attention seeking make your money and keep the people who like you for you a priority in your life.

>> No.2948606

is pic you?

>> No.2948611

I've read that but I just them all gone I've been sober a year and everytime I smile I cringe. I heard Kentucky has Dentist cheaper then mexico.

>> No.2948618


>> No.2948622

I've had jaw surgery....for tmj not cosmetic.....but jaw surgery alone runs like $35000 in the states

>> No.2948631

Bullshit that guy is from lookism lol

>> No.2948672


Id consider doing this if my career of choice was male model or kneepad salesman

>> No.2948686

Pretty good looking guy here (7 or an 8, tall)

I somehow always seem to nail interviews even though I'm pretty much always the worst employee, I'd say I get the job some 70% of the time

It's clear that it matters, but people get tired of your shit over time when you just become a face they see everyday. I bet just being motivated and ambitious wouldve got me farther


>> No.2948694
File: 196 KB, 951x1448, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at this chad ceo

>> No.2948735

>can cosmetic surgery really do that?

no. These retarded morphs would require about 200k of highly invasive surgeries, and even then it won't come close to such unrealistic results.

At best, surgery can be used to fix flaws. But it is extremely rare that someone goes from ugly to good looking. Since morons love "point" systems, I would say surgery can give a 1 point increase at best.

The people who have the best results from surgery are people who are *otherwise attractive* but have one glaring defect that is fixable by surgery, and suddenly their attractiveness is fully appreciable. That is not most people.

> that has to be photoshop too, the fag had tons of acne and other dirty dermatological issues

it is very obviously photoshop, and again, unrealistic.

>> No.2948746


If thats photoshop then its damn good

>> No.2948753
File: 23 KB, 334x512, 904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2948756
File: 99 KB, 760x797, gasman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminist chad

>> No.2948771

>cheating nature with cosmetic surgery

You want your offspring to look ugly too? If you die alone then you did a service

>> No.2948775
File: 61 KB, 307x440, senza-titolo-1-2621_0x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vincent Gallo is literally a male model, even in his 40's
>Henry Kissinger fucked Jill St. John
>Serge Gainsborg dumped Brigid Bardot for Jane Birkin
>Worlds richest men are Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett. Gates was the most attractive of the three when young, but he still wasn't exactly ht
>Vincent Gallo is a male model... A FUCKING MALE MODEL!! LOOK AT HIM!

Oh yeah because Angela Merkel, Bashar "chinless" Al-Assad, Xi Jingping, Hu Jintao, Turkmanbashi, fatass Hugo Chavez and all the other powerful or longstanding rulers of the last 20 years are sooooo attractive.

Money talks

>> No.2948802

>>Vincent Gallo is a male model... A FUCKING MALE MODEL!! LOOK AT HIM!

yes... a man with a well developed face and a striking look is a male model, what of it?

>> No.2948928

I have one of those faces that looks like it belongs to an entirely different person if I actually try to look good.

If I have a bad haircut and don't shave for a few days, I look like I just stepped out of the Paleolithic. Whereas if I shave, have my hair styled, and don't wear my glasses, I look decent enough to get the attention of women I'd normal consider out of my league.

Effort really goes a long way for appearance.

>> No.2949020

>he doesn't even lookism
c o p e

>> No.2949051

I agree but as you're female I'd say it's a bit of a cope. I firmly believe that a woman's greatest asset is her looks.

>> No.2949075

Being a CEO is fine especially when you have controlling ownership so you don't have to bend over to shareholders.

>> No.2949161
File: 24 KB, 460x276, Vincent-Gallo-in-2001-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cosmetic surgery and conventional attractiveness doesn't a success make.

More to the point, you can turn being a skinny guido into being a highly paid male model. Turn your appearance into an asset, don't play the victim because of it.

>> No.2949203

>someone is always gunning for your position
>what is 51% ownership

>> No.2949250

He's still gonna have ugly kids.

No amount of plastic can fix shit genes.

If you look like that just accept your natural tier.

>> No.2949266

You're a dude bro. Plastic surgery was unneccesary for you especially but whatever. Dont drop anymore money on this. Remember. a man's gotta be a man, a woman's gotta show her feathers. you just gotta take em

>> No.2949290
File: 522 KB, 1200x750, 37w2ODJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that guy in the op isn't even ugly. I'm being 100% serious. He just needs to fix his skin (acne/scar treatment), lose weight and bloated face, work out and build muscle, good hygeine and dress nice, maybe get on propecia to stop hair loss and bam he would be above average looking and hook up with just about any asian/ethnic girl or average white girl. You white guys have it easy, just stop being autistic faggots. Now try being a legit ugly shitskin like me with shit genes and borderline assburgers. Even my own fucking people want nothing to do with me. C'mon guys.

>> No.2949560


Pick one

>> No.2949571

Shave, work out, get a fucking tan and your teeth will be the least of you worries. Maybe get into skating, BMX, or hockey since tons of those guys have chipped teeth

Goddamn you look like a fucking neet

>> No.2949692

Yes, I got braces. Skin facial procedures to improve skin. Planning on a hair transplant.

That is jszanza, has he not done suicide by now? You can't achieve results as in OPs pic by surgery. Impossible.

>> No.2949696

>can cosmetic surgery really do that?

No, that is photoshop.

Google jsanza

>> No.2949715

How can heterosexual men accurately gouge the attractiveness of other males. I don't understand.

>> No.2949729

>and other stuff like negative canthal tilt

How the fuck do you even fix that?

>> No.2949737

all this discussion over a photoshop slobjob. Look at the background, the hair, the shadows on the face, the shirt. You absolute muppets. <3

>> No.2950555
File: 1.39 MB, 480x270, not bad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I make it big on crypto I'll be getting orbital eye rim implants and a canthoplasty. No more negative canthal tilt/tear troughs for me!

Now hopefully it'll happen in the next couple of years so I don't have to become a wizard.

>> No.2950570

As soon as I am rich I will go for the laser eye surgery. Besides comfort, I'll become a 7/10 instead of a 6. God, I hate glasses.

>> No.2950611

three only important things to invest in life

1-your mind with a positive dont give a shit attitude

2- looks surgery, weights whatever

3- more cryptocoins- on next biggest thing

>> No.2950640

Left guy still eats meat,
on the right he's been a vegan for a year.

>> No.2950643

orbithal rim implants + canthoplasty

>> No.2950670

Women do the same.

>> No.2951208

IMO you just have self-esteem issues and you're trying to paper over them with surgery. The underlying problem will always be there. It made very little difference, btw. And your kids are going to inherit your real features.
>inb4 they can just get plastic surgery too

>> No.2951234

Feminist Chad? Are you retarded?

>> No.2951269

do you really need to ask that when anon is looking for fucking cosmetic advice, on BIZ......

>> No.2951443


i hope youre trolling because 1) those pictures look exactly the same 2) theres absolutely nothing wrong with your nose 3) if youre insecure enough to get a nosejob as a man you have MUCH bigger problems than your looks. youd be much better off working on your self-esteem and mental health IMO.

t. have small cawk and nose like a jew and probably still had more sex than most posters in this thread

>> No.2951555

orbital rim implants look shit. It is fake shit implant, will always look unnatural

>> No.2951669

which dr, and cost?

>> No.2951834
File: 15 KB, 300x199, from entry level IT cuck to jared leto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could've been a slayer

>> No.2951889

Indeed it does. I own several Banks and Castles all across France.

>> No.2951947

Lol truth. It's a wonder there's any virgins with white DNA. Oh wellz.