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29479771 No.29479771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get over the feeling of not selling my LINK for BTC in August 2020? How do I then get over this feeling of not selling my LINK at $36?

LINK has been an absolute piece of SHIT over the last 6 months. Its pathetic

>> No.29479879

what did she say

>> No.29479961

why doesn't he move?

>> No.29479994

just see the future bro

>> No.29480016


>> No.29480025

hes a predator and you are the prey

>> No.29480036

nothing important

>> No.29480146


>> No.29480170

Why does he have a jawline like that?

>> No.29480235

looking forward to being a single mom

>> No.29480271

How did you get over not selling your Link for $18 in August 2020? Does it help that it’s $25 now?

What if I told you that if you just do absolutely nothing for 6 months, you can sell your Links for $45 (you’ll have missed the $64 top though). Are you a mad faggot because you missed selling above $60?

>> No.29480278
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They are so goddamned retarded. I'm not even exaggerating when I say she has a higher than 50% chance of getting pumped, left with a couple out of control mixed kids, and then left by the dude in a few years. It happens to literally every mudshark I know, all of them.

>> No.29480338

Same, just for XMR, aka the crabbiest crab that ever crabs

Its a shit feeling but I think you just gotta go forward and try to learn how BTC works
>BTC go up
be in BTC
>BTC go down
be in stablecoins
>BTC crab
be in alts

>> No.29480423

he had a football helmet surgically installed so he can fly off the handlebars of his motorcycle and go through your front windshield and sack your ass

>> No.29480446

Something like "That's the whole point of being with him, thank you"

>> No.29480473

It’s going to go back up in the near future to new highs.
We are already close to the bottom

>> No.29480493

I can't say where I found the statistic but I believe the odds of single mothers by black fathers is around 75%

>> No.29480593

i thought the whole point of being with him is she hates her father

>> No.29480600
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>I'd rather queef a shitskin rather than a cum skin out of my cunt

The absolute state of the white race.

>> No.29480731

He's obviously only half black at most and half European. Their children will most likely be only 20-30% black, and the children after that will be only 10% black, 5%, 2%, etc. Blacks are being bred out of existence.

>> No.29480790

Probably, I was just trying to lip read but I'm not good at it.

>> No.29480913


>> No.29480932

Did you know that black fathers spend the most time with their children when compared to fathers of other races?

>> No.29481093

When both are in the same cell block?

>> No.29481182

fucking kek

>> No.29481283
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>dyed hair
>guy literally looks like fucking cheddarman


>> No.29481349

Okay that's a good one

>> No.29481479

But imagine how progressive I'll seem

>> No.29481486
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>> No.29481581



>> No.29481603

you're never going to get over not being white kek

>> No.29481606


Lol the only reason why these relationships fail is because the white woman is the one who bails, not the black dude. Imagine the type of black dude who goes for a white girl - upstanding with an education and a job. You really think that dude is chimping out and leaving a pregnant wife? Yeah Dave the Accountant says fuck nah bitch theese aint my keeds. Are you retarded? It's the white bitch who's usually an empowered feminist who bails at the first sign of conflict in a relationship. I know this shit is true because you white guys complain like babies when white women do this shit to you. When Becky cleans out a black man and runs off with the kids it's the niggers fault, but when she cleans your ass out it's feminisms fault right?

Is right on the money. No matter who they have kids with black fathers are the most involved with their kids more than white men in spite of all the bullshit.

>> No.29481628

I 5x with link the past 6 months and it's about to hit new highs sometime very soon. The upside is i knew i was holding for a long time and went months at a time without checking. If you want to spend hours a day sifting through shitcoin psyops to find a quick 10x then go for it

>> No.29481734


Yeah dude totally, always the woman's fault not the race with historic fatherlessness rates lmao

>> No.29481889

> Imagine the type of black dude who goes for a white girl - upstanding with an education and a job. You really think that dude is chimping out and leaving a pregnant wife?
>black fathers are the most involved with their kids
holy shit this is most hilarious copypasta i've ever read

>> No.29481975
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Imagine simping for niggers on 4chan

>> No.29481981

Right, and then when "roasties" divorce you, take your shit, cheat on you with your dad and best friend, and make you raise another white man's kids without knowing, it's never her fault too?

>> No.29482122


You are not fooling me. I have two mixed friends, both dads are out of the picture. I scroll down my FB feed and I already have about ~3-4 white roasties with mixed babies and no baby daddy in the mix. I know how this shit works idiot.

>> No.29482145

> Imagine the type of black dude who goes for a white girl - upstanding with an education and a job. You really think that dude is chimping out and leaving a pregnant wife?

It's true. If you're thinking of a 'Tyrone' archetype then a white suburban girl is literally last on his list of options. Alpha black men almost exclusively mess with black girls and maybe the odd latina. The only black dudes who really go after white girls are the obama nerd types.

>> No.29482162

>Want their children to be half chimp
What's wrong with american woman?

>> No.29482187

>its never her fault too?

There is never 'fault'. There is simply the toll being paid.

>> No.29482194

It's actually an American thing, not a race thing. African people in Africa and Europe have normal family relations and are most of the time more conservatives than Europeans. But he's totally right. White women from the West are terrible partners/mothers, probably the worst in the world.

>> No.29482262


You can already see her soul leaving the body by looking at her eyes. Her family will shun her for having a baby with a black man. I've seen this happen often. And the black man will leave her a few months after the baby is born. Many such cases. And I love it, seeing the despair of those single mothers who felt so smug before.

>> No.29482281

kek pol fags on suicide watch

>> No.29482349
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>> No.29482351

Hijacking this thread to ask, are BTC transactions really slow for anyone else? I move 0.01 BTC from Goybase to Binance nearly 2 hours ago and it's still orange Pending with 0 confirmations.

>> No.29482366

the two aren't mutually exclusive you dumb nigger. niggers can nigger and roasties can roastie, it depends on the specific situation. a majority of which are niggers niggering out of a relationship.

>> No.29482399

>You are not fooling me. I have two mixed friends, both dads are out of the picture. I scroll down my FB feed and I already have about ~3-4 white roasties with mixed babies and no baby daddy in the mix. I know how this shit works idiot.

And what? You have two mixed friends and the vast majority of white men I know have dads out of the picture themselves, or straight up killed themselves because they had no father figure growing up and were forcefed bullshit by a white feminist mother. Or worse they transition, the dad says shit against it and White Mommy divorces his ass for being intolerant and 'unfit to raise a kid'. I can scroll down my FB and Instagram feed and see white women on their 4th marriage (of all white guys) traveling the world and being dog moms while some WHITE man is paying her child support and getting financially fucked over.

>> No.29482452


They infuriate me because they tend to double down and become the biggest liberal nig apologists


>> No.29482490

She said, "Take away my right to vote, I am no better than a child"

>> No.29482513

okay this guy is definitely a troll. pretty good job.

>> No.29482519

god that is hot imagine him pumping her little pink pussy full of black sperm.

you guys should buy stakenet.

>> No.29482545
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Again, who do you think you're fooling? There is such a thing as relativity

>> No.29482549

Based and womenpilled

>> No.29482601

Anyone still taking this nigga's bait deserves the hook

>> No.29482656

Damn, he can kick my li'l whiteboi ass with ease.

>> No.29482699

Yeah dude South Africans blasting people off the road on the highway with AKs to steal $5 is totally an American black exclusive thing, oh wait no actually it's literally just a black race thing.

>> No.29482714


Lol yes, that's because they know their mixed son will not go anywhere in life. He has no real identity because he is mixed. And this isn't me being a racist, because when I see black families where the father is responsible and around (although rare), they usually are good people to be around.