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29477745 No.29477745 [Reply] [Original]

It's really over isn't it? Crypto plummeting, stocks plummeting, everything plummeting.

It's all coming down isn't it?

>> No.29478103

>overreacting because of a little dip

Fuck off.

>> No.29478935

I thought it was a little dip at 50k. The red lines are only getting longer.

>> No.29479384

Remember last march? Of course you don't, newfren

>> No.29479397

How many newfags are on /biz/ now holy shit

The dump will end when you faggots leave

>> No.29479772
File: 87 KB, 326x305, 1613416190015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this, you normies bought at 50k, sell now amplifying the dip, and if it ever crashes hard, you will disregard the low price

literal cycle of sheep. why didnt you buy the corona dip, when it was at 3k? 10k crab? 30k crab? crhristmas pump? because you normies are nothing but a brainlet herd, you need to be told what to do

so let ME help you, not ur guru celebrities giving you financial advices

just fucking

thats it

>> No.29479890

forgot to link OP

=> >>29479772

>> No.29479978

I honestly hope (sry guys) its crashing, so I can scoop btc or eth at cheapies

>> No.29480106
File: 156 KB, 999x932, retardalert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H O D L

Hello plebbit

>> No.29480155

hello swingie

>> No.29480211

Something is wrong going on

Mochimo for for all

>> No.29480534

> 10:06:10

> 10:06:41

Found the autist refreshing his browser every 15 seconds. Holy fuck you need a new hobby.

>> No.29480698

i have an extension for quick replies, but ur very observant ill give you that

so why do you think its a reddit way to hodl?

>> No.29480815

>Not buying this discount

>> No.29480924

>2021 bag holder
I sold there's no down side to selling, if it goes back up I'll buy back

>> No.29481030
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>> No.29481344

95% of my money is already in crypto.

>> No.29481434

if the real world is plummeting, everyone will rush crypto so it can't all come down together

>> No.29481452

pls explain and i'll post some hot pussy

>> No.29481546

JP talking later today to print more monee

>> No.29481580

We've just had a historic bullrun in both crypto and stocks, what did you expect
I made great money swing trading over the past couple months and now things are getting cheap I'm going to put my gains into long term investment opportunities

>> No.29481601

same fml. AND i just sold my Solana a few days ago and it pumps +50% . This is my life

>> No.29481615

annoying nigger this is 2021 stop pretending like hindsight isn't 20/20.

>> No.29481623
File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, 1583870196749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please swingie, read the pic for your own sake.

>> No.29481877

>this is 2021
and? whats your point? excuse me i must be too retarded to understand. because my point was - always accumulate, every dip, every crash. and you know what? it works. for years. always did.

>> No.29481944
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1555693856622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare yourself for 70k.

>> No.29482727

its over for you, because you are a little bitch faggot with weak hands.

you should sell... because I bet your holdings will buy you nothing, and get you zero pussy because we all know you look like a faggot that cant get any so you need money

or you can hold, and you will make it. its that simple you fucking retard

>> No.29482817

Yeah it’s over, I’m sitting in cash and PM’s for a while until I feel confident again. It’s not like we all didn’t make a lot of money in this bull run

>> No.29483223

cash is dogshit

>> No.29483296

Yes it would seem so.

>> No.29483679

should have been up at 11pm to 5am
it was a real horror show fren

>> No.29485033

amateur hour. you should sell