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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 44 KB, 1200x656, photo_2020-12-24_11-58-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29483290 No.29483290 [Reply] [Original]

who the hell would want to buy into this fucking shitshow?

>massive gas fees
>flawed architecture
>Vitalik Buterin, more like Autistik
>bound to death

There is literally no reason to not migrate your portfolio from ETH to almost every other coin, Link and Avax are in a good place to buy into, but even towards BTC and hold for 10 years is more promising than this sinking ship

>> No.29484685

It's never going back up is it?

>> No.29485337

Everyone's waiting for March 9 dump to buy. Be patient and you'll be rewarded

>> No.29485643

I'm starting to think I bought the top at 35.

>> No.29485898

I sold my little stack at 35 and got back in at 26 today. Just be patient. The volume on Pangolin's been going up even with the whole crash going on and it is currently the best alternative to ETH. As I've said, patience. If you can't, then put it into staking like I did today.

>> No.29486045

>not knowing that ETH can't scale because then ranjeesh's raspberry pi node in india with shitty internet wouldn't be able to sync making the network centralized.

>> No.29486092
File: 33 KB, 442x446, 1612302999401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Vitalik Buterin, more like Autistik

>> No.29486256

It's already priced in, everyone is waiting for a dump that will never come. And when they realise this on March 9 the price will pump.
Screencap this, AVAX was already undervalued but now with everything dumping this is an especially great moment to buy.

>> No.29486336

You lost to FTM turkroaches, time to fuck off.

>> No.29486579

Female to Male tranny coin is a newfag p&d, everyone that has been here for longer than a year knows this.
>no working dapps
>0 use cases
>network breaks down at the slightest load
>faked transaction speed
>faked white papers
>Korean team left long ago
>Andre Cronje held hostage in North Korea to tweet about fake tech
>fake partnerships with shithole countries that won't even exist anymore in 2 years (Ukraine -> Russia, Afghanistan -> Biden)
>lied about Dubai
>coinbase never coming
>suddenly it's not an ETH killer anymore, but an ETH "helper

>> No.29486664

I'll have more money to buy tomorrow, I completely agree with you fren. Mid-March we'll melt faces

>> No.29486682

If by now you haven't understood why Avalanche is receiving major levels of fud, ngmi

>> No.29486702
File: 83 KB, 810x810, soy093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the hell would want to buy into this fucking shitshow?
>>massive gas fees
>>flawed architecture
>>Vitalik Buterin, more like Autistik
>>bound to death
>There is literally no reason to not migrate your portfolio from ETH to almost every other coin, Link and Avax are in a good place to buy into, but even towards BTC and hold for 10 years is more promising than this sinking ship

>> No.29486746

buy a shitcoin that was killed on first DEX release????

rather buy SCRT that has secret swap and it works

>> No.29486786
File: 42 KB, 399x322, ppe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH is a shitshow
>buy ERC20 tokens (which depends on that shitshow not collapsing)

>> No.29487182

there are reasons to be bullish on ethereum as a platform, but the investment case for ether is shit. those are different things. i hope and think ethereum will stick around for a long time, but by design it can do that without a high price of ether.

>> No.29487292

AVAX is not ERC20

>> No.29487721

>forced onto 50 hour work week
>bank 2k a month
i'm moving everything above 1k into my account and buying avax march 9th, 11th.

>> No.29488304

what if this is another more effective way to suppress LINK besides the BTC dumping shenanigan, Surgey has to dump a shit ton amount of LINK to cover the gas fee.

>> No.29488541

First L1 that isn't a cash grab, so the cash grabs are seething because they don't want to lose credibility.