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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29468282 No.29468282 [Reply] [Original]

BNB will flip ETH in the upcoming altseason. People experienced today and yesterday how slow and expensive this shitchain with spaghetti code is. Tried to add collateral for your debt position? Tried to do a transfer? Tried to pay a loan? In the most critical moment you had to pay up to 2000 USD in fees! Let that sink in!

People got burned and people are angry. They either leave or they look for alternatives. BNB will flip ETH.

>> No.29469528

Don't you realise that if people wanted a copycat like bnb, eth wouldn't be where it's at right now?
Do you think big players are buying bnb? fuck no.
BNB is 2017's BCH and other fucking forks.
They will get dumped like crazy.
Copycats always get rekt, specialy centralized shitcoins like this

>> No.29469649

Not buying your chink shitcoin.

>> No.29469790

You realize that if people wanted ETH, BNB wouldn't have jumped from about $20 in December?

>> No.29469791

>people are leaving ETH because of high gas fees
>even though the high gas fees are the result of high network usage
Do you need someone to explain to you why you are retarded, or is your double digit IQ enough for you to figure it out for yourself?

>> No.29469872
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ITT: Muh DeFi ChainSTINK holders and ETH miners whine about the future of crypto

>> No.29469970

I tried to transfer 10 dollars worth to my wallet and the fee was going to be 20 lol

>> No.29469971

>BNB is 2017's BCH

Bullish. BCH was worth 0.9 BTC at the peak of flippening. So you are saying BNB will be over $1500 this bullrun?

>> No.29470143

If you think copycats get rekt then you are wrong.

This chink shitcoin will flip ETH and I am 100 percent sure about it. BNB will do a 5x and ETH will go sub 1k. The only reason why BNB hasn't already flipped ETH is because of Metamask. I bet CZ is thinking already about it to either buy Metamask and then he will set BSC as default chain or he will pay Metamask to add BSC by default.

>> No.29470157

i had to pay 6,000,000 in gas fees

>> No.29470174

BNB is a typical chink scam copycat. I own BNB but I have cz and his cocky attitude. 21 nodes all controlled by CZ .Literally no comparison to ETH. Decentralization is not a meme

>> No.29470523

Cardano and Avalanche all the fucking way